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Chapter 446 takes Runzhou (seeking subscription)

Fang La is also known as thirteen, this is a Zhangzhou people, followed by Qingxi County, Qizhou County, quite a home producer, is a famous lacquer owner. Because the emperor likes the flower stone bamboo wood, set "Su Hang Yingfang Bureau" in Jiangnan, searching for folk flower stone bamboo and singularity in the southeast, using the big ship to Yinjing, every ten ships, the time, Flower stone. Qingxi County has a lot of bamboo paint, which is the focus of the government. This heavy burden naturally passed on to the farmers, causing the Jiangnan people to resent.

Fang La is taking advantage of the transmission of Moni-teach, and the Ming Wang is about to come, the dark is about to go, relying on the power of religion, to build a non-future plan for the poor people, and get a lot of poor people. These people were organized and became the backbone of the thing.

In order to crave, Fang La prepared for more than ten years. He sent people to mission around, recruiting believers, especially after some so-called "miracles", but also to let the people on the Ming King, and firmly believe that the Ming Wang is about to be willing.

Fang La is a cautious person, although the secret gathering a lot of strength, there is still no cavalry, but first secretly controls the state government, waiting for the opportunity.

In the beginning, Zongze returned toiang, and the reason why Jiangnan was worried, because of this situation.

Until Tianhu, Wang Qing's respective soldiers, Fang La recited the uprising, gathered in millions of people overnight, began to attack the city. Because I have made full preparation, I can attack the ground in Baguo in a short time, accounting for tens of counties. So Fang La also learned Tian Tiger, Wang Qing, Yu Qingxi, Wang Jian system, was honored as "Shenggong", "Yongle", set the Wuli Baiguan, and promotes the arrival of the Ming Wang.

For a time, Jiangnan Baixin responded, and it is convinced that the Ming Wang is coming.


Jiangsu, Zhejiang, with Jiangnan East Road, Zhejiang Road and Huainan East Road Three Road military and political power, considering that these roads are all the big SMEs, the status of the strange status is no longer harmonious than children.

Prior to this, Tong Jing was Jiangsu, Huai'an, and she was coming, and Tong also returned to his northwest.

Tong Zong did not meet with a strange test, because he felt that he and the strange trick, everything you can't do, you can easily solve it in the singular player, and see Song Jiang is, seeing Wang Qingzhen.

Nowadays, it is round to the rules.

The Kang Jing three-way boat was raised, starting from the Jiangling House, thousands of vessels along the river, covering the sky, in the river.

Thousands of vessels, obviously unable to take nearly 10 million troops. When I went to Jiangzhou, I made a premiere order, ordered the Jiangzhou Water Army to go back to the river. Go to the transport of yourself.

On the way, the Shuzhou, Taipingzhou's Water Army was sent to the army until Jiangning.

Although the square potential strength is strong, but only accounts for the three places of Suzhou, Changzhou and Runzhou downstream of the Yangtze River, and it is not impact on the Yangtze River Water Army.

The Qi Ti did not go to the Yangzhou, who was promised, but on the shore of Jiangning, and then convened local civil and military, asked the thief army.

After half a month, the Qi Tao army was all in place and immediately went to Runzhou.

Because Runzhou's thief army is most active, he has repeatedly launched a testistic attack on Yangzhou. If you don't first solve the Runzhou first, in the heart of Yangzhou, it is not good.


Listening to the Queensing Army to attack, Runzhou's commander will immediately raise the troops to fight.

Lu Shihao is the rich house, familiar with the soldiers, so that a fertile eight snake spear, martial arts. Because of funding Squaro, I was sealed as the Tung Hall Privier after the Square soldier. It has twelve-trurators, known as "Jiangnan 12th God", is very famous, and is an important force of Square.

The so-called famous, Lu Shihao and Tianhu, Wang Qingzhi, like the land of the cloud, the Qi Ti Tian Tiger, Wang Qingzi, the quarter of the Song Dynasty, the big Song Dynasty, Specially send people to remind Lu Shiqi, but Lu Shihao still thinks that they are not bordered.

With a little suspected, Lu Shihao is still in the army.

Jiangnan is rich, so there are many people, just a Runzhou, Lu Shiqi can bring out the five million troops to fight.

The singularity of the Trial is still in Song Jiang as a pioneer, and the battle between the scorpion.

The combat power of Shurajun is a stronger than the Tiger, Wang Qingjun, and the "Ming Wang" is called "Ming Wang", and it is not afraid of life and death, causing a small trouble to Song Jiang.

The uprising of religious coats is always the headache of the central government.

Monitan has been circulating in China for a long time.

Lu Shiqi is worth reading from Xiaoyu, see Song Jiang put the big array, and did not directly go, cautiously carried out the attack attack, and did not find a flaw, this is ready to take advantage of the strength.

After all, the Qi Tao's army has not played, it is just the pioneer of Songjiang. As long as you can break the big array of Songjiang in a glance, you can reach our troops before.

Although the idea is good, it is not realistic.

Because the encounter of the original world, Qi Ti is very sensitive to Song Jiang to enlightenment, and I am afraid that the people under this goods are in large quantities of death, so they insist on requesting Song Jiang to play.

The Lu Shiyan army wanted the army to go forward, Song Jiang will no longer left behind, to borrow the star, and the strength of the general improvement.

Then I staged a big scene of the martial arts of the military, and some of them were somewhat.

He has never seen this way of operation, and there is not so many laws in the big Song and places.

Lu Shiqi thought that he was so many martial arts, who knew this only the first battle, the enemy emerged as a hundred law.

It's not to take these people, just how big it will be given?

Lu Shiqi did not dare to think.

He also didn't have time to think, immediately commanded the big army to attack Song Jiang.

Of course, I won't let his plan, immediately sent Han Shizhong to support Song Jiang.

Although the Hedong banned army is also a first time, after all, after a period of Jinghu North Road, there is no large quantity of sick in the northwest, still maintaining the combat power of the peak.

After the head of the head, the head of the iron, after a few hours of the war, the Lu Shiyan army has strictly defeated, and the enthusiasm of the squad is also weakened, and some people are afraid, then they will escape.

Lu Shihao ultimately only chose to withdrawal, and Huang fled to Dandu City.

And the strange tie will be the city.

After several days, I continued to attack the city, Lu Shiqi can't keep it, abandon the Dansheng, and the residual soldiers fled Changzhou.

The Rundu, the first state in Jiangnan was recovered.

Then, a piece of paper will make the northwest forces to live in Runzhou.

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