Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 453 of the Finance of the Finance of the Finance (Subscription)

The emperor has said that the people outside Cai Jing have a domain, and people in front of them have confirmed this.

Before, I was still thinking, if I kill the reincarnation in the Wolu Forces, what should I do if the last one?

Now fell, I am invested.

Qi Ti did not know what kind of experience in this person, I have never seen it, I thought this is a Buddha, I don't care about the completion of the task, but in the last moment, I can't help but appear.

Qi Ti is very understanding his choice, if he does not appear, then there is no chance.

Perhaps the emperor agreed to come, it is to make the singularity. After all, I said before and he said that his purpose is to kill these fields outside the country.

In the , if he hides in Cai Jingfu, the Qi Ti is naturally not good, can you always die?

However, on the battlefield, the dead is simple and easy.

Especially this large-scale war, millions of casualties, others can die, what do you can't die?


"I wish you all the best." Yu County Zhizhou Tuen Mun, Cai Zhongxiang Xi Tie ceremony, presenting letters in his hand.

The letter is written by Cai Jing. In addition to the beginning of the cold, it is the passage of Cai Zhonglai Jiangnan. Let the Qi Ti look at his old face and take care of his jade.

Sure enough, Cai is actively requested to ask for Jiangnan.

Cai Zhong is Cai's children, and the family is naturally not said. Later, it was even more test. There is such an excellent talent in the original family, and Cai Jing is not wanting to let it go, but it can't be pleaded, or agree with his request.

In order to let Cai Jiazi go out to do not prestige, Cai Jing deliberately put forward the support of the Qi Tie's power in the charitage and the Jiangnan war, and recommended that I have a handsome.

So this has a reward for Hangzhou defense to support the support.

As for why you want to see the Qiki first?

That is because the Qi Ti is now the highest eunuch in Jiangnan, the military and political power is set in one, not to set the relationship first, indicating that respect, isn't it not to give a singing?

So Cai Jing is willing to put down the commencement in his heart, to the singularity, so as not to bring trouble to his own generation.

"Free gift. Cai Zhong is, Taishi's meaning, the official understands." Qi Qi smiled and said, "You are just, this official has just gives the army and the square rule, and you bring this support When the army is just, it can alleviate the pressure of many officials. "

"For a while, you will go to the battlefield with this official, and you have two days, you are familiar with the battlefield. The official also hopes that you can put a lot of color in this battle."

"Thank you too much, the official knows, this is ready."

When I heard the odd, Cai Zhong tightly looked down.

I came to this world for so long, he already knows the special identity of the task of the official one in front of him, even though he felt that he was very careful, it won't reveal the flaw, but still worried that it was seen.

Once the identity is exposed, it is afraid that this is not to kill yourself.

The cruel competition between the reincarnation, he deeply understood. Under the premise of occupying such a big advantage, it is impossible to let others come to a piece.


Of course, there will be no reason to kill this reincarnation, since people have exposed, then you don't have to worry about it.

Instead, the reincarnation in Shurajun has not exposed, and there is so many states, and there is no, this last two reincarnations, the big probability is behind the square.

I don't know what I will, in such a big battlefield, there is no chance to cut the big array of Songjiang, divide it.

The Qi Ti always pays attention to Song Jiang and said, to be honest, so far, Song Jiang's one hundred people have no one person, and I am still very happy.

As long as there is no one in Song Jiang, it means that there is no one in the reincarnation, it is his success in this world.

As for the rest of the remaining reincarnations, don't worry, slowly.

Time is not far away.


I have seen the reincarnation Cai Zhong, the next day, I got the three million troops that were still stationed in the city, and the million soldiers and horses under Caizhong, and went to the east.

The county town of Jixian County is considering the soldiers and horses of the rest.

"Congratulations to the public." Siki arrived, Song Jiang and other generals came to welcome.

"You are free," odd smiled, "The army first entered the camp, and then he would make a shortage."

Just a few hours, everything is over, and the sky is not completely black.

The intermediate world, efficiency is so fast.

Waiting for people have eaten dinner, and singularly calls the age.

"Let's introduce the generals." See the people to Qi, the singing, "this is a reinforcement of His Majesty, Hangzhou Defense makes Caizhong, Cai Tianshi's late generation, very much." "

"I have seen the generals." The Qi Ti is stunned by the demonstration, and Cai is standing up.

Someone found this newcomer when they were in the invasion, but they didn't know their identity. At this time, it was.

It is no wonder that the court will send a reinforcement. It turned out to be a son of Taishi. This is clearly seen that Jiangnan is about to be fixed.

Thinking of this, many people are dissatisfied.

They killed the enemy for the Song Dynasty, struggled for several decades, mostly a state defense, this person is because the Tong Master is young, and I will climb to their head.

Perhaps the successful Master didn't expect it, there is still a hard battle!

If it is under the battlefield, don't you know if there is any face?

"General Cai brought millions of renewers, and it is not a small war. I will fight side by side. I hope everyone can cooperate with unity, fight the enemy." Strange scattered Dizhong sat down and said.

Many people have the belly of the belly: Military army said a lot, but in this war, there is a little not enough to see, the army is waiting for the army, which does not have millions of people?

The key is to see the combat power.

Otherwise, the public is dare to build this big camp, the enemy of the triple is the enemy?

"Song Pione, you come to the earliest, talk about it, what is the situation now?" Asked Qi.

"If I go back to my husband, I will find the horse feedback. The two days ago have already played the source cave, and I will go to our army. It is expected to arrive at my big battalion in the afternoon."

"The words of the Chinese army, maybe it will be half a day."

"How many people are in the pioneer of Square?" Asked Qi.

"No two million." Song Jiang said.

"All, this war is our war of the finals of the Fang La rebels. Once you win, Jiangnan is flat, explain is the time when you add," Qi Si's commencement, "So this official hopes can I have a good thing to make this battle, don't brevish it for some small things. "

"You have seen it before, this official is in the eyes, remembering in the heart, in this official, the Narration is not only the number of killing the enemy, this, please keep in mind."

Seeing that he nodded, and the heart was once again, and he looked at Cai.

"General, the enemy pioneer will come tomorrow, you can be willing to compete, defeat the enemy pioneer, and raise my army?"

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