Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 459 Big win (seeking subscription)

Square, the strength, the strength is really strong, not before those soldiers.

But strong is also relative.

The training is better, but it is only theoretically strong army, and the gap is still very obvious compared to the Western Force of Warm War.

Only the cooperation on the battlefield is not at a level.

The battlefield is always a group, and the single is stronger, even if it is the enemy, it is impossible to change the situation in the battlefield.

This, is not a senior world of the country of the country.

With the absolute advantage of the force, Square waocluce caocs to the strange attack, but it is still defeated in the section.

Song Jiang put out the scorpion, the big array, under the siege of Fang Jie and Fangtian, is still there.

"Ming Wang is coming to the earth, and the benefits of all beings." Fang La finally showed skills.

There are countless teachers, and the strength is flying, and there is a fanatics on the face.

"Out of the evil magic, welcome the king." They called in the mouth, and the movements were not reduced.

"The evil devil outside." Qi Qi snorted, "the command, attacking."

Directly let hundreds of thousands of people have improved, but it is not easy to do, and you can see the pale face.

This kind of temporary improvement is impossible, as long as it passes, it is easy to get on the dead, and then it is easy to attack.

The attack and defensive conversion, Song Jun stabilizes the defense line, although the enemy military bun is a fanatical charge, but only leaves a body, can't move.

The strength is improved, but it seems that the wisdom is also reduced, only to understand the brute force charge.

"Song Jun actually has such a combat power, why can I wait for this Jiangnan half?" Fang La looked into the battlefield.

I only heard that the Song Jun's power is strong. Fang La has also estimated the combat effectiveness of Song Jun, but it is still expected.

In the land of Jiangnan, it is impossible to imagine the living environment of the Northwest Former Army.

Look at the battlefield in front of the rear, I feel that my army is only one other, but the most elite teachers go to the battle, but they are still bad.

Is this Song Jun that is humiliating me?

No one speaks around.

What is the fighting power of the Jiangnan banned army, they all know, otherwise they don't dare to train millions from the district.

However, the banned army of Jiangnan has long been lost, and has been bustling, plus the people's burden, and the people are giving them a chance.

They also knew that the Jiangnan banned army did not have the fighting power of the big broadcast army, but they did not expect that the gap is so big.

Fang Jie, Wang Yu, these people fighting, and the Song Jun, also felt that the Song Jun did not show all the strength and reserved.

One time, two hours, the sky gradually, the battlefield is still rubbing.

But both sides did not stop.

The square is going to stop, but it can't open it.

He knows that now it is still stalemate, just with that tone, once you ordered to collect troops, it will inevitably lead to the collapse of the whole army.


"Shenggong, front report, Lu Po is dead, Han Shizhong is killing, it is not far away." Li Min said quietly in the square.

"Know it." Fang Lang has been completely calm and said calm.

I saw the Song Jun's combat power, and the Square, the only army who dared to charge the charge will inevitably, and Lu Shihao will fail.

The accident is that he did not escape.

"The prime minister, told it, collect the soldiers and horses, do a good job." Fang Lai thought, and told the ancestors to be far and Loudi.

"Shenggong, where do we go?" The ancestors asked.

"First, I've been breaking around the direction, there are also our business for a long time. Even if I fall into the Song Jun, I want to take it back and not difficult." Square, Lu, "then A band in Taizhou. "

"As long as you can break through, this Jiangnan has a broad land, you don't have to worry about being hoped by the pantry, Jiangnan has a crushing people, which is the foundation of our Dongshan."

"The minister's leadership." The two should have a secret to tell.

In less than half an hour, Han Shizhong kills, it is not already, Fang Tianding can only divide half of the soldiers, in Shibao, Li Tianyu's leader to block the enemy.

Song Jiang's pressure is further alleviated and begins to counterattack.

"Ming Wang bless." Fang La once again showed the secret law, blessing the taught in battle.

Sure enough, the tired tiger, once again lived, and the attack is also more violent.

"The Shenggong, the three kings have also been lost, the Eastern, Southeast, the southern defense lines are broken, and all state soldiers are surrounded by me." Li Min was again reported again.

"Expected things, we are about to defeat, if they are delayed, don't worry, I wish to punish after the leopard?" Square, said, "Is it ready to evacuate?"

"It's ready." , "Just this withdraw, our loss is too big."

"That is also something wrong, who can think of the big Song, who has repeatedly defeated, actually have such a soldier." Fang La said, "but their sacrifice will not be in a white fee, there is always one day, the brightness of the Ming will cover this world. "

"Treat all states and horses, start shooting around." Square said.


It is also half an hour, and the rear of Square Lawning is gradually sounding, getting closer and closer.

"Fang Laz is going to escape." The Qi Sudu Suddenly, who is commanding the fight against the army.

"Where is the public?" Li Gang asked.

"Fang La has just contracted the soldiers and horses, and the soldiers and horses who siege Song, are also countered." Qi Ti said, "Failure is already inevitably, and Hurat will understand that if he does not take the state of all states It's really can't be broken. "

"Side know, why not send people to interception in advance?" Li Gang asked.

"The army has been mourned, and the square is just a dog of the funeral. The threat is no longer, we must prevent him from being hurt before being dead." Strange said, "let him leave, let him divide these army, stand stable, then pursued It is not too late. "

"Boke is relieved, he can't escape."

"Do you have a plan to have a plan." Li Gang said.


"There is an enemy behind him, killing the enemy with this," waiting for all state soldiers and horses, with the quarter of the square, with hundreds of thousands of people who are assembled to meet the enemy.

The soldiers in the south of Jiangnan, the weak combat, and never dare to face. If you don't know that Square waory is sick, where can I attack the party's interception? Another is the opponent of these people?

Soon, Fang La took people to open a gap and hundreds of thousands of military.

At the same time, Fang Tian Ding, Song Jiang, Han Shizhong and others, Fang Jie and others, and left some people to evacuate the battlefield.

"The order is not pursued." Qi Qi told him.

The command quickly passed to everyone, unwilling to ran away from the big fish, immediately kill it in the stubborn square army.

In fact, the news in Fanghua fled, and some people have started to escape, and finally formed a rushing situation.

Come, it is already a cleanliness.

Only those who have a strange battle, the fanaticism has not been dissipated, still with the life.

Song Jiang initiated an attack from the back, and quickly killed him.

Great wins.

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