Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 450, Fang La's intend (seeking subscription)

The reaction of Square is unknown. Yizhou is the old nest of Fang Law. Before you have not attacked Yizhou, you can't find a large-scale sending person. It will only give people.

Therefore, after entering Zhangzhou, he all the way steadily and stabilizes.

I didn't meet a big obstacle along the way until I arrived in the north of Jixian.

Yilinguan is the portal of Jixian County, the terrain is dangerous, and it is easy to defend. Because Song Jun came to attack, the whole Zhangzhou Fengxun crane, the exploration could not be entered, only the flag will not be known.

Qi Ti is in the country, and send a challenge before he is. After the result of the results, the offense is closed.

However, in less than half an hour, Jixiang has to withdraw, because the loss is too large, and the squad is not open.

"Song Xianfeng, you can stay in Dazhai, you can conduct a testistic attack every day, prevent the enemy of the Langling off." Qi Zi recruit Song Jiangdao, "this car is the army around, directly attacking the county, forcing Hunting the teacher, you can take the opportunity. "

"Be sure to make an idea, there is a god hand, it is uncharged."

"The end will lead my life." Song Jiang received the way.

Qi Ti Shang did not know that "the first to shoot the arch and arrow in Jiangnan", the nickname "small raising base" Ponwanchun is not in this Langling, but let Song Jiang strictly guards still necessary, after all, the original world, Pon Wanchun has folded several Liangshan Han Han, which also ranked the nine-line dragon history.

So many generals are so many generals, and the good shots are also a lot, but probably only spelled in the archery talent and Ponwanchun.

Therefore, even if you are worried about the injury, you will still leave this Langlinguan.

Otherwise, someone else can not be able to block Pang Wanchun.


Song Jiang continued to test, and Qi Ti took the army to detour, forced the military month, and he was in Zhejiang, and the county is straight.

The city is built in the plains, which is convenient for gathering the population, developing the economy, even if there is a strong city, it is not as difficult as the pure military level, then it is difficult to overcome.

Of course, the soldiers and horses in a city may be more.

Jixian was built in the north bank of Zhejiang, in the plains of the two rivers, and the singularity came from Xuanzhou. The warship has not yet been in place, and it is impossible to form a comprehensive combination of the county. It can only start from one side.

Trial attack on the day, taking advantage of chaos, the exploration of the city has passed the collection of intelligence, and the uncle of the town is still the uncle of Fang La, and the military department Shangshu Wang Yu and the sergeant, a total of more than three million people. Hold this county.

Zhangzhou is the ancestral home of Fang La, and has started the spread of Monasi-teach. It can be said that in addition to Yizhou Qingxi, it is the core area of ​​Fang La, the support of the military and civilians of the county, far-sized The states above each state.

Although the state has improved a lot before the war of the war, it is still not the opponent of the official army, and it is only to persist in a period of time.

After more than 20 days, Fang Huaqi fled, Wang Yu, Gao Yu guards, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses to flee into Guizhou.

In the end, there is no soldier to rescue the county, but Wang Yizhen has reached the orders of the retreat before the evacuation. In Song Jiang's unaware of the situation, Ponwanchun only left a small number of soldiers and horses, quietly with hundreds of thousands of people in the United States. All the way to the footprints with Fang Wei withdrew to Yizhou.

After the Song Jiang found, it was already the next day. This made Song Jiang hated tooth itching, almost couldn't help but catch up.

Because of these days of the test attack, there are five or six laws that have five or six laws to die in the attack, including , in the siege, was shot from Pu Wan Spring.

This is the power of the gods. There is no prevention, and the law of the martial arts can't stop the arrow attack.

Later, Song Jiang sent Hua Rong, specifically staring at Puwan Spring, which dropped the loss, but the effectiveness is still poor.

Monwanchun evacuated, Song Jiang immediately took Yulinguan, and went to Yixian County and Qi Tao to meet.


Attacking the county, means that the entire Zhangzhou enters the recovery countdown.

But the Qi Ti is not happy, this is obviously the active giving up.

Even the most core of Zhangzhou, his hometown must give up, how old is the determination of Fanglan.

Nowadays, I know how to know the strategy of Square, that is, in the space exchange, I have a stretch of the big army's front, concentrated the advantage of defeating my own army, and I lay the situation in Jiangnan.

For example, hundreds of thousands of prisoners in the county town, there is a lot of military guards, otherwise there may be accidents.

I can't kill things!

"If this is the case, then you want to be too beautiful."

The big Song is called the four hundred army, and is it only a big troop?

The reason why it does not take, it is the way to think about it, avoiding the army too bloated.

Since the quarter, let's take the leader, the idea of ​​thin soldiers and horses, if you don't let the square, you are too sorry.

"The command, calling the proceedings." He has an idea, and the monk immediately convened the military conference to arrange the next attack plan.

Yizhou is not, the square is estimated that the army has been assembled, and it is waiting for the goddess.

First, I am dividing the people to attack the counties of Zhangzhou, and send a letter to the letter, and transmit the order of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Zhuzhou, Xinzhou, Zhangzhou, Chuzhou, Zhangzhou and other Zhuzhou, defense, make up the soldiers, and recovering Zhu County, further compressing the activities of the square, and siege in the state.

At the same time, he will live in Huai South East Road, Zhuzhou, Hua Nan, head to Huzhou, and the promotion of Fang Tian Ding from the Huzhou.

The singularity estimated that the square is to wait for himself to the Qizhou, and the army is fighting with himself, defeating his army.

At the same time, Fang Tianping has been in Hangzhou, and the lake, Suzhou Xuanzhou, etc., cut the road to the north, and kill himself in this Jiangnan.

The idea is very beautiful, but unfortunately, you will not cooperate.

He is not anxious, dragging for a while, the top day is more expensive, with the Great Song's heritage, the district food is not in the words, and the county is all dispatched many of these big troops, never commit to food.

The northern gods may have a shortage of shortage, but in this Jiangnan Water Township, even if Jiangnan East Road and the two Zhejiang Road, the two Huai Roads, the Jiangnan West Road, and Jinghu two roads are also sufficient to support the head of the army.

There is a strange order, and all ministers are slowly taught, and they are not eager to attack all the counties.

I have been dragging for more than a month, and I am flattering county, and I will return to the county.

At this time, Jiangnan East Road, the two Zhejiang Road has also been soldier, the soldiers and horses in Huainan East have also arrived in Huzhou station, listening to the command of Han Shizhong from Huzhou defense.

Strange, this side can stop, and Fang La will not stand.

Two months, I saw that I wish to send troops in the county, there is no way, the square rushing is rising, and the bright king can't press it.

So I convene a discussion of the civil and military procedures and discuss it.

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