Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 449 Fight Xuanzhou (seeking subscription)

Song Jiang is back with Shanxi and Tang Bin's bodies. There is only a corpse and there is no level.

The head was taken away by Square, as their trophy.

See the two people, Cui Ye, Wen Zhonglong, Mountain Jinglong, History, Yuan Jingda and others loudly.

Although the surrender is odd, they are not there, after all, there is a pass.

The strange looks, telling people to the future of the two, and then the Song Jiang has a collapse, which went to Huzhou County.

The death of the Shanshi two people made all the shadows in the hearts of all orders.

This failed, it was not the biggest loss since the leader, even if the two martial arts will hang on the singularity, but after all, the ability to have the ability to have the ability to do too much, even if it is nothing to die.

The problem is that this failure should be avoided.

Fang Jie's ability is very clear. It can be killed, and Hu Ying, and Zhu Yu can also escape under the attack, and finally it is killed.

The appearance is the initiative to evacuate, and naturally will not be prepared, and I know this, so I don't have a chasing command.

The people pursted are more can't keep up, and there may be less ambush.

But he didn't expect that Shanxi and Tang Bin who have always been guarded in the surrender, and Tang Bin will actually chase the enemy, leading to the weight loss of 20,000 people.

Looking at the strange quotuary sitting on the top, all the people are unresolved.

"Huzhou has been under, the counties are still in the hands of the rebels, the next task is to recover the counties, completely occupy Huzhou." After a long time, the strange quarter finally opened.

There is no Tikochi's thing, and the public will penetrate.

"Don't do it, don't we revenge Shanxi, Tang Bin general?" Some people suddenly opened.

Time air seems to be solidified.

"I want to revenge, I should go to Hangzhou, you should go to Hangzhou, you can still catch up." The singer smiled and looked at the person, letting this face red.

"Remember your identity, we are the chaos of the court, not give you a place where you are licking." The strange tone changed, "not allowed to lead, self-defeating, to me, tens of thousands of military, you still have a face Refer to him? "

"Even if they can live back, this official will also put it, with a legacy. If you don't look at the dead, you can easily let this matter?"

"If someone dares to honor the general, it is ruthless."

In the end, the singularity is almost embarrassed.

However, it is a small defeat, he is not really angry, this performance is to give these consecutive soldiers to wake up and put down their mentality.

Because of the repeated victory, these people already have a kind of arrogant state.

The square is not fixed, can you make this atmosphere spread in the army?

"Wang Huan, the Bunding horse will win the Guangde army."

"Liu Guangshi, this will take the army and horses to capture Anji County."

"Yao Pingzhong led the soldiers and horses to win Wu Kang County."

"Xin Xingzong led the soldiers and horses to win Deqing County."


Seeing that everyone does not talk, and the strange quarter begins to assign tasks.

"Huzhou enters Hangzhou on the road, there is a list of things unique, and it is difficult to attack, Han Shizhong, this unique is handed over." Qi Ti is also known as a name, "Remember, if Hangzhou does not save, Saving; if there is a rescue of Hangzhou, there is no need to attack, in the crowd, blocked the way. "

"The end will lead my life." Han Shizhong should. "

Strange some point, continue to assign tasks.

In the end, Song Jiang was left to clean up Huzhou City. For Song Jiang, this is the direct performance of the public to him, let him have some fear.

In the next 120 days, all ministers came back to live.

Fang Tianding did not appear in Hangzhou. I don't know if there is a context, even the soldiers and horses of the Songsong have been withdrawn, and returned to Hangzhou.

Based on the horses, the whole Hangzhou is in the wild, and it is waiting to prepare the imperial army.

"The war is not where you want to fight!" He Wenxiao's self-prison.

When returning, the singularity will send Han Shizhong to the army, stationed in the spot, and the rest of the counties will leave a small number of people to maintain public security, the army of the army, and the Guangde army and the radio to Xuanzhou.

Directly put the Hangzhou Fang Tian Ding Pigeon.

Maybe I can't say this. After all, I didn't say that I have to go to Hangzhou.

Persimmon is soft, knowing that Hangzhou soldiers strongly, why bother to hit the gun, to fight the more weaker Xuanzhou?

Therefore, after recovering each county, he did not have a strong rectification, even if the allegiance returned to the lake, he would not care.

If it is possible to settle in Huzhou, it is quite a cost-effective.

After all, the current Hangzhou City, the gathering of Fang Tianding, the four major masters: the national teacher is like Deng Yuanjue, Nanzhi General Shibao, the Town National University General Li Tianyun, the general of the National General, and the first one who is known as the first place in the South China Jie, and the pivot make Lu Shiqi, and there is a general general, it is very difficult to deal with.

If Fang Tian is fixed to win the lake, it is bound to be divided, which is very beneficial to the strange attack, Hangzhou.

Large deal, a Huzhou.

Otherwise, directly attacking Hangzhou is very difficult.


I don't know how to find out how I feel in Xuanzhou. At this time, the legendary army has entered Xuanzhou in Xuanzhou, and it will go to Xuancheng.

Xuanzhou admire is the Yuxin Hirace, and there is Li Yu, Han Ming, Du Jingchen, Lu'an, Pan Wei, Cheng Sheng Zu Zi, Lu'an, Pan Wei, Cheng Shengzu, the general, listening to the Qi Qian Rongjun, can't stand, while Sheng.

The news that the odds who attack Huzhou has been passed, and she can't help but celebrate.

There are five million troops to hold, the three kings personally guarded the city, and there is no surgery, and he is half-theramous and horses, but how long will it take?

He followed the square wax from Shuhua, faithful, and the generals under the hand were also the old brother who came out together. I know that I haven't surrendered.

The singularity attacking Xuancheng, and it took a long time. This soldier and horses in Xuancheng were even more exciting than Huzhou.

After the origin of these people, I realized.

The loyal supporters of Fang La, the strong point is normal.

Xuancheng was broken, and the family celebrated the unregistered, and the rest did not escape.

From beginning to end, Fang La did not send a soldier to Xuanzhou, but in Zhangzhou strengthened the defense.

Qi Ti did not urgently continue to attack, slowly recovered Zhu County, Zhuzhou County.

Huzhou emptiness for so long, Fang Tian Ding still did not go out of the city, intended to learn that the turtle can't stand.

I don't know how to think about Raoli. After all, the four complete states left in Luzhou, Yizhou, Hangzhou, and there are still some counties, no more counterattack, really to be suppressed.

I don't think about the as the square, and the Qi county no longer thinks. After the publicity makes the service, he magnifies the south.

Hangzhou, let Fang Tianqi wait patiently!

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