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Chapter 445 finally turned to Square (seeking subscription)

Wang Qing was captured, and he was smashed, only a few states in Sichuan, such as Yunanjun, Dongchuan, Andre, etc. Some people have begun to get troops.

Wang Qing has been caught, no longer taking this opportunity to stand more?

I don't mind having some people follow the soup. After all, he doesn't need to make a credit, the task has also been completed, and the marriage is nothing to give others.

But the problem is that these people did not grasp the opportunity, Yun Anjun, Ande is a smooth, in the case of the overall situation, it has eaten in Dongchuan.

This is a little curious, so I will immediately ordered the guards in the army.

In Nanfeng to wait for a month, the court's reward is already now, and Dongchuan is finally set, and the first is sent to Nanfeng.

Haven't met, these people gave a surprise, and there was a reincarnation in it. After the distinction, it was true, and it was the first person.

There are also two reincarnations in Wang Qingjun, one is around Wang Qing, died in the chaos - this is a strange thing to know.

There is also the first leader that takes the army of Dongchuan defended.

The reincarnation came to this world, but also need cultivation, and there is a resource.

Maybe they don't miss the law, but the rest of the other auxiliary cultivation will not come.

The identity is high, but if it is low, you have to make a way to earn cultivation resources.

The size is low, but it will be free, but there is a person who has a specific identity. If the Liao, the Xiao Tie, the Tiger's nephew, the Nah Tiger, has always been strange to be arrested, with these identities. It is necessary to do and identify things.

Otherwise, once it is, wait for the world's poison.

For example, Tianfei, he is a Tianhu's nephew, it is destined to participate in the rebel; and Gao An, it must be a high-tech running leg ...

For example, in front of him, he didn't matter with Wang Qing, but in this world, he was already a member of Wang Qingchao. He could only follow Wang Qing all the way, and later mixed into Dongchuan's war .

Of course, you can give up this identity, but lose the status, you will not have someone to collect cultivation resources, which is the reason why he has been adhered.

The reason why he stood Dongchuan is what you want to see his ability. You can have a good location after surrender.

This is the result of the "interrogation" of Gao'an.

"Is he belonging to that force?" Asked Qi.

He did not see this reward, and he has been destined to kill the completion task, and the meeting is not conducive to this identity hidden.

"He is the meeting." Gao An said.

"How is the Temple of the War?"

Also get a forces message.

"Of course, I can't compare our God of War." Gao An said, "I can be more than two three forces, but I will be a top forces, and there are many people in the world."

"He wants to surrender?" Qiki asked, "What price is prepared?"

"I have this idea before, but I know that you are also reincarnate, I will dispel this idea, I would rather failure." Gao An said.

"Is there a little luck, or say something good in your hands?" The strange is surprised.

"Maybe, who know?" Gao An said, "If I occupy such a big advantage, it will definitely swine all, the competitors are naturally, the better."

"But why are you doing it directly, don't give me some minds, so there is two years."

"You all know there is no chance, why don't you give up your mission?" Strange said, "I still say that you have a card, can you turn it off when you are critical, from my hand to the head?"

"You think more, I am doing no longer, can do anything." Gao Anjun is a jump, "I don't want to go, this is not to pull you to our God of War. If you can succeed, big The rewards of the is enough to make up for the loss of this task failure. "

"Then you will wait, maybe I want to pass when I can say it." Strange smiled.


Liao Country, Tianhu, Wang Qing Sanmei force, six renewal, if there is two, there are two sides, there should be two.

Liangshan did not, it was expected to be expected, and the last two were in Beijing, one is a high-level, which has been strangely detained, and one is next to Cai Beijing.

After all, the emperor didn't have false.

Supreme reward, because there are too many people involved, so slowly.

I didn't care, I took the opportunity to complete the soldiers and horses, especially the power of the water army.

After all, there is a big enemy waiting to be packed, Jiangnan Water Network is dense, and the water army is too weak, and the march is a problem.

Soon the reward, all people have their own, all of them are happy.

The imperial court did not intentionally suppressed the battle of everyone, this is the strange plaque.

To be honest, I really like this emperor now.

Because of the specificity of the identity, it can be said to be the strongest in the world, the emperor can suppress everything, so they will give the stage to play the stage, giving the trust of all officials.

Therefore, Qi Ti does not have to return to the Beijing, but the narrative is not fast. The metrics can be accepted quickly, and the emperor also sent people to take over local government affairs, let the Qiqi can put into the flat chaos ...

Changed any emperor can't do it. It is just that Siki holds so many elite army, it is enough to make the court taboo.

The singularity of the singularity has changed again, from the Beijing Jingxi to make Zijing left-behind, change the Jiangsu Zhehua system, and take the talents.

That's right, Tong Taifu fails.

I don't know if the world's will is not to stay in Sheng Li, history, but in history, the child is generally the military, but this time the bias fails.

However, this is not the crime of fighting, but the northwestern banned army does not adapt to the climate in Jiangnan, most soldiers arrived, let Square will catch the opportunity, kill the children, and return to Jiangbei.

Also, at this time, Qi Ti is set to Wang Qing's chaos, just perfectly docking.

Finally, the turn of the waves, the strange quantial is not to look forward to it.

In the original world, because of the success of Sheng La, Song Jiang's one hundred single eight will die, now I am going to play, what there is any result?

Because the reincarnation task is to kill the Song Jiang, so before, I have never let Song Jiang have separated, and it is required to be ready to be ready to be a big array, avoiding people.

But if it is not dead, the mission of the scorpion is not enough?

And when you die in the process of going to the Raw, will it be directly recorded on the head?

It is also said that the reincarnation will kill it in their mission?

These odd counties don't know, only one step by step.

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