Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 467 originated (seeking subscription)

Thunder, often means destruction.

But the destruction is not the fundamental purpose of the Thunder.

The emergence of the Thunder is more like a test of all things, screening alliance.

However, the test, gray flying; adopted, ushered in new students.

After several worlds, three law fellow initiates, hundred years accumulation, let Qi Ti have only spent the first thunder.

It seems to be a little miserable, but I don't have to hurt my bones, and I can even say that this time thunder is in the danger of being deadly.

Even the strength of the second thunder, no need to try it.

Xia Taogui, a vitality, self-grateful, spread all over the whole body, and the singularity of the sluggish place immediately has power, sit and sit in the knee, adapt to new students.

Focus and black skin tone, revealing the underwater new vessel, the face is also a few years old, and the long hair destroyed in the thunder robbery is also a new place visible with the naked eye.

The human body is a big treasure, which contains endless potential.

Even if you have broken through the ferry period, you can't figure out where the strength is from.

The exercise is running, endless aura gathers, supplemented the previous consumption.

The breakthroughs in every big realm will have a different beast, I want to swallow it.

The Thunder is a natural enemy of the beast. Under the Tianlei, how far these different beasts are hiding, but they have been safe. There is also Zhang Ji to take the town to protect the law, very safe.

To be returned to the whole, the calm set from the space ring, take it out of the clothes, and come to Zhang Ji first.


"Congratulations to the born, my generation of friends will add one more than one person, Xin Ji," Zhang Jixian Congratulations. "

"Mr. Xie is in the next care, but also to thank you to the law."

"Some small things, insufficient hanging." Zhang Jixian said, "Watching friends, don't work, is it like a matter?"

"Somasion is just in order to learn from the way, and improve the laws of itself, so some are different." Strange said.

"In just a few days, the Taoist You can do this, the trail admire." Zhang Ji Xian praised.

"Fortunately, Mr. has been praised." Qi Ti said, "Let's go down the mountain, I want to come to them."


Before the Qing Palace, dozens of Tianshi teaches the core people, accompanying Song Jiang and others, waiting for the results.

Some people are light, some people have closed their eyes, some people watch, some people scratch the, some people continue to step ...

The trusted kung fu, showing no legacy at this moment, visible at a glance.

"Zhang Chang Lao, Zhu Xiang Gong is the end of the robbery?" Finally, asked Song Jiang.

"Yes, nine is the extreme, Tianji is this ultimate nine, and it is more stronger than one." Zhang Chang Lao Dao, "Just now, it is the last thunder. Down. "

"Looking at the experience of the elders, I wish you no problem with the public!" Asked in Song Jiang.

"The general said, the old road did not scourbu, where did you have any experience?" Zhang Chang Lao Jushan, "Robbery this, can only rely on himself."

"We look at it here, just some depressed feelings, who knows what is the scene above the peak? But there is a teacher, should there be no problem?"

In the end, I said that Zhang Chang said.

If someone can succeed, it can be successful, then worry about ferry failure?

"Don't come down." I have been paying attention to the movement of the mountain's movement to the first time I found a strange figure.

I have witnessed a legendary birth, all the people are very excited, many years of cultivation, this is all abandoned, even if it is pruning the teacher, hunch all together, the eyes are watching the strange quite.

"Thank you for your concern, fortunately." Of course, I know what they care, directly open.

The public is cheering, and the seven mouths have begun to ask, and I forgot this is a big jealous of the robbery.

The singularity is not good, I have answered a few questions. I can't stop the enthusiasm. The excuse should be closed to the repair, giving the Song Jiang, Qiao Daoqing and others, hiding into the room.

Three days later, the Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist is calm down, and the odds will go out.


"Mr. Weijing, is willing to reach under the heart, will be left, there is still something to die." Jing Tong, odds to Zhang Ji.

"Taoism invites it." Zhang Ji first said.

"The life of the scorpion is changed, although the emperor is not dry, but there is still some doubts, I don't know what kind of consequences that will cause." Strange said, "Somet, I will go to the magic temple, bring Tian Qunjun to find origin."

"The magic will come to the world, and the Taoist friends also want to finally do the dragon Hill?" Zhang Ji Xian asked, "The road is very popular, it is really unable to predict."

"Mr. is more concerned. If you think so much, just want to touch your luck, even if you have no effect, you can grow a look." Strange said.

"Then please!"

Decades ago, because of the evil demon of the volley of the temple, it was ruined here.

The Tianshi took Taibao to the Devil Temple, and the Taoist didn't think of it, but it could not refuse, and they could not temporarily hug and then cleaned up.

In addition to the Lao Chang Lao, Zhang Ji, Zhang Ji, is not followed.

"This volulted temple was originally suppressed, and it was a natural star. Decades, Taisheng Hongxun hit the mountain. When Tianshi went down the mountain and praying the plague, opened this temple, pushing down this town of magic stone monument, walking down a hundred and eight The magic. "Before the stone monument in the temple of the volley, Zhang Chang said.

While talking, I also embarrassed the eyes of Song Jiang and Gong Sun.

These two are the demonstrations of this walking, or the leader.

"Can you move?" Asked Qi.

Zhang Chang Lao looked at the teacher and Zhang Ji first, he could only agree.

No need someone else, the blessings and . Two laws of methabited martial arts, combined with the stone monument, revealing the following.

Is there anything I don't know, anyway, I can't see it, and the silk is superior, so that this volley is more desirable.

"General Song, Gong Sun Dao Chang, come over and see." Qi Qi commanded two people.

Two people are smart people, from Zhang Chang Lao, I started telling this volulta, I know that I am talking about myself. Otherwise, the Liangshan will discover the stone of the star, just engraved with their names?

Originally thought that he is a favorite, and later encountered nine days of mysterious women, but also knowing his heavens, even guessing yourself is really the sky, the sky is revived. ...

But in the head, it is a magic monkey who is suppressed by the dragon Taoist Taoist, and the chaos of the big Song.

What is the Song River that is all loyal to the country?

In addition, Song Jiang came to the singularity.

"It's relaxing, just worship the following ancestals." Strangely comforted.

Song Jiang nodded and saw it in the ground.

There is a very common ground hole in the eyes of others, but there is different in the eyes of Song Jiang.

During the mistakes, it was blotted, because the evil was suppressed, and the flee is escapped, and the rebirth of the reincarnation is a human, and the big Song Dynasty Jiangshan.

Then recruiting, fighting, and finally a cup of poison, and took the most trusted brothers.

This is a robbery.

Song Jiangming.

He is more clear, this is his original life trajectory.

And in this world, because I met, I wish the leopard, the number of misses was changed, and I had a few days.

It's hard to say, fortunately, now, his brothers are still alive.

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