Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 464 Zhang Tianshi (seeking subscription)

Fang La and his family were escorted to Tokyo, but did not immediately immediately.

Jiangnan East Road, the two Zhejiang Roads were hit hard, despite the evil spirits, but if they didn't com, I was afraid that I would still have to get angry, I can't wait for Zhao Nanzhuang.

The people's lives have their own public prosperity, representing the people who have suffered from war, and the monk, the commander, the commander of the commander, to ensure that new officials don't be so embarrassed to the people.

As for further, it is weak.

The branch task has been completed, and the main line task only has the last reward, and can return it at any time.

This time will not be too long.


Taking Li Gang's Wen Jing, it is busy after the end of the war, statistics, and the military's martial arts.

Millions of northwest soldiers are not far away from their east, waiting for this day.

In order to stabilize the Jiangnan situation, after defeating the square, the army is divided into all states, and the mountain gangs will maintain local security.

Yourself took this part of the military and horses and Song Jiang, returning to Qingxi, sitting on the capital of the past.

When I arrived in Guizhou, when the Water Army of Fang La, several directions of the Wulong Army had already fled to Zhangzhou.

The Qi Ti specializes in the training of the water troops, the main role in the battlefield of Jiangnan is to protect the big army river, basically there is no war.

Compared with the army, the cavalry is not conspicuous, but the role is irreplaceable. If they are, this Jiangnan is big and small, and I don't know how much it is to lose.


"Congratulations, this task is very beautiful, no one is competing with you." When no one, the last reincarnant Gao Quan Hao.

"Don't you know?" Qi Ti looked at him. "When you come up this time, if you have any bottom card, you can turn it over."

"This is really not." Gao An laughed, "If there is anything, it will never wait until now."

"So you are waiting for death now?" Qi Qiqu is interested in asking.

"Still waiting for your reply." Gao An said.

"I consider it." Strange said, "How to contact?"

"If you go to the reincarnation hall, listen to the station of the War Temple, let me know." Gao An said, "My name is in Churin."

"This name?" Asked Qi.

"Of course, if you have a fake package." Hilin Middle Road.

"You are not afraid that I know your name, take the opportunity to deal with you?" Asked Qi.

"What is a name that can represent?" Churn Middle Road, "The card of the War Temple, I did not destined that there were no one dared to reverse its front. And I reached the world, we all have a new name."

"Well, I know." Qi Qi sighed, "The people in the War God are really confident."

"That is of course, this is determined by the bottom." "Hilin Middle Road," When did you send me away? "

"Don't worry, wait back to Beijing and say." Strange said, "I have to go out these days, I will not take you together, I hope you can cooperate."

"Of course, I will not let future comrades are difficult." Hilin middle road.


The newspaper sent Dajing, waiting for the day and child decision.

Before this, I want to do another thing.

Go to Longhushan, visit Zhang Tianshi.

Five-Bucheng, the fourth-generation teaching, the maintenance of the teaching, the dragon, and has been a thousand years since it has passed on the 30th generation. Today's Tianshi Zhang Ji Xian, the number, Song Huizong gave a "Virtual Mr.", and the nine-year advice, the teacher teaches the teacher, has been more than 20 years.

The age is almost the same.

Siki is coming, I want to see if I can find a funeral period.

The emperor gave promise, but the Qi Tiger felt that it could not hang on a tree. If there is a chance, it should also search for a few exercises.

On the world, he got it from Zhang Runa, but the time of his time, and Zhang Daoling, Zhang Heng practitioned is not exactly the same, can only reach the monarch, and the Yuanyuan is not.

After thousands of years of inheritance, Tianshi has become more and more and more, and it should be improved.

At least the manifestation of Zhang Tianshi, which is starting with the head of the water, does not dare to say that the repair period should be there.

Returning to the old child, the Royal Dragon (Snake) Tiger, Qi Ti is now in the realm of Yuan Shen, it is difficult to do.


It is from the gone of the thief to arrive in Xinzhou, and in the military.

Then took the Qiao Daoqing, Yan Tingyu, Song Jiang, Gong Sunsisheng, Zhu Yi, Zhu Ping, a light car, and go to Guixi.

The Tianshi teaches the dragon mountain, in the southwest of Guixi County, it will have a place in the jurisdiction of Jiangnan East Road.

When I arrived in Guixi, I would like to first stop in the Longhu Mountain, and I went to Longhu Mountain before the next day.

At the foot of the dragon, I have been waiting, and I have come to visit Zhang Tianshi's news and passed to Tianshi.

Yu Xia Xiaowei is a time, under the guidance of Zhuping and I wish the next day, there is already dozens of Taoist people.

"Congratulations to Taibao, the Taibao came to Longhu Mountain, and my Tianshi said that he was in the first way to be in the first road.

"The real person is polite, I don't want to tell, I hope that the sins of the teachings." The odds smiled.

"The Taipei is heavy, the old road is surnamed Zhang, and he is a teacher who is old. When you don't say it." Zhang Lao Dao said, "Tianshi has been waiting for the palace, Too guild."

"Old labor is old."


I can't help but marriage, I heard, Zhang Chang Lao is probably Zhang Tianshi's own person. From his tone, he can listen to its pride for contemporary Tianshi.

Also, in the Tianshi Road, the nine-year-old education is only only one. Originally, Tianshi said that he was a long to bear the avenue, but this was a successful reversed attack, inherited Tianshi.

When today's Church, the Tianshi is also extremely advocated. When Zhang Ji, when he was in Beijing, Song Huizong personally built Chongning Guan, and later Zhang Ji took back to Longhu Mountain. After the Shangqing Palace, he wrote " Jing Tongyu "three words are named, also for the new way of Xindao, Yunjin, Zhenqi, the three views of Yunjin, Zhenqi, and change the ancestors.

Xinzhou is also a big camp of Tianshi. Don't look at the south of Jiangnan, but never dare to enter the news.

If the square is just a tach, and the Tianshi has no doing, but Fang La is the name of Moniism, and the Ming Wang will come to the world. This is conflict with the teacher's teachings. If you dare to enter the news, I am afraid that Tianshi will find it. Going home.

Taoism dispute never is peace.

Square is a self-known understanding, so I don't dare to Chair.

As soon as the strange quarter, come to meet their priests. In addition to several small Taoists, they are above the monarch, and the cultivation of seven or eight old roads is in the middle of the Yuanshen, there are two or not under him.

This is only the people who have come to welcome him. The sky knows the beautiful dragon mountain, how much can you hide!

Going to the mountains, it is a magnificent building.

Under the leadership of Zhang Lao Road, the young Taoist Taoist of a fairy style bone is coming to the palace.

"See too much protection." The mild and calm sound came.

"Too insurance, this is a contemporary teacher." Zhang Lao said.

"Tianshi does not need to have a lot of rituals, and ran, it is still forgiveness." The stunt immediately went forward and laughed.

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