Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 462 Pit kill (seeking subscription)

Fall back the leader, watching the reincarnation of the first place.

Looking at the information on the hand, the heart is straightforward: this round of reincarnation is very deep, actually no one likes to toss.

Is it because there is no chance to toss, or it is really tossing?

Don't say other people, the reincarnation of the Xiao's bodies in the Liaodai, as a hang, if you are willing, you don't have to wait for the Liao Lord to the south, you can take advantage of the Song Dynasty, you will have a toss.

Hut others, the emperor's inclusiveness is natural.

"I heard that you are the initiative to leave, this courage, this official admire." The Qi Ti looked at Fanghuai Road.

"There is no outsider here, why bother to play?" Fang Huai calmly said.

"Well, since you know my identity, I will not get around the circle, talk about it, which forces?" Asked.

"Can you go to this point today, you are not the first time I entered the world. I actually asked such a childish question?" Fang Huai smiled, "Do you think someone is stupid to tell you?"

"I am not afraid to tell you, I really have such a person." I have a smile, "I have a tacit understanding of the two years, so I hope you are the same."

Fang Huai is obvious, and the radius will resume calm, and it is silent to show his attitude.

"You will be so defeated?" Qiki asked, "To our realm, every reincarnation is a great enhancement opportunity, you really want to return with the identity of the loser?"

"What is the failure, I have already wanted something." Fang Huai said.

"The reputation of the War Temple can not change your ideas?" Qi Ti asked again, "If you like, I can convince the high level of the War Temple, absorb you."

Fang Huai's eyes flashed a shilly, and quickly eliminated, and he did not open.

"Since you don't say anything, why didn't you die on the battlefield, don't you come to captive?" Asked Qi.

"Just want to see what people who are alive in this world are like!" Fang Huai finally opened again. "I am very curious, how do you want to set up a group of Songjiang? Or do you say that your mission is not the same?"

"This is not working hard," "Qi Qi sighs," Since I don't want to cooperate, then I have nothing to say. "

Putting the pro soldiers will wish one, more than a cutting posture, I wish you an immediate understanding, with a reincarnation.

After a while, see the tips of the system interface, Qi Ti know, complete this book World Main line task step into countdown.


After three days, the Qi Ti once again used Song Jiang as a pioneer and sent it to the state direction.

Lanxi, Jinhua, Wuyi ... Every time you pursue, the soldiers under Fang La will have to be less, and the general will break a few.

The army of Yongkang, the army of Fang La, is less than 50,000, quite part of the new branch.

"Can't go on again, Song Jun pursue is getting tight and tight, we can't make it bright, and we must hide." The newly attacking Yongkang County is in the Yongli, and Fang Lang said to the minister, "later, we I can't win a few people. "

"The Holy Gong wants to open the Song Jun's method?" Asked in Loudi.

"There is no good way," Square said, "For the time of this, only the mountain can get rid of the pursuit of Song Jun."

"The western army came to face chaos, and it will not wait for a long time to stay in Jiangnan. If we return it, we will not be late."

"There is no deterrence of the West Army, and the people of Jiangnan banned the army can't stop us, and they are slightly like the probe."

"Let's talk about the holy!" The key moments, the ancestors, and Luminous and Times have not repeated disputes, agree with the suggestions of Fang La.

"Yongkang has a stone city, connected to Yunyun Mountain, and has hundreds of miles. It is suitable for us to lurking. Take a break, go to the mountain tomorrow morning." Square waited.

But the accident is always accompanied by the bad luck. When the second half of the night, Fang La woke up by the Minister of the People. He got news in the sleepy eyes.

Fang La warefire promoted the army, and finally he withdrew from the Song Jun Pioneer to Yongkang, thinking about the direction of Shichengshan.

"Fang La did not leave the army to hold the army stationed?" The monk is coming, and the large team is still killing behind.

"No." Song Jiang was exhausted, strongly supported, "according to the words of the people, Fang La is probably two hours before leaving Yongkang."

These days, Song Jiang has not had a rest, according to the singular order, all the way to chase Square Law, do not give him a chance to discuss the countermeasures.

"Two hours?", A whistler, look to the accompanying Cai Zhong, "General Cai, after these days, the square has become a bird, and the squad is not good, and the power is low."

"You rate the soldiers and horses, take the Song Jiang to pursue, be sure to stop it before, and wait until the official army will come to the official army," odds, "odds."

"The end will lead." Follow this first first, Cai Zhong knows that there will be no good things, and it is sure enough.

Or that sentence, now he is unable to refuse the strange order.

"Go, wait for the departure of the side, the General Juba, the official, please," said Qi Ti.

"Both began to escape in the mountains. If you meet the chasing troops again, the square will be desperate, and I don't know if the Cai can not escape this robbery?"


Before the Fanghu entered Shicheng Mountain, Cai was finally chasing.

Sure enough, it was forced to walk through the way to organize the soldiers.

Originally thought that he is not the opponent of these Western Army, after the fight, Sang Sai found that Song Jun's combat power is not strong, there is also a problem in the command.

In this case, what is the welcome? Fang Laoo immediately ordered the civil and military to attack, smashed the Song Jun with the fastest speed and entered Shichengshan.

When encountering a counterattack, Cai Zhong is already.

I have become a soft mortal, and the square can't play with Song Jiang. I will bully me?

If anger is lingering, it is more awkward, and it is calm down to Cai Zhong, and I found out that I have been surrounded by Square.

A powerful law, who is killing in his own.

"Play big." Cai Zhong smashed and began to break through the army.

Shibao, Li Tianyun, Deng Yuanjue, and the appearance and other people turned to attack. Although Cai is already in the late stage, it is still unable to resist.

In the end, when he fled, he was fired by Pu Wan Spring.

"It's over, the task failed." Cai was killed and felt to the lapse of life.

Looking up, it seems to see the distant image of the distant portrait.

"Is this a pit? It turned out that the identity has exposed, but it is still not self-knowledge."

With a lot of color, Cai did stop breathing.

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