Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 469 Lantern Festival (seeking subscription)

Going back to Qingxi, and since the leftstake person told that the angel has already driven.

It is very simple to give the singular order, and the class teacher will return to the DPRK.

In addition, there is also a reward for the generals.

The singularity immediately sent people to order, and they were returned to the willingness of the gods and receiving the reward.

Through the thunderstorm, comfort, Zhizhou, defense ... Many of the generals have been promoted.

Then, the generals of these additions, with the army returned to the original station, which is the river road and Yongxing Military Road, and the promotion has not yet out of the state.

The return is to prevent Western Summer.

It is not still still still, if it is long-term, it is afraid that we will not help the soldier in Xixia, and return it in time to prevent it.

There is no copy of the part of Songjiang, and there is no copy of the military horse.

They want to go back to Beijing, accept the emperor's review.

After all the army horses, there are only more than 100 million soldiers and horses, and also include the tens of thousands of soldiers in Songjiang.

The five parties of the War, originally sold in the Yongxing Jun Road, only hundreds of thousands of, more than 60% of the discount; from Hebei, Huaixi picked up the millions of deaths, only two or three 100,000, the army from Liangshan from Liangshan, there will be 30,000 people, and the discount is higher.

Plus Jingdong, Hebei, Hedong, Northwest, Huaixi, Jiangnan and other places, these two years of war, the number of deaths in Song Jun took millions.

Correspondingly, Liao Qi, Tianhu, Wang Qing, Fang Lang and other forces, the damage is doubled.

It is also the intermediate world. If it is in the primary world, even if the real Chinese, it is estimated that such a large loss is not affected.


"Taoist, this road is not showing, is there anything?" On the deck, Qi Dao Qi Daoqing, "This is about to go to Beijing, what ideas tell me, but I will prepare in advance. "

From Qingxi, after Hangzhou, Yangzhou, along the Great Canal North, Jinghuishu is transferred to the river, and there have been more than ten days, and all the way to the Tianfu, will be entered within the opening of the Kaifeng.

is in front of you.

"The old road is thinking about the front road." Qiao Daoqing said, "When the year fled, fortunately, the poor road was very sensational. After the self-decoration, it will reach the peak of Yuan Shen, and no more inhaven. Leisure, now the same public work is successful, will be left, the poor pass is when they left. "

"The poor road has been thinking, how is it to be open?"

"It turned out," Qi Ti said, "said that these years are my delays. Otherwise, with the guidance of the long, it is not necessarily not possible."

"No, your own people know that their own affairs, the poor road is hot, and it is gradually convergent under the same time, and the mood is gradually satisfactory. If there is no match, I don't know what the result." Qi Daoqing said.

"The long can I find the front road?" Asked Qi.

"Dragon Tiger Mountain is watching the public, hidden, but it seems that there is a fog and trouble, always can't see the front road." Qiao Daoqing said, "So the poor road is ready to travel, look for the opportunity."

"That is not in these days, after the trip to Beijing, I will not be late." Strange said, "or, I can give you a suggestion."

It is recommended to go to the second fairy mountain, Luo Zhen people are the top people in this world, and they are also the home of Qiao Daoqing, and naturally cannot let go.

"Then thank you very much."


Pingding Liangshan's chaos, recovered Yan Yun's 16th state, fixed Hebei Tianhu, Huaixi Wang Qing, Jiangnan Fang, who did not stop in the year, is the , also knows the grateful merits.

This day, the army entered the city, countless the people of Beijing, witnessing the power of the big Song Dynasty.

This scene, lingering in their heart, I will not go for a long time.

A few years later, they often recalled this scene. I would like to think about it. I have such a strong army, why is the golden people who have passed the golden people in just a few years.

At the east, the emperor personally announced that the Jiaoqi is the king of Longde County, Ren Zhao, the father is the doctor, and his brother, I wish the dragon for the Lang Lang, I wish the Hu for the manager, Zhu Wei State defense, guerrillas, women in the home also have a life.

When I recovered the cloud, I was able to seal the king. I have been pressed, and it is no longer compromised.

Too good merits, there is no rise, you can only start on his father.

Song Jiang, Lu Junyi also participated in the meeting, Song Jiang was awarded Chuzhou Zhouzhou, Taichhong Dafu, Lu Junyi as Yunzhou defense, Ning Yuan General.

I don't have the expected, although the head of the Song Jiang has official position, but it is divided into different counties, especially in the front of the Scorpio Star, and it is very far away.

Even those who will be placed in different places. Some of the generals of the soldiers and horses, partially transferred into all states, and some are all of the state counties, and Yan Tingyu is sent to Chaozhou Defense.

Under the great glory, hide the endless murder.

Cai Jing, Tong Gong, Gao Wei's flow of cold eyes, very proud.

This is a reward, this is what they make it, it is the power of gradually understanding.

More critical is that the emperor did not oppose it.

There is no objection, representing the emperor has begun to be jealous, this is their chance.

Of course, now they will not be able to do with the leopard, and there is a chance.


"Why, I don't understand why it is doing this?" It's still , under the big array, the emperor asked.

"Can understand, but don't care." Strange said, "You know what I don't have."

"This is also, but I still have to explain, I will leave, I will leave you so soon, so I will not trust you so, so I still have a good, at least most of them." The emperor said.

"Tianzhu's arrogant rupes, can return, life and death, it doesn't matter."

"You don't matter, but you have to give nine days of mysterious women's face, always make them go back to the bag too much." Said the emperor.

"His Majesty is far-sighted, Chen admires." The odds smiled.

"This horse is very general." The emperor said, "The progress is not small in these years, Zhang Ji first is atmospheric."

"Cheng Meng's own blessing."

"The exercises of the robbery have already been there. You have determined that the fairy road is going to practice?" The emperor asked, "It's not in a short time you can touch."

"Your Majesty, this is the most important purpose of the world." Qi Ti is positive, "should you feel?"

"Of course, otherwise you think that you can do so many years," said the emperor.

"Then I will be relieved, but fortunately, I can't help it." Said Qi Ti.

"When are you ready to complete?" The emperor asked.

When the minister left, it was the world's thoroughly unpacking. "Strange coagulation.

"Do you want to leave?" The emperor frowned.

"Yes, otherwise, how does this world completely solve it?" Odd a reply.

"It's so good, no one can take advantage of the benefits from here." The emperor rushed, "this god will pass it to you."

"Gongzheng is fully cultivated to the big Ren, give you some, can cultivate into true immortals. If you can practice, if you have a chance to meet, you can consider the whole method."

"Your Majesty ..." Qi Ti is still unknown, want to struggle again.

"No need to say, otherwise you want to repent." The emperor interrupted all the words that I would want to say.

"Remember, don't pay for nine thunder, don't cultivate this method." The emperor finished, and a pointer to the strange eyebrow.

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