Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 466 Robbery (seeking subscription)

Host: odd

Occupation: Physician (Master +), Dan Shi (Intermediate +), Farm (Master +), Master (Master +)

Realm: Yuan Shenfeng

Method: Avenue has no power (entry +), Dragon Elephant is hurt (successfully), Zhengqiu (successfully) ...

Martial Arts: Break the sword (successful), picking the star hand (successful), stepping back (successfully), easy to for for forging the bones (successfully), the soul Dafa (successfully), the moon bow (successful), the wind knife (successful) ) ...

Scheme: Drug Rat (Successfully), Spring Surprising Rain (Successfully), Lightning (Successful), Positive Method (Successfully), Five Thunder (Successfully) ...

Source point: 663.2

Main line task: Kill the Evil (910), reward unknown, no return before the task is completed. (undone)

Branch Task 1: After Liangshan agglomerate, set the liang mountain, reward 100 source points. (completed)

Branch Mission 2: Pingding Tian Tiger, Wang Qing, Fang La Song, reward 150 source. (completed)

Branch mission 3: Beat the Liao Qi, seize Jingyun 16th, reward 100 source points. (completed)

Distance to Zhang Ji Xian has passed the past five days, and Qi Qi still did not leave the dragon mountain, so that the Tianshi teaches a certain caravation.

If it is not possible to enter the first cloud, the cloud is light, not to hysterer, facing the territorial staff, very few people can face usually.

Song Jiang and Qi court have been dealing for so long, and often surprised by a strange sentence; Zhu Ping and I wish you all the best around you, still don't dare to have any more than a torque behavior, even if you want to say your right If you don't care, they can't let go ...

Zhang Ji Xian is approximately, and the odd quarterly is very different from Zhang Run, is the practice of robbery. It is called the cultivation to a successful, and it can be trained in class.

This is the core law of the Dragon Tianshan Tianshi, the first of the Sanshan, the Tao Ting of the Tianstrian Tianshi.

Get the practice, the singularity did not change the new positive and one, but the choice of integration with the avenue.

It took 100 source points for three days, and the results were successful, but the name did not change.

The Qi Ti thinks that it may be that the avenue has a part of the content, which is only perfect, so the name has not changed.

This also shows that the avenue is extremely inclusive, otherwise it is a new positive and fusion avenue.

The unprediguzzy power after the convergence is only a small state, but the practice is a real truth, the first line of work, the strange count can feel the bottle neck that has never been allowed to enter.

But he did not blindly cultivation, but carefully studied the new synthetic avenue without a very powerful manner, and took the time to adjust the state, and then found Zhang Ji Xian.

"Mr. Weijing, I hope to take care of you." Strange is just a way.

"Harborne is a robbery?" Zhang Ji Xian is very beautiful.

In just a few days, the opportunity of the breakthrough has been found, is it too deep? Is it too late to have a genius?

"I have a feeling, I want to try it?" Said Qi Ti.

"Something, then go to the peak." Zhang Ji Xian said.

Two people have a quiet Tongtun, Zhang Ji first commanded, and the Qi Tao also confessed to Qiao Daoqing, Song Jiang and others waiting for it, and took the first peak.

"There is no three people in this place, and you will be robbed in this area. The trail will not bother to his life." Zhang Jixian, "Do you need to listen to the perception of robbery?"

"Mr. Thank you, but it's no longer, these days have said enough." Qi Ti said, "If it is still not yet, even if you talk about it again, it is useless."


Zhang Ji took the only slide of the mountain, and the singularity was sitting in the top of the peak, and the double was closed, it seems to be successful.

But the heart is placed on the system interface.

That's right, he is ready to use the source point to carry out this approach.

If not, he also believes in breakthrough.

However, there is no way, who knows that he will take a breakthrough, if he is waiting for him to succeed, the big Song has no, where is he saying?

So the stylist is ready to use the source energy point.

From the world to this world, the singular source point is basically not used, has been deposited, coupled with several branch tasks, there are more than six hundred source points after the synthesis of the Method, Jiang Avenue is unpredied Getting started to small, "district" two hundred power points, bite the teeth, or can take it out.

Anyway, it can enhance your strength, why not?

Close-eyed work, brewing for a long time, feels almost, and the odds have chosen the realm of improving the universal power.

200 source can go, the avenue is unpredied from the entrance to small.

A mysterious atmosphere has rushed from Qi Ti.

As if opened a dusty door, the huge momentum is rushing, and it can't be suppressed.

The wind is stirring, it seems that the sky is also irritated, the black cloud is compressed, accumulating, and like a storm.

Long Tiger Mountain, Shangqing Palace, talk about the people of Zhenghuan, feel this breath, in addition to the palace of the Qing Dynasty, look up to the peak.

"Zhang Chang Lao, what is going on?" Qiao Daoqing felt depressed and asked.

"Hey, if you don't accidentally, the Taibao is going to advance." Zhang Chang was envious.

"The elderly said, I wish the public is ferrying?" Qiao Dao was surprised.

"Yes, if you can spend thunder, too insurance is one of the most powerful people in this world." Zhang Chang Lao Road.

"If it is worth it?" Asked Song Jiang.

"Gray fly to the smoke." Zhang Chang said.

Song Jiang's face, looked at Qiao Daoqing and Gong Sun Sheng, the two faces were heavy, and it was obvious that Zhang Chang said.

"General Song didn't have to worry, the survivors of the ferry failure," Zhang Changqi added another sentence.

Yes, some, in case the chance is also within the "some" range.


Peak, Qi Ti has no time to think more.

"Boom" sounds, the clouds are flashing in the clouds, and a thunder is not as strange to the shame.

The speed of lightning is too fast, and it is not a way to respond.

I thought this hit will be injured, but to thunderstorm, in addition to some butbed feelings, the hair is somewhat deformed, but there is nothing harm.

Three law fellow initiates, the role of the refining is highlighted at this time, otherwise it will not run the skills, the flesh is unable to hold.

"It's hard to solemnly, will not be so powerful, this is also thunder?"

This thunder, the fans is embarrassing, that is, there is no killing, even the clothes are still intact.

It seems that I feel the strange provocation, I am over, the second Thunder is coming again.

The power is more than doubled than before.

"It's also to bear it." I felt, and the work was running, and it was unwell.

The third Thunder, odds have to show the road to resist.

The fourth, fifth ...

At the sixth road, I can't stop all the Thunder, Yu Wei, and the stimulus trembling.

The seventh, the singularity of the law, a punch, but it is called back to the prototype.

The eighth, the singularity is blocked by Yuan Shen Shi, and the Yuan Shen Touch and Thunder are sluggish.

The last Thunder, the three dozens of exercises were running to the ultimate, and the means were so powerful.

But the body is black, the face is difficult, the robe is broken, and there is room for wilting.

Zhang Ji did not move.

Robbery, taking over the world, naturally endless benefits.

A Xiaoguang is self-evident from the skin of the black skin.

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