Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 455 Fighting (seeking subscription)

I don't speculate, I naturally don't need more.

Fang La also didn't think that it would send people to play, otherwise, why should he have a great job to build a big camp here, block your own way, and go directly to the county.

The drums sounded, and the army began to advance.

In theory, the army of Fang La should exceed 20 million, but it can actually come here, and there is not so much.

Han Shizhong led the soldiers and horses in Huainan East, threatening the back of Square, Yuehua, Zhangzhou, Zhangzhou, Taizhou and other places, and close the Qingxi, Hezhou, Hequi.

Although in addition to Han Shizhong, the remaining states are not too many, but they are not a small number. Perhaps the fighting power, but after all, the quantity is there, and the square must leave a certain army to prevent the sneak attack of these soldiers.

So only one thousand and six million soldiers who come here.

From the previous pair of three, a pair of two, Yu Qiki, is undoubtedly a good news.

Square is prepared, the siege equipment is naturally not lacking, soon, under the protection of the soldiers, the siege equipment is in place and starts to attack the city.

Within the camp, you are not polite, start the counterattack immediately.

Under the cover of the remote attack, the capture of the captain is close, and the cloud ladder began to camp.

A set of battles is a mini city, and the difference between the siege is not big.


Until the sky, the siege still has no progress, and the Fang Lajun only left countless bodies under the wall.

There is a square wafer, and there is also a Song army from the wall.

Fang La did not leave the corpse, too many people died, and they could not take away.

To be evacuated by the army, the singularity immediately sent people to go out, pour the outside of the body, then ignite incineration.

So many bodies are outside, even if the temperature is not high, there will be hidden dangers.

There is a large amount after the disaster, that is, because there are too many people in the disaster.

The bears fell to the quiet night sky, and the air exuded a disgusting smell.

After all, it is burned, it is countless body.

The next day, the fire did not extinguish, and the whole day was burned.

Fortunately, the Zhai Wall has done a fire treatment, otherwise it is really not worthy of this long fire, high temperature invasion.

The fire was forced to be suspended, but it also appeared to remind the square, once again attacked, and directly opened the geotext worker mode, sent people from the rear. A lot of soil.

After the opening of the day of the day, the army retired from a distance, sent troops to the front, ready to bury the body.

Of course, this is not the true purpose of square wax, but wants to fill in the terrain.

If he really makes it as high as the outside of the camp, then this big camp has no meaning.

In this regard, Qi Ti naturally can't let go, immediately recruit Joe Daiqing, Gong Sun Sheng and Fan Rui.

"Gongshu Dao Chang, this official needs you to show spells, recruit heavy rain, prevent the enemy's current action."

"Follow the following." Gong Sun Sheng said, "I am afraid that someone is blocked, I can't complete the task."

Gongsun's victory is called Yunlong, in the low-level world or is just a beautiful name, but in this intermediate world, it is no longer a problem.

Qiao Daoqing was because the money pursued the rain was greedy, and he killed people and escaped. Finally, on the singularity.

"This road doesn't have to worry, Qiao Dao Chang will look at the mage of the other person, and the Wenshi Legion provides protection for the director, Fan Rui, you assisted good Gong Dao Dao." Qi Qi told.

There is a singularity, and the public grand will have a spectrum, and immediately open the altar practice, soon recruit clouds, accompanied by a thunderstorm, rainstorming.

The rainstorm, on the battlefield before the Qi Tic's major camp, flipped the soil of Square Laojun just came.

Under heavy rain, it is obviously no longer working.

Rainflow, carrying and turbid muddy water, going to the distance, a foundation of the body and showing the surface.

When Gong Sunsisheng is very moving and very moved, and Fang La will soon be known to the news, immediately invite the Tianshi to take the hand to block.

However, the road is the way to think, it feels a huge pressure.

Encountering the enemy, the road is exproper, fully shot, want to stop heavy rain.

However, Joe Daoqing is so good, and the passage of B is to block one of them, it is blocked by Qiao Daoqing until the rainstorm is terminated.

When the two parties fight, the soldiers felt a depressed breath, but I didn't know where to come.

The rain is enough, naturally stopped.

Then, the singularity once again sent people to go out, poured a fire oil, started to burn, as a day before.


"Tianshi, what is going on, why not stop Song Jun's rainfall?" Asked in Folka.

"The Shenggong, the minister has exhausted, but the Song Jun has a high law, but also more than one, the minister is unable to deal with the two." Tea Kong said.

"Lonely is long." Fang La looked at the hole, comforted, and asked everyone, "Such a good policy, even because the Song Jun has failed, what is the good fortune? "

"Shenggong, this is not necessarily failed." The right to the ancestors far away, "Since the mud does not do, then use bluestone to fill it here."

"Collect mountain stone, burn Qingshi, Sacred, our soldiers and horses, you can fill in the battlefield in a short time, move back to the disadvantages of the land."

"That is doing this, rest tomorrow, continue to attack the city, and prevent you from seeing our plans." Square said.

"Today, I will retreat first."


Water energy gram, but the gram is mutually, as long as the fire is large enough, it can also gram.

The rainstorm is anxious, and it is fast, so after the rainstorm, I also sent people to the city to incinerate the body.

"I have worked hard today." On the wall, I looked at the fire outside, and I said to my face pale Joe Qing and Gongsheng.

Bao Dao B is not good, and Qi Daoqing can suppress it, it is very difficult.

Gong Sun Sheng is not used to say, he is only the cultivation of the Yuan Dynasty, and the next heavy rain is more accumulated.

"The responsibility is, I don't dare to say hard two words." The two said.

"The official does not leave two, let's go to rest." Qi Qi told the road, "I have to rely on two towns."

Qiao Daoqing and others left, and Qi Qi commanded to see the camp village and once again convened the gains and discussed the gains of the battle today.

When the end of the final age, the Qi Ti is to look at Cai Zhongdao: "General Cai, these two days of fighting, you also saw it, the battlefield is so cruel, one day, there are hundreds of thousands of casualties. Do you still have a confidence? "

The singularity, this two wars, although most are the bodies left by Shurajun, the Song Jun has a small relative loss, and there is a lot of large quantities.

"The end will never be afraid." Cai Zhong said.

"That's good, next time the Fanglai attack, you will bring this army and horses, stick to a village wall." Strange said, "Be sure to keep up, can not let the square wars come in, otherwise the military law is engaged in." .

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