Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 454 will be star like cloud (seeking subscription)

If you hear a strange, Cai Zhongton is difficult to look.

When I started from Wangjing, it was the official tall song, and when the Fang La Festival was defeated, it has been to Jiangzhou, and it is known to face.

He has a heart, but it has no delay, otherwise it will not be in Jiangnan.

This also does not contact the goal, and the task is not good for him.

He is doing the quantity of Song Jiang who talks before and strangely, knowing that this is the leader of the Tianzhang's Comars, and the heart is also thinking about how to climb the relationship, he heard the strange words.

"Go back to Magong," Cai Zhong stood up, caught in the country, changed the call, "At the end of the first arrival, it is not familiar with the war, it will not be ugly, this is the matter, or give it to the colleague!"

The million army brought, it is a strong banned army selected from the three hometown. It is also the capital he is based here. Of course, he is reluctant to be closer.

"Hey ..." If the words, Cai Zhong heard a buzz.

But what kind of experience is not, this small scene, he is still hovering, the face is not red and does not have to change the color.

"In this case, the official is not reluctant." The Qi Ti did not have any dissatisfaction because of the rejection of Cai, turned to the other person, "Xin General, the pioneer of the Lang La, handed it to you!"

"The end will lead." Xin Xingzong smiled and opened his life in the eyes of the people.

In their view, defeating the enemy's two million pioneers is a light and easy, this is to give them a good job in the white.

It is said that Cai Zhongyu is not asked, and it actually refuses to wish the gods. Really thought to be the son of Cai, I can ignore the generals of Zhu Jiao?

Now I wish the power of the public, but it is not smaller than that of Cai Tianshi.

Sure enough, it is a gold-plated weight, and it is afraid of things.

Their thoughts, Cai Zhong looks in the eyes, and it is funny.

He came here, but not for the promotion, but he wants to have a chance to kill Song Jiang and others.

Under the premise of killing a group of Song Jiang, he is not worth falling, so that he is organically multiplied, and where is it for this war?

As long as the identity is not exposed, I am a Caijin, as long as it is not a battlefield, this so-called Tantata is not a good one.

I am going to play, and I have enough heart to be dissatisfied.

Only this guy, when will I prepare to kill Song Jiang? When the war is over, I will be too obvious.

The idea is quite a little unhappy, and it is already deep, and the ods will make everyone disappear.

The next day, I patrolled the Dazhai, which was established in Songjiang, expressed satisfaction.

The square camp in Fang Bai Li, built on the mountain, guarded the road to Jixian County.

Although behind the hills are not high, the ordinary people cannot pass over, even if there are a small number of people to climb, there is no big effect.

In the afternoon, I saw that the distant dust could be rolled, and a military horse killed.

There are not many people, only more than 10,000, but all cavalry.

Outside of the number, far from the exaggeration.

"'Party' word flag, I don't know whether it is a Fang La people?" Qi Ti said, "There is no news from the news of the horse?"

"It is still a message before, the latest has not been passed." Said next to it.

"Let's go to the next, confirm the position of the Fanglijun." Qi Qi told.

After Lao Ping, he also looked to Liu Guangshi: "Liu Jun Jun, send 50,000 essence, except that the enemy is expelled. Remember, don't fight with the enemy."

"The end will lead it." Liu Guangshi took the order.

Soon, a 50,000-person elite cavalry was invited, and the cavalry charged, the army was bored, rushed to the enemy.

"Withdraw." The person is the pioneer of Fang La, the emperor.

The movement of Fang La is not a strange, the same, the singular movement is also in the square, and the square will know that he is in this place, blocking himself, let himself launch the masses, and only positively killing.

This battle is not easy to end, so he sent a pioneer to this, the same set of big camp.

Fangjie came from Hangzhou, took the initiative to ask for the army.

In dozens of miles, Skye is starting to take the camp, and he is with a cavalry.

Seeing the enemy cavalry to expel, Fang Jie wants to attack, the measures Song Jun's sharpness, but think of his own task, or to endure the desire to attack, take the initiative to retreat.

After returning, I brought the latest news of the horse.

The big army of Fang La is still in the distance, and the most recent half-day distance.

The singularity did not hesitate and immediately hit Xinzong.

"Xin General, your mission is to defeat the enemy, let them can't be stable, remember, you are less, don't do it with the enemy." Qi Qi told.

"The end will lead my life." Xin Xingzong went away.

"General Wu, you should take the Xin General in front of the department." After a quarter, the Qi Ti Zong Zong.

"Gonggong is worried about Xin General failed." Wu Wei asked.

"The Officer, of course, believes in the general, but the battlefield is changing, perhaps the top one will occupy an advantage, and next moment is facing a desperate, no one can expect. Let you take it, just make sure it is complete."

"At the end, I will understand." Wu Yu will go.

Before Heaven, Xin Xingzong and Wu Yu returned.

Destroy the enemy's big camp, defeating the enemy's striker, killing hundreds of thousands, but only 11,000, it can be said to win.

During the front battlefield, the West Army is not afraid of who.


After this attacker, Fang La also no longer allowed the pioneer alone, the big camp is under the protection of the army, it takes a few days to finally establish it.

Then Fang La will bring a big army to challenge.

"I wish you all breaks my Jiangnan City pool countless, invincible, this king is here, can you dare to come out of the city?" The commander came to the big camp, conveying the way to the city.

"Fangjiao is visiting, the official is very welcome, the camp is ready, if the square is a teacher, it can be." Qi Ti can call the "king", no one, deduce.

Fang Lawa is still outside the number, but with a strange strength, you can completely see the flag of Qing Waqua.

Around the Square Law, the banners who have played, indicate that the generals of these squares.

The star is like a cloud, which is a strange intuitive experience.

In this world, at this moment, this place gathered too much general.

Song Jiang did not say, he should be starry, so far, one is not damaged.

The famous military camp in the two Song Dynasties is too much.

Multi-teacher, breeding, Zhang Shu Night, Yao Pingzhong, Wang Huan, Wang Yuan, Liu Guangshi, Wu Wei, Wu Wei, Zhang Wei, Niu Wei, Li Gang, Zongze ... Zhongxing four will, in the Southern Song Dynasty, except Yue Fei, In the strange army, of course, Han Shizhong is not in the big camp, and in the back of the square, threatening the back of the square.

And the square, there is a lot of generals.

Two big princes, four major marshal, pivot, to make Lu Shiqi, left and right, Taiwanese, Fang Jie, Water Army four-year management, military department Shang Shu Wang Wei, Xiao ran by Bi Po Wanchun, Tianshi Bao Road, Hangzhou 24 Wait, at this time, it is in Square Army.

In the preliminary war, the killing of the opponent's will have a limited killing, and now, these people have gathered together, accounting for the advantages of the troops, and come to attack a big camp.

This battle is not easy for the singularity.

But as long as the victory, the gain will also be large.

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