Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 458, the whole army attacked (seeking subscription)

"I wish you a winning loss?" Fang La looked at the battlefield in front of him, and he was so eyebrows. "He is so fight?"

"Shenggong, Chen studied the war for the Leopard, once broken through the obstacles, it is a concentrated advantage to defeat the enemy." The pivot made Lu Shihao.

"But now there are more people. He is this set?" Fang La doubt.

Listing the war, which is not a small-scale test, and then put it a little in the soldiers. I wish the pantry, once out of the city, I just want to fight directly.

This is the battlefield of the 2,0 million army, it is necessary to end this day, may it?

"Maybe I wish you a confidence." The right-handed the ancestors said far away.

"It's really when our soft mactries, the number gap is so big, is it a battle for the soldiers?" Zheng Yu disdain.

"I wish too many soldiers and horses around you, do we want to dispatch all the army, go straight to the leopard, take it, end this war?" Square asked.

"No, at this time, the Song Jun did not defend the defeat, and the soldiers were still unstable." Zuo Yu said.

"Indeed, wait a minute, let him know, let him be prepared, when to act, be sure to break through the Song Jun in front of the front." Fang La told him, "there is also Fang Huai, let him express it, when you are alone. reward."


Seeing the Cai Yue levy, I have a lot of rest assured.

No matter what is planning, in this war, once the battlefield is on the battlefield, you must fight.

Otherwise, if he puts water, let the Fangli army have made breakthroughs, and the first is his own.

In such a war, who knows what will appear unexpected, an accident is a deadline. Even if there is a small abacus in Central, you have to take a victory.

Even if you help Fang La won, if you die first, isn't you done for others?

This kind of residence is not done, and the reincarnation will not do.

"Bo Ji, all state military and horses have been dispatched?" Qi Zhi asked Li Gang around him.

Li Gang has been recalled, and he has been waiting to be around himself, and the Artistrand will be managed.

"Go back to the public, give their orders to attack, look at time, should have begun." Li Gang served, "the command to give them a command to break through the interception of Square, the road, directly threaten the back of Square, The official can feel it very quickly. "

"Han Shizhong?" "Qi Ti asked again.

All the soldiers and horses in the back of the square, the monk value is the top of Han Shizhong, at least the army, there is a million, the original northwest is elite, dare to fight.

And the remaining Zhuzhou people, even if it breaks through the interception of Square Laojun, it may not be forced to attack the square.

"It has also been contacted, and the Han General will be personally charged." Li Gang said.

"Well, pay attention to the battlefield, once found moving, immediately dispatched the whole army." Qi Qi told him.

A army was sent, and there was not enough to fight for two million.

And the opposite side, there are five or six million people.

The gap is still very obvious.

However, on the battlefield, the Song Jun occupied the advantages, and the quarter of Fanglijun was suffering.


"Shenggong, explore the horse, the rear, the state soldiers and horses are being attacked." Lu Shiqi reported to Fang Lang, "Song Jun is coming, the attack is violent, they can't hold too long."

"Is this the backhand of Zhu Bao?" Fang La cooked, "as those waste soldiers, even if they reached nearby, they dared to continue from troops?" Square waves.

He is still loud in this south.

"Shenggong, there is so, but have to prevent it." Li Min Zhongdao.

"Well, yes," Square, told me, "Three brothers, you have taken someone to see where you need to support, try to stop, stick to my army wins."

"The secretary of the demonstrates." The comes will go to the army.

"Is it still not broken?" Looking at the battlefield, Square is a bit heartless, "the commander is outstanding!"

However, someone else will go to the order, and a rush of footsteps.

"The Holy Gong, the Northwest Fang defended the army was broken, and Han Shizhong was crowded."

"What, the six generals of the lonely look at Han Shizhong, why are you killed so soon?" Fang Tianzhi shocked.

"What reason is not important, the key is to stop Han Shizhong first." Li Min Zhongdao.

"Yes, Lu Po Ji, I will be troubled with you." Fang La said.

"The Holy Commune is relieved, and the court will stop Han Shizhong." Lu Shiqi also hurriedly.

"Tell Fang Jie, suspend attack." Square is a little unwilling.

Although it looks at the wind on the battlefield, there is still some area to occupy an advantage. As long as it breaks through, it will inevitably move back to the disadvantage.

Although the remaining military is not much, most of them are tactries, and the combat power is not weak compared to the West Army.

But now I suddenly be less than 2 million, although the advantage is still, it is not so obvious.

"Shenggong, I wish you happiness." Zheng Wei said.

"What?" Square hurriedly saw that I wished to move forward.

"Prepare to fight." Square wax and evil, "Since he wishes the leopard to quickly divide the victory, the lone is satisfied, seeing the true chapter under his hand."

"What is the army of the Guardian army, with this teacher, the enemy." When the key, Fang La did not hold, and founded the previous title.


The singularity is really moving, and the people in the is not much, so I personally take people.

At this point, in addition to the cultpril, millions of military horses are all dispatched.

In the rear, there is still no less than this army, threatening the back of the square.

The head is Song Jiang, and once again put it out of the sky, the battlefield will take the battlefield.

More than 100 to join the local battlefield for the law, instantaneous changes in the situation.

The square waxing of the Song Jun stalemate is no longer, and the past is shocked by Song Jiang, penetrating the battlefield in front of him.

Fang Lajun is unfair, and then organizes the effective counterattack.

I took the enemy, and Song Jiang did not stay, directly to the square.

The enemy is no longer, and when will I do it?

"Two wings reinforcements, expand the advantage." I still don't wait for Liu Guangshi to go, and I have arrived, and the command is issued.

Two three times of war, although it is already tired, Liu Guangshi is handling, and supports friendly.

The singularity followed the Song Jiang, and he was killed in the party.

"Fang Jie as the first line of defense, intercept Song Jiang." The same time is still ordered.

"Tian Diri, the rate of the four yuan, the two sides are copied, and the Song Jiang is siege."

"The rest of the people, etc., with this, the main attack, see what can I be resistant to the end?"

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