Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 463, Fang La's ending (seeking subscription)

Cai is indeed a strange pit.

Even when Fang Jie is dead, there is still a lot of top generals under the wax.

A lot of four major masters, plus Zheng Wei, Wang Wei, Zu Jing, Li Minzhong, plus as the Monoto master, is extremely powerful.

He can imagine the powerful combat power that these people have exploded when they are forced to limit.

Sure enough, Cai is a deceased.

Cai's can't break the strange design, his status determines the result.

If he doesn't have been so desperate to intercept the square, the singular will also take the way to let go of the side, and it will kill it.

The results have been destined.


Before half a time, Qi Ti took hundreds of thousands of people near the near, I saw the battle in the battle, I saw the siegeted Cai Zhongyun, but I was insisted that I took a look at the killing in front.

Until Cai was sneak in Pangwanchun, he was killed by killing.

Seeing the prompt on the system interface, Qi Ti finally has decided.

"Support Cai General," Qi Ti is a face, and if you just arrive here, "Be sure to stop the square."

Until at this time, Fang Lawa discovered the arrival of the Song Junjun, and wanted to quickly evacuate the battlefield.

However, the three hometown of the coach will be awarded the army, and the powerful combat power has emerged, and the death of the dead, until the strange is completed.

The big army is still behind, and in Yongkang City, I have been resting two times by Song Jiang, and then with the army of the first batch of arrival, along Cai's footprints, in Gong Sun Sheng, Qi Daoqing Showao Under the cover, quietly approach.

"I wish the leopard, do you really have to kill?" On the battlefield, the sound of the quilty of the quarter of the waves came.

"Since the Lord's Lord said, since you dare to train the rebellion, I should think of this day." "Qi Ziyi righteous words," In order to avoid innocent injuries, the square teacher is better to order the talls, waiting for the court to fall. "

"Hey, you are stupid, put down the weapon, don't you be slaughtered by you?" Fang La wanted.

I wish the leopard, I think it is very beautiful.

"Now, are you not in this official?" Odd smiled.

"I am waiting for life, I will die for the Ming Wang, and they are dead." Fang La's voice is full of enthusiasm, "but even if it died, he will not wait for it, before, the person is not a descendant."

The two people shouted in the battlefield, and everyone heard clear.

"How did you take Cai General?" Qi Ti's face "doubt", warned, "that," that is the teacher of Cai, I am agreed, you dare to hurt him, don't be ignorant. "

"It turned out to be a rapebits of Cai Jing, this better, Cai Jing lost the race, see if you wished what to explain to Cai Jing?" Square.

"What, Cai Jun actually ... Fang La, you are looking for death." It seems to learn that the ending of Cai is, and the sound of the singular voice is very urgent.

"I will kill this official, don't let go, this official is going to be the head of the party, pay homage to General Cai."

This is said, and the strange is ignorant.

"General Song, there are still many top martial arts, and Hua Lang, the teacher, the teacher, the general, the generals of the National University, the generals of the National University, the Town of the Town, the Ministry of China, Li Tianzheng, the Ministry of the Ministry of the Shu Shi Wang Wei, Tai Lao Zheng, Zuo Yuzhong, the right-handed ancestone is far from the late post above, in order to avoid the death of the soldiers, you will continue to put down the enemy. "

When talking to Song Jiang, the strange tone is very calm, and there is no urgent meaning.

"The end will lead my life." Song Jiang Yingdao.

After a moment, the Song Jiang was become. The number of people in this bury is much less, only more than 100,000 people.

"Square, there is a name called Ponwanchun, known as the base, specializing in archery, Cai Jun Jun is under his sneak attack; there is a name called Du Wei, there is a flying knife to attack; there is a teacher Bao Dao, Good at Taoism, especially the flying sword hurts people, "odd" to Song Jiang, "Song Pingfeng, the official hopes to be in the next battle, these three people will not have a chance to attack."

"Don't worry about it, at the end, I will watch him, and I will kill this three." Song Jiang Ying said.

"Well, go to kill the enemy, don't let the square highlight the heavy." Strange said.

"General, Bao Road, Butual, is the Taishu Zheng Zheng Wei," "" He "is called Zheng Magu, the negative tactics, but also makes the gold brick, he handed it over to you." Odd watching god Ma Le Road.

"Don't worry, I am trying to try this Zheng Yu's color." Mark said.

"Qiao Dao Chang, Fang La as Monitor's Lord, there must be an extraordinary odor, he is looked at the director." Strange Tang said.

"Don't worry about it, as long as he is not a robbery, it is not a chance to give him a chance to give him." Qiao Daoqing is self-confident.

I have some heads, and I will lead to the people behind him: "All the people killed the enemy, completely gotten the side of the Sladrop."


After two hours, the main force of the chaos arrived, the war has ended.

Even a few days came to the Huangjun, over the way, along the way, and the square rings basically didn't rest, exhausted. Plus, before the arrival, in order to quickly defeat Cai, a lot of fierce will have a lot of effort, and they are already tired.

Pon Wanchun and Florid Friends spell more than 30 arrows, and finally, it was shot and was shot.

Du Wei was caught by the sky to kill.

Bao Dao B and Gong Sun Shengfu failed, suffered from Taoism, and was caught by Song Jiang.

The four major masters, Shibao was killed by Sun A, Deng Yuanjue was killed by the victory. The Division was killed by Yan Tingyu, and Li Tianyu was killed by Du.

The Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of Mustang was killed by Lu Junyi; Zuo Yu, Zhongzhong saw failure has been a foregone, self-cultivation; the right-handed ancestor is very good, active surrender.

The button loyalty to kill the comment, Han Shizhong kills the square, Fang Tian Ding was killed by the cattle, Lu Zhi Shen kills Gao Yu ...

Basically, those who are in the middle of the law, they have the general stare, and there is no casualties from the Song Jun.

Only a few lucky generals suffer.

The general of Fang La was taken by one by one, cleaned up the guards of the Qing Sheng, surrounded.

In the whole process, in addition to showing a secret law, improved the fighting power of the guard, no other active.

"Fang Guo, finally met, why have you said?" Strange, looking at Fang La Road.

"Do you think you have won?" Fang La is a proud appearance.

"Obviously it is true." The singular looks at the generals around the four surroundings.

"You should not have a thousand people, don't go to the mainstream of the church," Square laughed, "Ming Wang descendantly, helping your believer kill the enemy in front of him." Square La Ji Ji.

The strange heart is shocked, immediately refunds the step, but there is no feeling.

"Ming Wang, are you giving up your believer?" The voice of Fanghua came from, explained all this.

"Square, this so-called bright king, but the evil spirits, the official has a big Song Tianzi, and he dares to appear in front of this official." Strange smiled.

"You don't have to be proud, there is always one day, Ming Wang's anger will come to this world, usher in our bright world." Fang La is convinced of this.

"That day, the square is probably not seeing." Qi Ti said, "come, please go back, escade Tokyo."

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