Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 447 Receiving Suff (Subscribe)

"Meet the public." Dantu County, a party, the armor, the armor, worshiped.

"Free glow, all the position, can you still be well?" I saw the generic road and others again.

"I am still good, it is the case where the soil is uncomfortable, and there are more sick."

It is definitely the shame of the northwest formerly banned by Fang Lawajun.

"What is it now?" Asked Qi. The combat power of the Northwest Forces the army is related to the process of his fixed square.

"After the local doctors are treated, most of them have been rehabilled, but they can be used for themselves." The genographer said immediately.

Say that they have these people, there are many regrets that they did not choose to quoted.

Character cloud, Pingyi Tiger, Kaoqing, which one is not in the merits?

Unfortunately, they failed to catch. It's hard to be tuned to the rinse the river, but it has failed because of water and soil.

This is the last chance, they certainly can't give up.

"That's good, Lu Shihao escapes from Runzhou, with Changzhou military horse meeting, still has weak strength, preparing for fighting, not Japanese officials will come to Changzhou." Strange said.

Despite the adaptation of Jinghu North Road for a while, after all, Jiangnan's climate is still different, this is not long, and has begun to have a soldiers.

Fortunately, there is a matter of god doctor. I have prepared it in advance because I have already appeared in the northwest, I have prepared it in advance, and I have made a large number of doctors, in advance, and there is no massive problem.

After a few days of Dantu, one is to wait for the army to go to attack Danyang, Jinhua and other counties. There is also a sick and a sick soldiers, leaving them, and waiting for the court to send. Officials arrived.

The number of people in the northwest is a lot of people, and there are five million people, remove the patient, left behind, grain, and the water army, and the Qi Ti is still able to use thousands of military horses.


In the original world, Song Jiang's ensemble, I have not gathered a hundred and eight people; the first battle Runzhou, Song Jiang will die a few brothers ...

But in the singularity, no one put forward it, even Qi Daoqing, Ma Ling, still listening to the singularity.

When Wang Qing, inevitably discovered some generals, but it was also a downcomers of Hebei. After the Pingding Wang Qing, the new investment will have made up for the war, and the generals of the singularity have not decreased, and further increase .

Attacking Runzhou, Song Jiang's one hundred and eight people intact, let the strange heart will be put down.

It seems that as long as it deals with the party, you can avoid the tragedy in the world.


Handling the things of good Runzhou, singing this talent.

Changzhou's commander will be Qian Zhenpeng. Of course, after Lu Shiqi arrived, Lu Shihao is mainly, after all, he is a pivot, and the status is higher. Even if you get defeat the army, Qian Zhenpeng also weakly resists.

However, I have seen the combat power of the Qi Tao army. Lu Shihao has not reported hope to hear Changzhou. Immediately send people to Suzhou, please come to rescue.

Suzhou has more than two hundred thousand armies, plus hundreds of thousands of defeat brought by Lu Shiqi, still have three million people.

Dantu's force is not less than Jinling, and it has been broken by Song Jun, and Lu Shihao has no confidence in holding Jinling.

The Qi Ti army arrived, Qian Zhenpeng wanted to go to the city, was refused by Lu Shiqi, and the city did not come out.

The strange quarter is not surprised, after the army is in operation, install the siege equipment and start to attack the city.


Suzhou City, the three kings came to the help letter of Lu Shiqi, and I ridiculed a Lu Shiqi in front of the department, and then decided to take the army to rescue Changzhou.

Of course, he also knows the strange record, but it is confident to the fighting power of yourself.

He didn't know that, before Lu Shiqi is also this kind of psychology, he chose to go out to fight, and then be hit back to Changzhou.

On the eighth day of the attack, Qi Ti received the coming news from the coming to the upcoming news, so half of the division continued to be the city, and he took the arm to the interception.

He didn't go all out to attack the city, just want to see if you can fight, keep your side.

Sure enough, there is no disappointment that has never let him down, with the army to rescue Suzhou.

The singularity was blocked in two hundred miles in Jinling, so that he was unexpected, and the appearance actually made it challenged to the challenge.

Since the leader of the leader, this situation has rarely happened that he has always been a military pressure when he occupied the strength of the military, and the enemy is defeated.

However, this time I am siege, I'm intercepting the places of the military and horses, and since the side is willing to be single, he does not mind to kill a few commander army, which will reduce the difficulty for the next war.

The appearance is very confident on the martial arts of the eight-ride of him, and immediately sent them to play.

So the singularity also sent the corresponding generals.

Lu Junyi, Guan Sheng, Lin Chong, Qin Ming, Shing Zhuzheng, Sun Ang, Yan Tingyu, Ma Ling eight people play, each is the martial arts above the later period, the strength is beyond the side of the square.

So less than 30, I killed eight riders.

"Ming Wang is coming!" Just when it was going to win, these people suddenly fell crazy, screamed, and then a powerful breath, even enhanced a realm, and Lu Junyi and others were flat.

"Behind the back of the wax, there is still someone support." This situation, Qi Ti has already guess, but now it is confirmed.

If no one supports, can you let Tianzhang's Comars March?

"This is the core power of Fang La, is Lu Shiqi's generals seem to have not used this means, is it, still can't bear the consequences of the Ming King?" Odd thought.

At this time, someone else has been outlined.

Even if the eight-ride, the Moistocus secrets have improved the strength, they still can't stop the singularity of these people, see them to show the secret law, and all the strengths will be burst, and the enemy will kill.

Almost at the same time, the victory, Sun An and Ma Ling took the enemy down the horse and died on the spot.

Guan Sheng and Sun A are with powerful self-strength, and Ma Ling is depends on the brick skills of the god.

The appearance is not good, and the gold will be collected, and the rest of the people will come back, but since entering the venue, I can put them easily leave.

In the end, in addition to Liu Wei, Zhang Wei's two people have escaped back to the world, and the rest of the three people were killed.

This is only aware of the power of Song Jun, and I want to occupy, and I have already waved.

The side of the military is indeed weak, but it is more than one thing in these 100-war, but it is called "Ming Wang", but it is more troublesome.

However, there is more killing, breaking the unbeaten beliefs in these people, they will collapse faster.

The singularity even came to chasing the soldiers of the collections, but all the way to the Shuzhou City, take the courtyard, and the hearts of the people have broken the Suzhou.

The coming is once again entered the city and escaping, with the residual army to Huzhou.

It has broken Suzhou, stabilizes the place, and the army will fight back, and the Square of Shuzhou is being attacked, and the Xiuzhou is surrounded.

But I haven't arrived yet, and the kindergress has sent someone to accept, Jinling has been taken.

I looked at the arrival of the aid, and the Huang fled, and Changzhou City has a big drop.

Lu Shiqi knows that if you sit in the city, wait for the Song Jun's main return, it is difficult to escape. So I took advantage of the Qi Tao army to Suzhou, led the army.

After all, the division is less, under the anti-fall of Lu Shiqi, can't stop it, let Lu Shiying have taken the resilience to break through, and have also went to Huzhou.

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