Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 465 Chuan Dynasty (seeking subscription)

In the Song Huizong, the Taoist status is respectful, such as Lin Linger, can gain a big victory with the prime minister.

Linger can be so, depending on the emperor's pet, does not mean how high is the official position.

The chartroom is the basic basics of Confucianism. How can he have a foothold?

Lin Linger called the national teacher, the big Song may not have this position, Song Huizong is a petition to him, and can only be expressed by the continuous increase, to the ninety-five words.

Similarly, although the emperor respects Zhang Tianshi, when he was in Beijing, Zhang Tianshi is just a five-product scattered doctor, or is a scent, there is no power.

In contrast, the odds of this is absolutely worthwhile. In that year, Tai Yu Hongxin was in the dragon and the mountain, and the people who teach the Tianshi teach.

No him, the status is in that.

They can of course be embarrassed to Hong Xin, but then?

Tianshi, who is biased from the mountain, nature, there is no Taishi in the heart of the emperor. The words are in turn, the three people have become a tiger, the emperor is lowered to the Dragon Tiger Mountain, and it can directly affect the view of the world to Tianshi.

After all, Tianshi said that he wants to pass, but he still watches the face of the court.

This is the reason why Tianshi is asked by Hong Xin, and is the reason why Zhang Ji first is waiting for the superior palace.

Zhang Ji first became a teacher, strong strength, and was also advocated to the emperor. Of course, it could not meet, but once influenced the impression of Tianshi, the result was unpredictable.


Zhang Ji Xian is 30 years old, but it looks more than twenty-three or four years old, the face is ruddy, the robe, Dai Xiaoluan, holding a dust, the face is tender, but Yuan Yu Yue, a master of the artist.

Come near, there is an extremely dangerous feeling.

In the cold, see the gift, a group of people arrived in the Qing Dynasty, first in the past, and then Zhang Jian personally took a line, and visited the scenery of a dragon.

Temporarily, the next day, the second day, proposed to ask Zhang Jijun.

Then be brought into Zhang Ji Xian Huiji.

"Longhu Mountain is united, but Tianshi can put everything, live in the grass, really admire." The Qi Ti is first to weave.

This is also good, Jing Tong is in the Shang Qing Palace, compared with the spectacular supernatant, the small courtyard is unlikely.

But this also demonstrates the heart of Zhang Ji's first.

"The Tai Bao praised, with the vision, the Taibao is not bad." Zhang Jian said.

"Tianshi, come to ask for advice, today is not the big Song Taibao." Strange said.

"The trail is a Tianshi." Zhang Ji Xian.

"Well, in the next, the more you say," said Mr. Weijing. "Strange said.

"Why?" Zhang Ji first changed his call.

"For the way to find the road." Said Qi Ti.

Zhang Ji is watching him, quietly.

Old expects to the eyes of the warm eyes, the ancient wells, and seems to contain a world of blind, one by one, and it has been sick.

What kind of realm is this?

It is not a mistake before, this Zhang Tianshi is no longer a robbery, but it has become a fairy?

I'm thinking in my heart.


"Luxi, the small road does not know what this world has happened," For a long time, Zhang Jian, "but knowing that this world has changed, and his life has a big relationship. The destiny of the stars of Tianzhu, under the manipulation of the house, happened Huge change. "

"The turbulent disorders, the road is shallow, can't see the front road. Dust's thing, this is not the matter of me, if you are in the sky, you will have the front road, but how to answer the road?"

"Mr. thinks it is wrong?" Asked Qi.

"The trail does not know, but the change of the stars of the sky, but I don't know what effect will affect, and the trail will participate in it." Zhang Jixian.

"Can Mr. can be a fairy?" Asked Qi.

"No, this world can not get the immortal." Zhang Ji Xian said, "The road has killed three times, once again, you can complete the four nine times," "

"Mr." What is the child? "

Not a cactus, there is a limit, and the Qi Ti is more relieved, so I asked again.

"Deepest." Zhang Ji Xian was silent, which opened.

"In the following things, the emperor is all known, and it has given strong support." Qi Ti said, "Mr. should know what it means to express."

"That should go to the emperor, why do you want to come to Longhu Mountain?" Zhang Ji Xian asked.

"The emperor has promised to ask the next, and the reason why it is still coming to the Dragon Tiger Mountain, because there is a source of origin to Tianshi." Siki smiled.

He knew that Zhang Ji Xian understood what he meant and put down a guard.

Only Zhang Ji Xian's existence can we faintly feel the power of the emperor. If you change others, you can't think of the dance of Dance, greedy, and use the emperor of the rape. It will hide so deep.

"Please ask your questions."

"Mr. should also see, under the cultivation of Yuanshen peak." Said Qi Ti.

"Three law fellow initiates, it is really powerful, this achievement is such a short time, unless the Hui Hui wakes up, the small road can't find other explanations." Zhang Jianxin.

He is because of awakening Hui, was taken seriously, and later came to teach.

"Oh," Qi Qi smiled two, resolved the color of the face, "Mr., this is not the focus, the focus is in the practice method of the next trip, combined with the Tianshi's road. So in the front road When I don't know, I want to find Tiansheng to seekism. "

"Is the core practice of the Tianshi? It is always only circulating in the Longhushan. When will his life get a dragon?" Zhang Ji first is not angry, just some questions.

At this point, he is more curious about the singular identity.

"Sir, under the way, I didn't say that I didn't say the Legend of the Dragon Hill." The Qi Ti explained, "I'm getting here, it is from Han."

"Hanzhong? The three generations of the ancestors?" Zhang Jixian said, "The second generation of the ancestors flew, and the five-game rice road fell into the hand of Zhang Xiu. Although the three generations of the ancestors took back the tollus, but the lawdoors lost most. Later four The ancestral teacher moved in the dragon and the dragon, and the Tianshi in the past few hundred years has gradually improved this new practice. "

"The identity of the title is to make the small road curious."

"Mr., some things can only be clear, can't give it." Strange said.

"Okay, do you want to learn new positive?" Zhang Ji first asked.

"Yes, I hope that Mr. is all." Strange said.

"This is the core inheritance of the dragon, you are not a disciple, this is not to pass you."

Qi Ti is disappointed, hears that there is a turn, and it is hoped.

"Since you have a foundation, you will get the agreement of the emperor, the trail can't be too small, and it is." Zhang Jixian.

"Mr. is no longer considered?" Zhang Ji Xian is so happy, and the strange is a bit surprised.

"It's not much, it is worth considering for so long." Zhang Ji first said very openly, "Are you ready?"

Strange some head, indicating that it is ready.

Zhang Ji first extended a hand, and his finger points to the strange eyebrows, and the gods of the gods appeared in the mind.

It is a positive effort in Longhushan now.

"Robbery, is it so powerful?" The Qi Ti was inherited, and his heart was still marvel.

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