Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 461, into (seeking subscription)

Zhangzhou, Longyou.

Tour a circle again, Fang Huai returned to his own account.

Even if you are unwilling, he also knows that this task has failed.

I was defeated with Fang Jie before, and the square was not guilty, but because of the recommendation of Fangjie, he raised his soldier and horse to 300,000.

But far is not enough.

Song Jiang Tianyu is a big array, and the three five times the enemy is not a problem. She was the last battle. He attacked Song Jiang with the Songjiang, and the army was killed, ordered to fight. The Songjiang Office sold a lot, and the generals under the murder also killed more than three five, but at the core of the big array - a hundred and eight Tianzi's comet, and there was no death.

He has found that in this big array of Songjiang, you can attacked, you will be divided into labor, there is a major attraction, there are monograms, there is a responsible remote sniper, there is a responsible gunfire support, there is responsible medical care, there is a stable morale ...

If you can't be strong with absolute strength, you will have no choice but to take Song Jiang.

Although there is only 500,000 people in Songjiang, there is also five or 60,000, and only more than two hundred thousand people are in the Song Jiang. It is not enough to form absolute advantages for Song Jiang, but soon Song Jiang to finally Under a counterattack, the self-defeating detailed, and the papers were escaped, and they have been arrived at this Longyou County.

After receding the defeat army, I always got up, but I didn't have a million soldiers, and I was too far more than before.

This world has been rated twice, but each time fails, it has not waited until Tianzhu's appearance. In other words, the previous two times, the reincarnation of this world, I don't know how Song Jiang is the goal.

Because no one persisted to Tianzhu's arrogant Jun gathers Liangshan, nature did not know, the world wants to complete the goal, personal combat is only second, the key is to live in high, control the army, only through the war is likely to complete the task .

If he knows, if he knows, he will rob the voice in Shurajun, and you can break through the big array of Song Jiang with the advantage of the strength of the Song Jun, and complete the task before the Song Jun Jun.

It's been over, the only person left is not enough to pose a threat to Songjiang.

However, even if there is a failure, there is this experience, knowing the truth of this world, just returns to the round temple, self-cultivating resources to buy information, fully compensate for the failure of this line.


"General, the enemy has been outside the ten miles, and the commander will meet the enemy in the city." Just when Fang Huai's mind, the guards came to report.


Fang Huai is going to conduct, rushing to the city, and Fang Jie has arrived.

"Brothers, Shenggong and Prime Minister, their differences have not been solved?" Fang Huai came to Fang Jie asked.

Before the Dragon Tour, the square wax and the ancestors were far away, and the miles in the future were different in the future. Fang La wants to disband the army, they hide, secretly develop the influence, and come to the Japanese army to withdraw, Dongshan again.

But the ancestors have different suggestions in the long and , they want to fight with the army and Song army. Anyway, the quantity of the West Army is not enough to control the Jiangnan. As long as they are careful not to be edited, they can swim, so that the West Army has been ash behind the butt.

The General State is not able to provide this convenient condition for their offensive, vast land of Jiangnan.

"No, it is noisy!" Fang Jie sighed, "After this failure, many people have some opinions on the Shenggong, even the prince is also full of abdomen, I feel that the Shenggong should not give up Hangzhou."

"The people are scattered, and the final failure is not far away." Fang Huai said, looking at the "Song" word flag of the distance, ask the party Jie, "What is the meaning?"

"Is there any idea?" Fang Jie asked.

"The younger brother is not prepared to go, is willing to be the Holy Dead." Fang Huai said.

"So, then the brother will go to the holy, accompany the brother, the last game." Fang Jie smiled.


Fang Jie, Fang Huai's Ximen welcomes the enemy, and the square will leave from the east gate from the east gate to the state.

"Long Wen Liangshan is good and heroism, but may not be enlighten?" Separate two or three, Fang Jielan challenged.

"Military, this is the delay of the square," Song Jiang asked Wu's use.

"Yes, it is estimated that Square has evacuated." Wu took the beard, "but it doesn't matter, you mean, you can't run slowly.

"That military teacher see, do you want to accept challenges?" Asked Song Jiang.

His soldiers and horses are too much. If you can first attack the enemy, the next battle will be less discount.

"Fang Jie's Wu Yong, I have seen it in Huzhou. I know that I can't ask the horse in the South, I am afraid that no one can win him."

"Lu Chao is one of the army commanders," Song Jiang was surprised, "Tagged, Lin Chong can't work?"

"Maybe win, but I want to win Fangjie is almost impossible." Wu said, "I am also worried that Fang Jie has a backhand."

"He is so homewed, there is a general, can you still have to pass our brother?" Song Jiang smiled, "To be a horse back, if it is a Fang La Zhen to abandon the city, let Lu Tong will fight, if there is any challenge, Let's win, Lin Chong will play again. "

Fang Jie's shouting ended, I didn't see it for a long time.

He is not anxious, waiting.

It is very good to delay the time to make the Shenggong far away.

Until the moment, the Song Jun was finally moving.

Before riding, drink asked: "Who will come to die?"

"In the following, I came to lead Liangshan Hao Hangao." Fang Jiemei Ma.

"Killing you, Hebei Lu Junyi also." Lu Junyi took the killing.

The two Dafa peak masters, just killed in the army, forced the army, the army, only sacrificed the military array, and stabilized the formation.

"Sure enough, it is still a way to fight." China's Huaun is seen in the vastness of the two people, the arrogance, "Fang Huai is here, who dares to fight."

"Insert the first disciples, see my source." The red face will get out of the horses and draghaws, killing with Fang Huai.

Waiting for a long time, no one has challenged, many people expose the disappointment.

I think that when they are all in the world, they are known for their brave, and there are more challenges.

Then there is powerful, and after I wish you, there is less, even each time I'm playing, I have to put down the big array.

Safety is safe, but it is not very good.

It is difficult to have a chance, but only two people are not as good as those outside Changzhou.


Fang Jie has no main life, and two times with Lu Junyi war, and finally, Lu Junyi picks up the horse, and die on the spot.

Affected, Fang Huai never stopped the constant attack of the source of the source, and was hit down.

When the army arrived, the war of Longyou was over.

The two commanders were dead, no strength, Song Jiang broke the tens of thousands of troops, cleaned up the city, and then invited the city.

Especially after seeing Fanghuai, the smile on the flag is satisfied with Song Jiang very satisfied with today's performance.

Can you not satisfy?

The system's prompt let him know that the last reward is finally locked, and it is in front of you.

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