Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 460 Pursuit (Subscribe)

The source cave is deep, and it is rugged. If there is no guide, even if there is 100,000 people, it will not easily explore the exact.

Looking at the Hong Great Palace built in this hole, the kiostead is called.

Fang La's luck is very good, can find here as a preliminary base, and later build his own palace here, see the feelings of Fanglai to help the source.

Helping the source cave is not suitable for a country, too remote, and the square will be the palace here. In addition to safety reasons, there is only the emotions left here.

After all, Su Hang, who is known as the human paradise, has not changed his meaning.

At this time, the last battle has passed more than ten days.

The big army of Fang La is destroyed. The most elite teachers are all war, and they will stop the Song Jun for him, so that the core people of Fang La Zi have highlighted.

Millions of people killed, millions of captured, and the rest did not know where they were traced.

Plus Han Shizhong, nearly nine million people, only 5 million left, nearly half of the discount, even the Western Army generally killed several.

Millions of three thousand people in Cai Zhongzhong banned the army, this is more than 60%, and there are 300,000 left.

This is the struggle for the most elite Zijing.

Theoretically, it should be the strongest, but the battle experience is limited, the battlefield, the casualty rate is far from the West Army.

The war is only one aspect, and the war is more busy.

People who die will not say, there is no condition, they can only burn things.

The treatment of the injured, the placement of captive needs a lot of effort.

Fortunately, I don't need to manage these, the court in order to let him feel relieved, send people to assist these afterwards.

Previously, this public is always waiting for the overall situation in the rear, and the Fang La battle defeated this.

Of course, odd quarters did not do anything, because the square roasted, "Daxi Thunder" shrewd a Zhizhou, two defensive jobs, greatly shocked the officials of Jiangnan.

Zhizhou, defense is the imperative and dismissive of the court, and the Jiangsu Zhehua system can be exempted on the spot. Naturally, it has been licensed by the court. This also represents the dissatisfaction of Southeast officials.

I thought that I had a good performance in Jiangnan, a lot of people had a heart, and I was afraid of being stranged. Not only do work, but also actively helped the public to make a good business, let this public will make many, old with comfort.

If it is through the historical plane, the Qi Ti must try to reverse the situation in the big Song, and clean the Jiangnan with the help of the Square.

But this is not history, but a novel, he has to leave, and the emperor has also said that it is impossible to reverse the situation of the big Song.

Although I know, I can't help but I want to be more than the people who have been doing more, and let the layout will have the meaning of the Jiangnan luxury.

After all, Fang La lived the people of the poor, and the head is aligned with officials and landlords.

After stabilizing the situation, the Qi Ti did not immediately send a tutorial, but the other party's Ladians conducted a reward.

Shengzheng is also a seal, rewarding gold; killing the first level of the first level, appreciates the silver of 100,000; the remaining party is under the literary, there are unequal rewards.

Then, a group of prisoners have been selected, let them go to this source, and search for the old nest of Fang La.

Good things are still a lot, gold and silver jewelry, text play painting, there are many Items that are rich in Monasi-teach, such as the Ming Wangzhao of the Square.

Monastery is also collected a lot, there is still a lot of practice, but unfortunately is a very ordinary practice, Monasi's unique skills are not found, and there has not been discovered the secret law of Square.


Going back to Qingxi, the entire Yizhou has been cleaned up, until this, the foundation of Square is destroyed. Even if Squar Lawn is here, you can't set off the waves as before.

With a lot of injured soldiers, the patient is returned, and then the soldiers and horses in Cai, the army of the odds will return to 6 million.

He is ready to chase the square.

"Is the position of Square Lawn?" Asked in front of the war, he asked.

"According to the exploration of the horse, the three days before the quarter, Zhangzhou Longyou, has not moved." Li Gang said.

"That's straight to the dragon," said Qi Ti said, "Be sure to weef the final residual soldiers of Fangqua."

"Gonggong, if the dragon swim is a bonus, the square has secretly escaped what to do?" Zongze asked.

"That is better," I laughed, "Square is a residual army to fight, directly extinguish things; if it is secretly lurking, the people have to offer his traces."

"Square is a year, his appearance has already been circulated, and then the court's wanted, the official believes that Fang La will fall into Wang Yang Dahai in the people's war."

"Unless he will never come out, this is unacceptable, so there is no need to worry."

"Gonggong, the end will be born in Hangzhou defense, have never arrived, and now the overall situation has been fixed, the end will want to go to Hangzhou." Cai Zhong stood up.

"The war did not stop, would you like to leave in advance?" Strangely stared at him.

"The end will not dare, just the court ..."

Cai Zhong also wants to border, and the strange is open.

"Don't take the court to press the official, the official is Jiangsu Huai, Hangzhou defense is within the jurisdiction of the official, and listened to the official." Strangely interrupted his words. "You want to go back to Hangzhou, you can The official can give a face of Taishi, you want to go, go on, the army leaves. "

"Jiao Mong ..."

"Let's go, the three-hunting army is the court to assist the official's flat chaos, not your private army, nor the Hangzhou army, there is a disagree, and the official is now cure the sins of your life."

"At the end, I will not dare, I hope to use the public to destroy the side." Cai Zhong bite his teeth.

In less than a month, millions of army have 300,000, let him feel very distracted. After all, he came here, not really wants to be flat, but want to kill Song Jiang and others.

The strange heart is clear, he doesn't care what to think in Cin's heart, but he will never let him leave his own control.

On the system interface, there is another reincarnation, this world's reincarnation, only three people, how can I ran away from the big fish in front?

Before, he went to the battlefield, and thought that he would not fight the sand field, who once thought that he was lucky, he was hard to get a big victory, and there was no wound.

That can only continue, and the square will become an early day.

"Song command makes it, still your part is a pioneer, the soldiers sent dragons." The strange order.

The fate of the scorpion is indeed changed by him. So far, Fang Lang is the end of the poor, still there is no one to break.

"The end will lead my life." Song Jiang generously said.

Bandal Jie, Fang Tianping siege, the part of the Songjiang River is serious, the original 500,000 people, there is still more than 20,000, the loss is over half.

However, in front of victory, these wars are worthwhile, so Song Jiang is very good, and it has accepted the task.

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