Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 452, Huijing, aid (seeking subscription)

Such a large-scale military assembly is naturally gotting.

Fang Tian Dingyi moved, and the Qi Ti received the news, judge the purpose of the exquisite.

"It seems that Sunday is really alone." The Qi Ti smiled and said to the Qiao Daoqing around him. "This is to be a good job!"

"Who let the husband to force him to this share!" Qiao Dao cleared.

"Oh," I laughed, quite a bit, "Since he wants to play so much, if the official is not accompanied, do you not reverse this big teacher's holy?"

"Gonggong, Fang Lang Yin is so long, will definitely be fully prepared, but also set up Hangzhou soldiers and horses, more than 20 million military horses, can not be underestimated." Qiao Daoqing reminded.

"Taoist is relieved, this official knows, will not be very good." Qi Ti said, "His Fang La can adjust the soldiers and horses, and the official can set more."

"But the words of the battle, this six or seven million people are enough. The frontal battlefield, the three enemy is not afraid, let alone is still in the city."

"There are countless people in my father, the poor road is relieved." Qi Dao said.

"Taoist, I heard that there is a teacher under the Square, I am negatively ill, Gong Sunsisheng needs to maintain the natural array of Tianzhu, and this person needs to be able to teach." Strange said.

"The old way is unshirkained." Joy Daoqing said, "But a person who will be abiotic, affecting such a large-scale battle!"

"The official of the frontal battle is naturally unfearing. After the official is worried, after the Fang Lao defeated, he gave us the soldiers in the process of chasing." Strange said.

"Xianggong really has a bamboo, starting to win after the victory." Qi Dao smiled.

"That is inevitable, the western force of the West Army, the official is from doubting, even if the staff of the Lang La will be elite, it will win." Strange said.

"I wish you a year, a command, calling the generals of the public." He said with Qi Dao, and he told him.


"You also know, Fang Lang is assembling the army, ready to surround us." The monk looks at the public, "Square, the teachers are fierce, the positions are also experienced, once the madness, the power can be doubled There are also those generals, it is not good to deal with. Two million of the army, laying opens to overwhelm the whole Qixian. "

"Don't know the generals, is there confident to win this?"

"The end will be made to do our best, defeat the square army."

"A group of blacks, people are more useless."

"I can fight for it."


Everyone has gone.

"Although there is a ingredient, the courage can be pleasing, at least not to fight." The Qi Ti smiled, "You are all ever-western military, the strong crown of the battle is the world, as long as you fight the enemy, this official thinks that Square is in short Suffer. "

"Song Xianfeng, you rate to the soldiers and horses, go to the east of the county, there is a must, where you are Qingxi into the county, where you are here to go to the mountain, occupying the land, waiting for the army Arrival. "Qi Qi commanded Song Jiangdao.

"The end will be obedient." After the Song Jiang received, "asked in the singularity," Xianggong, in this area, although there are some land, but isn't it to divide? Our soldier humble is less, so like this Is it even more obvious? "

"Who said that this official is going to divide the soldiers?" Qi Ti smiled, "You go to build Dazhai, it is necessary to set up for the army, but not only your own people."

"Remember the biggest in the house, you have to reserve a long-lasting grain, future our battlefield, the battlefield of Fang La, is here."

"Ah, I want to give up the county?" Song Jiang was shocked.

"That is not, but the battlefield can't be placed in Jixian." Looking at the doubts of the people, the strange explanation, "there is hundreds of thousands of prisoners in Jixian, there will be no big problems on weekdays, once it is war, It must be ensured that these people are stable, and they will not take the opportunity to make things, this is bound to involve our strength. "

"There is also the people in the county, saying more, saying less, millions of people, the same have huge hidden dangers. You should not forget, this Zhangzhou can be the ancestral home of Fang La, is also the most powerful support By."

"Square is a two decades, and they will take the poor people, collect the people's heart, Wanjia live Buddha, many people feel that he is a bright king, which is extremely worship. This kind of person will definitely there will be, and not a few. "

"When we won the county, we had this kind of problem, and there was no such problem. Once the square is in the city, who knows that these square wars will be hidden?"

"We can't wait to regret it again, in order to prevent problems, this time with the square rule can't be in Jixian. So this official will go to build a big camp."

"Only the camp is all our own people, we can fight with the enemy without worrying about the attack behind."

"Song Xianfeng, this answer can be satisfied? Do you have any doubts?"

"Nothing, the last will go to do this." Song Jiang was handled.

"Mailing Han Shizhong, waiting for the evacuation of the army, immediately from Hangzhou, then follow up, threatening the opposite side of the road." The strange is to continue to arrange deployment.


A item is issued from the styles.

As the court dispatched officials arrived, the small number of elite soldiers raised in all states was returned, and the military and horses who were able to use in the hands of the strangers were gradually increased, and they finally nearly 8 million.

Among the eight million people, there are five or six million are elite, the rest of the army, which is prepared from Hebei, Huaixi, and the same spiritual selection, and the fighting power is quite good.

Qi Ti Dadao should have to evacuate from the county, Chizhou, Jiangzhou, Jian Kangjun, and Raozhou's military and horses will enter Jixian, and ensure the stability of the strange rear.


When the war was touched, the Qi Ti received the emergency military situation from Jiangzhou.

The court sent a reinforcement for the chaos of the army, and he had to Jiangzhou.

There are not many people, but it is one million, but the commander of Cai and It is said to be Taishi Cai Jing.

This is not small, still with the appointment - Hangzhou defense.

When the singularity received the news, his people had entered the state, and they came to the county.

It doesn't matter when you are in Beijing, but it is necessary to deal with Shangguan.

As Jiangsu Zhe Huai, it is the coach of the Petroaceous army, in love, this Cai Jing's people must report.

"Caihe? Is there a brother called Cai?" I have seen the news, and I have a heartwood.

Two days later, the Qi Ti saw the army striions supported from the Zhujing.

I have gone a surprise that I haven't seen it yet.

In the system interface, the field of the outside world is close to the list.

"It's another reward." He looked at this powerful child, and he was happy in his heart.

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