Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 457 Decisive Battle (Continued)

In the night, Fang Jie wolf fled.

The side of the body is the reincarnation Fanghuai, surrounded by a group of defeated, rushed to the direction of the big battles.

In the rear, the new major camp is full of fire, and the sound is endless.

It is ready for a day during the day, just waiting for the Song army to stop the behavior, then he will break itself, dragging them to return to the camp, not always the army can arrive, and take the opportunity to attack the Song Jun Camp.

What is thoughtful, Song Jun did not move during the day, let himself have a heart attack at night.

The army of Fang La, except for the most core teachers through long-term secret training, the rest were recruited after the event, or the armed horses who were originally owned.

The bridge flows in the water, the combat power of the Jiangnan army has always been like the north, not to mention the fine in the Northwest Forces. Normal war has not experienced the airport, let alone fight at night?

Therefore, Song Jiang launched an attack and kicked directly from the tower of Fang Jie, and many people didn't have any enemy, they were scored by oneself.

Fang Jie is extremely strong, but the talents are practicing, not the generals who are good at the command. Perhaps with the force of the army, the army is not unfavorable, and it is often very passive in an unexpected situation.

After the incident, Fang Jiegen couldn't afford to counterattack, or the reincarnant Fang Huai took a tens of thousands of people to meet before, and did not let Fang Jie fell into the resilience.

But the big camp is lost, more than 100 million people still don't know how much it can escape.


"Huai Yi, is a brother, did not listen to your suggestion, was blocked by this." On the way to escape, Fang Jie said.

He was arrested, and the big capital also said, if the Song Jun can't come out, stop in the ground, prevent the Song Jun from being destroyed.

On the occasion of Heaven, Huai Yi reminded himself to be careful that the Song army night is, and it is that Song Jun will only destroy his own plan even if it is, it does not pay attention to this, and only grass is told, "Be careful."

I don't pay attention to it, I don't want to think about it, but I will not be illegal, but the Song Jun is really coming.

As a member or the group of Liangshan, put on the big array, the night sky in the night sky is full, and it is spectacular.

This spectacular results are their wolf.

"The big brother is heavy, the younger brother is not the worst plan, the unreasonable thinking really happened." Fang Huai said modest.

"I heard that Huai Yi has a big talents. I don't believe it before, I can't afford it in the crisis." Square sighed. "After going back, I would like to give the Shengxian, take Huai The talents of the brother, there is no statement in the state. "

"In the court, Lu Shiqi, the ancestors, Li Minzhong, Zheng Wei, etc., there is no one in our class, this situation can be long?"

"Thank you, brother, I think the younger brother, the younger brother pays with the brothers and the horse is looking forward." Fang Huai is surprised, let the side are very satisfied.

Fang Huai Xinli is even more proud: He Jirsi Li, which is pushed by him, and it is the root cause of himself.

Song Jiang is holding a big army, the strength is extraordinary, wants to win the tiger from the panthe, must also master the army.

I am only the edge of the Fang, before, in order to improve my strength, I have been like a transparent person, there is no outstanding performance, so that so many big troops under the Fang La, are only tens of thousands of people, and the gap is too big than Song Jiang. .

If you can control the million army, meet Song Jiang on the battlefield, you can conduct a strike, even if you lose more, as long as you can kill a few don't lose.

"Lu Po Mi, two prime ministers, etc. are all middle schools in the Holy Commodity. It is very heavy for the Shenggong's great industry. Since the high level. Brother, don't pass it," said that the fire is the way.

"Huai Yi is relieved, I just talk to you." Huaijie still has a self-knowledge. Although he is a scholar of Square, but there is no choice of king, it is still not as good as Lu Shiqi and other central ministers.


From the odd Dazhai to Square Camp, separated by hundred miles, and the surroundings are plains. Even if there is a small hill, there is also a hundred thousand soldiers.

After cleaning the battlefield, Song Jiang was in place, after Tiantiang, the army had breakfast, opened the camp, and went to Fang La's army.

Song Jiang et al., Add it to it, and consume a huge torrent.

Opposite, Hua La also mobilized the army, like this.

Last night he wanted to support Fangjie, but helpless Fang Yan defeated is too fast, his aid is not started, and Fang Jie has returned and can only make it.

So, in the morning, he told himself.

Explore the horse is frequent, there is not much time to receive the message.

In the same number, it stops.

Not a few tens of thousands of army came out from the square, killing.

No words, you know the meaning of each other.

Of course, I know this is a test, but I don't hesitate to send enemy.

Square is like this, and the army is coming out.

Just have not waited for them near the battlefield, and the former army is nearly completely. Song Jun is not known, continue to rush, and want to die again.

Although the combat power of Song Jun has guess, the Song Jun's performance is still scared.

Thinking on a moment, Fang Lang low and human whispered a few words, in the moment, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, ready to be siege from the side wings. Liu Guangshi.

Of course, it will not let the soldiers under our siege, and immediately talked to Yao Gu play.


A branch of the army was sent to the battlefield, and the number of people killed more and more.

The range of battlefields is also getting bigger and bigger, from the front, to both sides, more and more open ...

If it is not a way to meet the strength, you can't see the army on both sides.

The two sides were placed together, and the squares didzens miles. Some offended.

At this moment, no matter whether it is singular or square, it will be retired, otherwise it will enter the battlefield.

Too many people.

"Luminous, urge you to break the enemy as soon as possible." Seeing the stalemate, the strange told me.

In his opinion, the West Army's combat power is completely unfained. Fang Lao slightly has a slight man, and the death of all the cards.

The drums of the rumble sounded, and the battlefield was more intense.

"General, you rate the military and horses, go to the right wing, be sure to break the enemy as soon as possible." Qi Qi told him.

There is still hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in Cai Zhong, is also a unhappy force.

"Gonggong, this ..." Cai Zhong is somewhat hard, he doesn't want to participate in this battle, hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and there is no water drift.

"Do you want to resist?" The strange brow is tight, and the tone is not good.

"The end will not dare, the end will be supported." Cai Zhong took the grateful malicious, immediately led, and went to the army.

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