Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 468, class teacher (seeking subscription)

It must be , Song Jiang has returned to God, and it sighed.

Looking back at the backward Gong Sun Sheng, but seeing a clear eye, flashing with wisdom.

"Southern Di ..." Song Jiang called.

This sound of the sage is not the Song Jiang to Gong Sun. It is the name of Tianhuo Xing to the sky.

"Huan hundred years, today I know me is me. Thank you, brother." Gong Sun Sheng said.

"You also saw it?" Song Jiang asked a sentence.

Just now Gong Sunsisheng can not go to the edge of the ground.

"Yes, brothers long." Gong Sun Sheng said, "Perhaps everyone is already known."

"I really don't think, what will they make?" Song Jiang sighed.

He knows that his own brothers, some people are not very good, even if they wish themselves, they can stay in the army, all because of themselves.

For example, Li Wei, if you know the fate of the brothers of Liangshan, will it be crazy? I know what kind of opinion that I will die in myself, what will I do?

Even him feel hard to face Li Wei.

"General Song, can have it?" Everything is too calm, and no exception is found.

"Thank you, you will be reluctant to get rid of this kind of fate." Song Jiang is sincerely sincere.

"It seems that the general is not small." Said Qi Ti.

"Shouting through the fate, understanding this life," Song Jiang said, "Thank you, you will find yourself."

"Sure enough, the things of the fairy, not the mortal can be self-cultivating." Zhang Jiji sighed.

He is also called a fairy, but he knows, it is a long way to go.

For example, it is clear that the things happened in front of him, and Song Jiang looked at the road. He understood itself, but he did not find it at a little different.

"Mr. Weijing, this volulta has seen, the purpose has also been reached, and there are not many buds." Qi Ti is bid to Zhang Ji Xian.

"Taoism is self-satisfied, I will not send it." Zhang Jixian said, "I hope there is another chance."

"Hope!" Qi Qi sighed.

This is not easy to see you again.


Shangrao, military big camp.

These days, Lu Junyi and Wu's heads have been great.

Since the first day of the brothers, I know my self, I saw my life, I have been restless.

Many brothers are very dissatisfied with their original fate. They feel that they have tears for the big Song, and eventually, they have come to the ending.

Especially Li Wei, more than once said that he will rebellion, and will hear Liangshan.

If you are dissatisfied, he is still dissatisfied with himself!

But what is it simple?

Lu Junyi knows that the cause of things is in the dragon mountain. When they escaped from the Dragon Tiger Mountain, and now, he took this kind of thing, and the brothers did not take off.

But how is it dissatisfied, it is also a kind of thing that has not happened, I can't always be because you know that my original fate is, it will be rebelled.

Already in turn, is it good?

Besides, this is only one you know, and there is no one to say that it is not.

But compare the original fate, one hundred and eight brothers in this life is not dead, it is estimated more habits, what is the ending of these people?

Lu Junyi did not dare to think.

At this time, a person is ignited. The eyebrows show, the face is long, but there are more winds in the face.

It is their military division, and the sky is a star Zhixing Wu.

"Is it Li Wei?" Lu Junyi asked directly.

"No, this is a brother." Wu is sigh.

He is also tired, these days are this kind of thing.

"Brother, if you don't come back, I am worried that things will be big." Lu Junyi said, "The news has been passed out, Sun Ang, Du Wei's heart is doubtful, I wish the public, I have been alert."

"Don't worry, I should not have any problems. I have been working with Zhu Junshi, and everything is waiting for the brothers." Wu said, "said true, I really don't want to know my original life."

Who is hope? At least Wu is also unwell.

Many brothers are still dissatisfied with their "experience", but Wu is used to worry about their next destiny.


Ki Ti Zhang Ji Xian, in the accompanying the people of Zero, the Dragon Tiger Mountain is accompanied by Zhang Chang, and the numerous people began to go back.

"General Song, have both understanding your own body, what is going on next?" On the way, he asked.

"As a big Song official, I took a self-service arrangement from the court." Song Jiang said, "The robbery is about to complete, but the next but by God. Do you still have you?"

"Then you are not curious, why can I change your original number?" Asked Qi.

"The general is not a bureau!" Song Jiang failed.

In the bureau, who dares to rewrite the fate of the person who these orders?

You know, they are the next star.

"It's a child of life, and it's smart." Qi Qi sighed, "Since you know, you should know more, I can't always be."

"Do you have to leave?" Song Jiang asked.

"Fast, fast," Qi Ti said, "General Song, who cares about this, not as good as how to appease your brother, after all, not everyone has such a good attitude."

"Maybe we have already rushed back, there have been troubles that have happened."


Of course, there is no happening, Wu's use, Lu Junyi, and Zhu Wu's prestige are not bad, successfully discourage people who are constantly changing, and wait until Song Jiang returned.

"The brothers, there is a matter of understanding your own body, isn't it not to open?" Over returned, there is no return to the people in Song Jiangjun, Song Jiang first returned to the big account, and immediately convened the brothers Proceed.

"Brother, it's not that we can't see it. It is really a debate that is too deceived." Li Wei said.

He inevitably has an opinion on Song Jiang.

"Deceived too much? Iron cow, talk about it, how can a deception?" Asked Song Jiang.

"The brothers are bloody battle for the big economy, dozens of brothers die, but they are still not trustful, such a miserable, isn't it too deceived?" Li Wei angry.

"But you still stand here now!" Song Jiang said, "What you see, who will believe?"

"This ..." Li Wei didn't know what to say for a while.

"Brother, the brothers these days are the reason, because it is full of worrying about the future." Wu used to say, "They worried that they will repeat."

"Right, I mean this," Li Wei said, "The imperial court is obviously not trustworthy! And why should we make it for the court."

"The brothers, I found the origin of the origin in the dragon mountain, understand my own mission." Song Jiang said, "Maybe our original life is what you see, but now, fate has changed At least at least, the court has never owes us. "

"We will be completed soon, why bother to regenerate? I wish you unbelieved our fate, let the brothers have the opportunity to gather here, so even if you are dissatisfied, you can't let your wish. "

"And you think, even if you are making trouble, you can turn up how big waves. Liao Qi, Tianhu, Wang Qing, Fang La, how many heroes are in the court, this is not just our credit."

"Today is the imperial army, when we can't do anything, how long does you think? The generals who feel the feelings, the Pakistan can not do this, so on the top."

"The brothers, it is a brother, and the vice of the thunder is. If there is a day, the court can't help us, what do you want, and the brother does not stop."

Song Jiang is sincere explanation and requests.


"Solved?" The big account is asked.

"Yes, it is temporarily comfortable." Song Jiang smiled, "it is not good, they already know the court's attitude, this world will probably not change much, will eventually make trouble."

"Then no matter my business, I have left it." Strange said, "As long as I am still there, there will be no such problem."

"Since it's okay, let's turn back to Qingxi."

"At this time, the will of the court should also be here, we also have to go."

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