Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 441 Collection (Subscribe)

In the Water Margin World, Wang Qing was one of the four big princes, known as Huaixi Wang Qing, but its forces were not in Huainan West, and we western Huainan West Road.

Moreover, Wang Qing occupies Xijing, the land of the border, is not only the land of Bagong, but also in Hubei to Sichuan, from Henan to Hunan, the forces can be more than the Liangshan in Hunan.

Wang Qingben is from Tokyo, it is a talent. Unfortunately, it is a slight, and I want to do well. After defeating the big family, I will have a slairman from the military, but it is still nature.

Because of the risk of romance, later hooked the children of Tong Zong Tongzhao, Yang Wei's grandchildren, this woman was robbed as a woman, and Xu Wei's son was a child, which is a Sun of Cai Jing.

This is a big man who is sinned by three chantang. Wang Qing can have fun, soon, it will be found by the boss, because the reputation, the child is still not killing him. , Just piercing it in Shaanzhou.

Waiting to stay in Shaanxi, Wang Qing is not very honest, causing the event, killing the world, and then ran out a horse, siege, in the Jingxi Road, Jinghu North Road, and Zhangzhou Road, Tong Jing Discussion It is not enough to defeat, the soldiers are jeopardized.

So the emperor will live a strange account.


Host: odd

Occupation: Physician (Master +), Dan Shi (Intermediate +), Farm (Master +), Master (Master +)

Realm: Yuan Shenfeng

Method: Avenue has no power (successfully), Dragon Elephant is hurt (successfully), Zhengqiu (successfully) ...

Martial Arts: Break the sword (successful), picking the star hand (successful), stepping back (successfully), easy to for for forging the bones (successfully), the soul Dafa (successfully), the moon bow (successful), the wind knife (successful) ) ...

Scheme: Drug Rat (Successfully), Spring Surprising Rain (Successfully), Lightning (Successful), Positive Method (Successfully), Five Thunder (Successfully) ...

Source point: 513.2

Main line task: Kill the Evil (410), reward unknown, the task cannot be returned before the completion is completed. (undone)

Branch Task 1: After Liangshan agglomerate, set the liang mountain, reward 100 source points. (completed)

Branch Mission 2: Pingding Tian Tiger, Wang Qing, Fang La Song, reward 150 source. (undone)

Branch mission 3: Beat the Liao Qi, seize Jingyun 16th, reward 100 source points. (completed)

Compared with the previous, there is no change, just kill two reuse.

The skill of the robbery is still far away, and if the task is completed, it will be obtained from the emperor, and I don't know if there is still a further time.

The reincarnation is dead in the unaware, nor does it know who is killing in the chaos.

However, in this world, it seems that I have a little protagonist. I haven't seen it, I have already died, and another is dead in front of you, one by himself, the last exposed It is still crafted in your own camp.

If there is no effect, it is better to kill things directly, save yourself that he suddenly broke out one day, so that yourself in the ditch.


The soldiers and horses increased, and the Qi Ti also increased the soldiers and horses of Songjiang as a pioneer to 500,000 people, in order to pioneer south, Xijing, Henan Province.

At the time of the road, I heard that the children had transferred the geniostat and others who were listening to the Jiangnan before.

The Northwest Force is the ace of the big broadcast, no matter where it is flattery, the first time I think is the northwest banned army. When Di Qingping, Di Qingping, the main force is also the northwest.

That is, the West Summer has been in the past few years, so far, there has not been recovered, otherwise the Song Song is so large that the northwest is banned, and the West is early.

The emperor of Xixia is also a master, and it is the history of the Song Dynasty in the south, and it has expanded a lot of sites.

However, this is not related to the singularity. If the West Xia felt that the Song Dynasty tuning the northwest banned army was weak, he didn't mind letting Xixia tasted the big Song's iron boxing.

Now his attention is on Wang Qing.

This last branch mission has completed one-third, and the remaining Wang Qing battle is the last one.

The three majors are more than Song Jiangqiang, but it is integrated, but the source point given is not set to Liangshan.

Because after the Song Jiang is recovered, the turmoil has been destined to succeed?

This system, the most unsatisfactory, is the system elves that can be confused for yourself, everything is going to do.

However, if the words come back, it is fortunate that the system is already lucky.

, it seems that it is wrong, this system seems to be ancestral, it is destined to belong to himself.


Attacking Tian Tiger, Qi Ti is ready, starting layout in advance in advance, and insert it into the middle and high level of the Tiger forces all the way.

However, Wang Qing is different. His forces are too far away, and that year, it is basically Qin Feng Road, Yongxing Jun Road, Hedong Road, almost no.

And the Gyeonggi, who is adjacent to Yongxing Military Road, sorry, people don't enjoy life at the foot of the sky, who is willing to go to your northwest to drink a drink?

So for Wang Qing, the undercover is not good, only the front is in front.

Fortunately, the soldiers and horses in my own are strong enough, and I have received dozens of Malings, Yu Xiang, Sun Ang, and buttons, the strength, and naturally not Wang Qing.


Xijing Luoyang is second only to the rich land of Jingjing. It is not far from the , it is also the mainland of the big Song.

However, it is such an important place to make Wang Qing, who is born by the army, is, and it is, and the child is actually not taken.

After the Song Jiang was promoted, it was once again a pioneer, the power is full, and all the way to the south. After the Huazhou to Mengzhou, from Mengzhou River, the army will pour the Luoyang.

Luoyang's defenders were Gong Duan, Wang Qing's apprentice, because the good hospitality on the road in Wang Qing, was made by Wang Qing as Xuanfu, and won this Xijing with the command of the army.

Like the generals under the Tiger, defeating the Tong Gong, Wang Qingzhu's soldiers feel that Song Jun is so this, and there is much fear.

Maybe Wang Qingzhen also heard that the monk recovered the clouds of the clouds, and the news of Tianhu's news, but did not see it, not personally experienced, it would not believe it.

So I said that Song Jiang killed, and two people did not hesitate to fight.

Song Jiang brothers were present, and there were more people, Sun Ang, Sun Ang, etc., Gong Dynasty didn't be resistant, even if it was quite a law, it was not Song Jiang's opponent. Under the battle, Song Jiang rarely Many, the battle of Gong Dynasty, the trend of Gong is not familiar. In the pursuit, Gong Sunsisheng broke the "poisonous flame ghostwang", Song Jiang, who turned into the city, and seized the strategy of Xijing. It is necessary to relieve the threat of Jingjing West.

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