Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 451, Helping Distance (seeking subscription)

Yizhou, Qingxi County, help the source cave.

Fang La and other arresses are different. After he built its country, he did not build his palace into the city, but in the source cave.

The source hole is wide and deep, and when Shenglan is weak, in order to preach, this is a stronghold in order to gradually develop Monasi.

Because this cave is hidden, it is a problem, and it will not be taken by the official army.

So after the country, he still built his palace here. Of course, in Yizhou, Zhangzhou has also established a palace.

At this time, the square Launju is on the throne, with a discussion of civil and military.


"I also know each other, I wish the leopard broke our strategy, in the county, and the soldiers and horses will compress our survival space."

Square is not big, but forty years old, is a strong year, the body is burly. However, as a Monitan Lord, the habit of being attacked, there is no emperor, but it is like a god stick.

"Now we only have to save the state, tens of millions of battles, the consumption of grain and grass is very large, only with the previous hoarding, insufficient March, so the Song army is a top hurricane." Square, Lu La, "Ai Qing said," Is there any kind of countermeasures, maybe? "

"The quantity of the Song Dynasty, the quantity of Song Jun far exceeds us. If you have been dragging, the Song Jun will get more and more, so it is even more unfavorable, so it is not possible to take the initiative." He heard Shenghua Xing, Zuo Yu, Zuo Zhen Zhongzhong Open.

"The left-handed commentary, the Sacred, if you don't take the initiative, in our current food reserves, even if the enemy is not moving, we will defeat it after a few months." The right-handed ancestor is far away.

"If you take the initiative, we have all the best in this day." The Hall Shui Fu Zheng Zheng said, "As soon as this is, it is better to take troops early, at least you can occupy the advantage."

"Zheng Taizhong is not right to accuse the Holy Gong's strategy?" Said that the square is not good.

The strategy of Square, and the prime minister and others have negotiated, and some people have said that he is in a very good, and it is also to go to the Qixian.

But who once thought that, I wish you all the best in the event of usual, there is already such a big advantage, and it is actually the trend of the arrogance.

Don't he don't want to complete the task to come back early?

"The minister did not dare, the emperor thought much." Zheng Wei immediately denied that "Chen just worried that the land of the land, our military will have a lot loss."

"Emperor Uncle and Song Jun took the battle, Song Jun's combat power is so strong?"

"Zheng Taizhong does not have to doubt, this Song army is not the same, it is really strong, even more than the parents of the Shenggong." There is no waiter to talk, the military department is still opening, the waiter is nodded. Representation.

Everyone in the scene took a breath, they all knew that the Holy Professionals had more powerful, especially in that special state, Song Jun was so horrible, it was unexpected.

The square is not accidentally unexpected. He has long learned this news, not let people be promoted, afraid of moving the military.

Now that the last moment is coming soon, it doesn't matter.

"If so, we take the initiative to attack, may not win." Someone said.

"Active attack is already inevitable, otherwise you will know if you also know." Square said, "The problem is, where is we attacked?"

"Is the direction of Hangzhou? Or from here to the state, directly and wish the parcels?"

"I wish the leopard and took the army, leaving a military station, if it is a prince, I should take the Huzhou?" The ancestors wanted.

"Before", there is already millions of troops, so that there are millions of people in Huzhou, even if the prince will go to the horse, it will not be able to capture Huzhou in the short-term, open the situation. "Wang Wei said," once the last day of time, the situation will be more unfavorable. "

"What should I do?"

"What do you do, you can't wait to die?"


The Templays have been discussions.

"Sacred, in fact, it is the most threat of us, it is the millions of elite horses and horses under the pantry, most of the Wongxing Jun Road, the western army from Hedong Road, once we stepped, the rest of the road The lack of horse is afraid. "Li Minzhong speared that" if you want to break, you must concentrate all the strength, give you a thunder, fight it. "

"What is the meaning of Zuo Xiang?" Fang La seems to know what is going to say in Luminant, inquiry.

I nodded in Loudi.

"In this case, it is really an alias, once failed, all turned into a black." Square said.

"Shenggong, now there are other choices?" .

"To say, we are not all chances, concentrated all the power, our top military can play the biggest combat, the army is the same."

"And the Northwest Force is strong, but the water army is a disadvantage of the leopard, and he has not seen it several times of the water army. This is also a breakthrough."

"Once we defeat them, annihilate these powerful troops, don't want to recover in the short term, defeating the god of the heavens in the day, the Supreme of the Holy Gong will spread through the Jiangnan Road, and the southeast dozens of states will be saved. The big Song is half-watery. "

"And there are Tianshi, with the power of its skill, it can also win a lot of money for our army."

Li Minzhong talks, firmly believe in the confidence of Fang La, so that the plain face is soothless face.

"There is a reason for the left, then do it, gambling this bureau, become a throne, just please." Fang La has a man.

"Mailing, the dedication of the patriaries to abandon Hangzhou, carrying the soldiers and Malay Qingxi, with the lonely army, and I wish I wish I wish."

One place, many people understand the meaning of just left, really, this is a horrible gambling, gambled to the future of the Holy and this country.

They can stand above the championship, nature is the heart of the wax, followed by the square from the beginning.

Since Square is decided, they will firmly support it.

Because the square is more than just the country, it is also the master, it is faith.

Ming Wang, replacing the big Song, this is the mission of God.

This venue gambling, they will win.



After receiving the order of the square, Fang Tian is very unwilling.

He took a year in Hangzhou for a year, and he wanted to send troops when he was strong and strong.

Later, I took into account the combat power of Song Jun, and I was strictly defeated by Fang La Chuan, and this didn't have a soldier, and I gave up even the job.

I think the Song army is no longer, I can share the army, Suzhou and other places, but I didn't expect Qingxi, a paper, let himself lead to Qingxi.

Of course, he also knows the Plan of Fang La, but it is not very recognized. In his opinion, it is better to stick to it, he will raise the lake and wait for the Huzhou and other places.

In this way, Qingxi, the source cave is under the Song Jun, and the square will be dangerous.

So this program, he can't mention.

And he also knows that even if someone is mentioned, they will question their ability, can she seize Huzhou, who have millions of army stationed?

A sigh, Fang Tian tried to recruit the four major marshal, three uncle, pivoting, Lu Shiqi, etc., convey the orders of Fang La, and hit them to arrange evil.

If you gamble, let's let that your father!

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