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Chapter 443 Wang Qing from the soldiers (seeking subscription)

Xiangyang, the singularity is no strange, when he is a world, he is from here, and finally unifies the world.

However, the Song Yangfu, and the Eastern Han Dynasty is different. After all, it has been separated for a few hundred years.

After waiting for half a month, I came from Suizhou, Caizhou and other places to a group of water troops, hundreds of warships.

But these water troops only dare to moor in the distance, even though the Qiyang defenders in the city, they did not dare to fight.

These people were afraid of being afraid of Wang Qing's Water Army before, and there was still a shortcoming that they were decentralized.

No way, Qi Ti can only let Li Jun wait for Song Jiang to take over, select some people who dare to fight, and the rest will go back.

The He Dongjun has a water battle, and the Yongxing Military Road is also the same. It is only a 50,000-person water army to come out, and they will be sent to Song Jiang directly.

After all, they are from Liangshan Bo, which is the hipster of the Water War.

"More considering the development of the water army, Wang Qing is still not obvious, waiting for Jiangnan, everywhere is river, no water army is really not."


Duan two is a village. In addition to having a labor, there is no ability, it is white, and the same is the same as the relationship. All rely on the victory and others to help the city.

"The command, the Song Pioneer attack." Since the Water Army is in place, you can attack the city.

When these days are waiting, I haven't been idle, told the probabilistic attack to find out the weakness of defensive.

Once this, once it is war, it is full.

Leave Zongze Million Army, under normal circumstances, the remaining six million people can't attack the Fuyang, which has three or four million defensive.

But this is not a low-level world, and the strength of strength is not only to see how much the army is, but the elite level of the army has to see more people in the military.

Wang Qing pulled up a big moment in just two or three years. Many soldiers were coming to Zhuang Ding. In addition, there are not a few people who know how to practice, far more than the western army.

Especially Can this grass beam?

What's more, there is also the generals in Hebei surrender, the quantity and quality are far from the Queen.

Qi Ti is a concentrated all the elite attack, and the Fuyang Government is only the first big state in Wang Qing, where is the main force, where is a strange opponent.

The siege half a month, one day is fierce, and the defenders in the city are great.

These people can fight smoothly, as for now ...

The situation is almost the same, and the military in the city has been dispersed, and the singles will order the whole army to attack, three sides, leave a road to the second flight.

One by one, the martial arts broke out, covering the sky, and scared the defenders in the city did not dare to hit.

Especially a group of Song Jiang, put down the big array to borrow the star Jun, and the one hundred and eight-digit martial arts gathered in one place, but also a horrible.

During the end, I was broken, I wanted to escape. It is a bitter persuade to persuade it, but when I got all my best to attack the city, I still insisted on it, I still insist on it. Sheng and others, the Huang fled.

The coach fled, the morale was big, and the victory, etc., and only the soldiers fled.

The Qi Ti was to capture the Fuyangfu, and more than 10,000 water troops in Fuyangfu did not send the water army, let the strength of the water army doubled.

The singularity blocked the road to the road to escape to Yun'an Junjun, and he could not have it. But I have an expected singularity arrangement, and I have prepared the cavalry chase early, and I have to flee into Jingnan, and there is no more people to follow.


South Fengcheng, Chu Wang Palace.

After Wang Qing's power is strong, it is built in Nanfeng, claiming to be Chu Wang, building a palace, and placing a hundred officials.

When you attacked the Fuyangfu, Chu Wang Palace was also conducting a major agenda.

"Zhong Qingjia, the counterattack of the big concierge, so far, only in March, the state of Xijing, Wanzhou, the state, etc., let me know millions of soldiers, for the Jingjing The offensive is interrupted. "Wang Qing, who was talented, looked at the Wenwu.

"Now, Song Jun started to attack Shannan. Duan two can't resist offensive, and give solitary kings to help, Zhong Qing's family said yes, what should we do? This mountain will be saved? Can you save it in time?"

"Dawang, Chen Zi wants to be, then I wish the leopard to break the state, and have blocked the north of Nanfeng. If it makes it breaks to the Shannan, then he will hear me in Nanfeng." Chu State is said .

He wanted to send troops, but recently, this king was in greed, and he didn't care about a few great powers, and he had been dragging it today.

And this is still because he is a little scorpion, and the Queen has to force it, and there is today's Dupu.

Thinking of this, Fang Han is full of worry about the future of Bug.

But he has tied it to Wang Qing in a boat, I can't think of it, who makes him a foreign?

"Well, is it so serious?" Wang Qing seems to be aware of the seriousness of the matter, and carefully think about the situation, his face is white, "When is the situation lost?"

A big question mark on the head of the civil education: I just didn't say that the enemy attacked the state, how seems to understand what happened now?

Wang Qing did a little bit. He said that the Queen has not been able to manage a big event. After all, when the king is, it can be used.

For the table present, it is just perfunctory. He knew that the Song Dynasty began to counterattack, so that he contoded, but his impression of the big broadcast is still before, as long as you have to force, Song Jun will hit it as before.

I thought that the Song Jun has been bullying, which makes his face to the face of the king?

"That is to say, Song Jun's commander wants to sweep the surrounding state, and then to attack Nanfeng." Wang Qing's brain is still very flexible, before it is only useless, Huang explains it once, ", how do you Look?"

"Song Jun commanders wish to have a lot of ambition, he is worried that Nanfeng makes us fleaming into Jingnan, so I want to fight Shannan first, break away from the south." Zi Xiang Li help, "If we went to Yunan Jun I still want to come out again. After all, the road is difficult! "

"I think it is very beautiful, but I have to have that ability." Wang Qing resumed the ................................ "

"Fang Ai Qing, the collection of soldiers, or the longest driving pro." Wang Qingyi is suffocating, "I have to make a state of the state, broken down the back of the god, and sleepy in Jingnan."

"The king, this is a gamble, and the country is not necessarily able to keep the Yangyang." Li helped him.

"Of course, he can't keep it, so I said that I wish I am sleepy in Jingnan." Wang Qing said, "He can go to hill, will not let Jing Nan are behind."

"It's nothing more than a quick question. I will wait for the southern defeat, be sure to keep it, wait for the lonely kiss."

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