Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 442, Lianjie (seeking subscription)

After breaking Luoyang, Henan Province did not have Wang Qingzhongjun, and after the arrival, he immediately divided into the county.

Xijing was so rapidly attacked, let Wang Qingjun can't work hard, Wang Qingjun, who is attacking Ying Changfu, Luzhou (Cangzhou) immediately stopped the offensive, retracted Wanzhou (Dengzhou).

The strange troops are flattery, the court has experienced experience, the reaction is also very timely, the Qi Qi army broke Xijing, followed by appealing, and took over the civil affairs, let the Qi Ti can go to the enemy.

After several days, the army of the county is returned, and Qi Ti has not stopped, and the army enters Luzhou.

Luzhou is the northern portal of Wanzhou, who is hoarded by Wang Qing, because the army has come too fast, Wang Qingjun has not attacked all Luzhou and Xijing, and hundreds of thousands of army stick to Leaves, I don't want to give up this north. springboard.

Wang Qing is from Tokyo, it is arrested for a traitor, and sentenced to death, and fortunately, he lived. Therefore, for Cai Jing, Tong Jing's forced him to die is particularly angry, so I am going to go to Tokyo, let these people often have the bitter fruit of the year.

The big Song Fang family, I can't have to wrote it half.

Otherwise, Wang Qing can do not enter the soldiers in Gyeonggi, because it is nothing more than a dozen states, after all, the big Song is called more than 400 army.

Wang Qing's best strategy is to win Sichuan to southwest, and seize the Jinghu, and then compete with the big broadcast.

But Wang Qing did not do this, this probably survived in the heart of the sky.


Wang Qingjun didn't want to give up Ye County. He is in the middle of Song Yang. After all, in Nanyang, Ye County is very attacked.

However, Liu Min, of Wancheng, did not want Song Jiang to easily attacked Leng County, see Song Jiang's light soldier to attack, the main force is more behind, so the pro will be a million army, and the joint Ye County is guarding the city to fight.

For example, in Xijing, Song Jiang defeated Liu Min with a weak victory, defeating Liu Min, and chasing Ye County.

Liu Min lost a heavy loss, with more than 100,000 colored collapses and fled back to Nanyang, immediately transferred the book Yun'an Wangqing, requested to send troops to support, and convened the soldiers and Malay aid around him around Wanzhou.

After this, he didn't dare to go out again.

Wanzhou lost hundreds of thousands of troops, and did not go to the hunteen of the injury. Nanyang has two or three million troops, Chongzheng Baishe, Liu Min does not come out, Song Jiang quickly, only in his hand People, there is no way to take Nanyang.

So, in the spot, waiting for the legendary army to come.

At the place of Luzhou, when the Quality Army arrived in Nanyang, the army of Wang Qing's dispatched the army was about to arrive.

Take the Dutu Duzhen (Xué) is headed by more than ten generals such as Hao, Thailand, and Zhuo Mao, led to three million to support Wanzhou.

Before this, Liu Min was toned to Xinyang Jun, Guanghua Army, Suizhou, Tangzhou and other plants, and the Song Jiangbing hindly hindered, and Liu Min called Two Millions.

If Du Yu is the army into the city, the soldiers in Nanyang City will not be less than the Qi Ti's army.

Qi Ti naturally won't let this happen, immediately send a few soldiers and horses before the Song Yang.

Song Jiang intercepted Du Yu in the southwest of Nanyang, put down the scorpion, supplemented by all soldiers and horses, and successfully stopped Du.

Just in this Nanyi miles outside the city, I opened a war.

Millions of people's shouts, faintly introduced into Nanyang, Liu Minxus. He hopes that Du Yu can break through the city early, and worry that you will not support, Du Hall is difficult to hold by Song Jun.

Du Yu is a mission to help, and it has arrived outside the city by the Song Jun, if you keep the city, you can't lead the Du Yu army to die, the responsibility is not light.

Liu Min was struggling for a long time, and finally decided to go out.

Then this city, there is no chance to come back.

Qi Ti has already set a good fortune, even if Liu Min is careful, it is inevitable to fall into the circle.

Yuan Shenfeng, the Qiao Daoqing of the Magic Monarch is called this small thing.

Liu Min was seriously injured and captured, and the generals such as Lu Cheng, Zheng Jie, Gu Wei and other generals were killed. Although the soldiers and horses to help, they were branked, they were unsatisfactory, and the power was limited. After Liu Min was captured, they immediately fell into chaos. I didn't know who to listen, and was defeated by the strange quotance.

Then the trails defeated the army, and then took it again to Nanyang.

There is also the room, Du Yu also knows that Liu Min goes out of the city, listening to the killing, the heart is getting anxious.

Although he also hopes Liu Min to take, but it is even more afraid of this is a circle.

But you can't contact, you can only wait for the results.

Sure enough, after the Qi Qi army appeared, Du Yu knew Liu Min, so he immediately got to be sold, ready to evacuate.

But Song Jiang tanded so long, would you let him wish?

The Qi Ti has already been put down in the future, surrounded by Du Yu army.

In the end, after the death of the seventy-eight workers, Du Hao chose to surrender. Three Million Army, in addition to fighting and surrender, only less than one-thirds escaped, and some people who escaped, there was some disappearance, and they did not return to Wang Qing's city.

Wanzhou gathered a lot of soldiers and horses in the state, Wanzhou was broken, and there was no too many soldiers and horses in the rest. Then, they sent Yan Tingyu to take the Xinyang army, Zongze went to Tangzhou, fold the Yan Yan Take advantage of the Prefecture and Guanghua, and Song Jiang is a rest.

After the stagnation of Zhuzhou, after the arrival of the appease, the Quality Army went to the state.

There is a lot of soldiers and horses, and it is also a heavy town of Wang Qing forces. Before Du Yu can go to Wanzhou, it is from Justic.

Du Yu took so many big troops, and the affairs were empty, although the Qi Ti Raiders were delayed for a while, but Nanfeng's soldiers and horses, the generals did not supplement.

After more than ten days of siege, it broke the state and recovered counties.

Then I didn't take the house, the house, that is, the so-called Nanfeng is the capital of Wang Qingchu.

So I taught the right to work in Justice, with Zongze as a Zhizhou and defense, and the two million soldiers and horses.

Then, the army is south, attacking Wang Qingjun's heavy town, and is the Fuyangfu.

The Fuyang Government is always a heavy town, and the commander will be Wang Qing's current little scorpion section. He has a general general, three or four million people, and more water army.

I heard the court of the court, even if there were so many soldiers and horses, the second two didn't come out, and I gathered all the soldiers and horses of the Fuyangfu, and I couldn't stay in the city.

On the other hand, it is to ask Wang Qing request support.

Fuyang has already belong to the south, and the terrain is multi-river waterway. Although the army is in the hands of the army, but the generals have been fighting in the north, Li Jun, Zhang Heng, Zhang Shun, etc., but because there is no water army, only idle These generals are basically unsuitable, and there is no direct bank.

Therefore, Qi Ti is not rushing to attack the Fuyangfu, but in the place where the Shuyang will start to fight from the surrounding water army.

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