Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 470: Subscribe)

The content of God is passed into the brain and is included in the system.

As the core skills of the Lantern Festival, the power of the Gongfang is unquestionable, although only the practice of the practice of the Queen 3th Street in Xian Dao is a disabled, and it is also super-suggesting everything now.

But it is because it is too strong, not he can touch now. Once you want to study in-depth research, you can't afford it.

It's just a peak, and the strange scheme will feel the power of this practice, but not only contain the method of practice, but also exercise the effect.

Strong is powerful, but the threshold of cultivation is also very high.

Zhang Ji Xian said that it can fly into a fairy. However, according to the emperor's meaning, it is critored that nine times will be cultivated to cultivate this god.

The problem is coming, how many five thunder erotic? Who is stealing?


"Adapt to it? If you don't have something!" The emperor's voice was in the ear, and the eyes opened his eyes.

The award is just a moment, but he adapts to the state of the law, but it takes an hour for a long time, so that the emperor is somewhat unfair.

"Thank you," Qi Qi first righteousness, then said, "Your Majesty said that the gods will only cultivate nine thunder robs, but before, Mr. Wei said, spent four nine thunder, can fly into immortals, Don't you still have to cross? "

"Zhang Ji first, what did he know!" The emperor disdain, "" In the ancient times, I want to become a fairy, I must take nine times, once I become a fairy, the mana is comparable to the Tianxian. "

"Later, heavenly established, Jincheng, the world's aura is getting thinner, not enough to support nine times, so that heaven fare, pass over four days, can become immortals, by heavenly."

"The inheritance of Tianshi teaches, and the Tombs have been greatly different. You can only support four times. Although it can be fairy, it is the lowest land fairy. And my Lantern Festival The law is enough to let the land fairy, and you can resist one or two, even if you encounter real fairy. "

"If the minister can't make a fairy in nine times, can you continue to repair this gods?" Qiki asked.

"If you want to think about it, if you don't pay for nine thunder, you can't help you. Even if you have received it, you can recover it." The emperor said, "You'd better not let that happen."

"Is that you can give you a few skills, let the minister have the opportunity to go to the nine days of robbery?" Odds tested.

"Roll!" The emperor cooled out a word.

This little child, with your own pet, and get it more.


Out of the Horthern Pavilion, I was proud of the face, and the yin and yang strange, the yin and yang strange, and Yang Wei and others sat each other, and Qi Ti was under the leadership of a small eunuch, out of the palace.

Song Jiang, Lu Junyi is still waiting outside the palace.

"Let's go, I am in our house." I stopped the inquiry of Songjiang, and I said.

Not much time, before coming to a huge house of the high suspension, the big house, with two people entered the government.

The small courtyard purchased when I was studying in the same year, I have already gone with the singular status, and later I wish the dragon and re-purchased the house. This set of houses is the emperor's gift, it is said to be a county king.

The servant, the three people walked into the front line, and she asked: "How do the general see what today?"

"The court will not be relieved in the people of Liangshan, but don't worry about it." Song Jiang said.

"Yes." Strange talents, "there is no denying."

"I have been hard, and the position of the court will receive the lost place. It is really a bit of this ending." Lu Junyi sighed. "Lu Junyi sighed.

"But it is undeniable that on the official, the court does not have a small gas. This is the big bright, naked positive, you can't do it."

"When will the court will start with us?" Asked Song Jiang.

"There will be no problem in three months. I left after three months. It is estimated that I will leave until I will leave." I can't take care of you. "Strange said.

"Your Majesty is it?" Song Jiang is very different.

"Otherwise, you think, why is it so trust me so much." The strange points nodded.

"It turns out." Song Jiang was open to open, no wonder I wish Xianggong in the foreigner, and his material is still not reduced.

"You can go back to discuss the countermeasures." Strange said, "At least these three months, I can save you."

"Thank you." Song Jiang two people left.

"Taoist, Gong Sun Sheng, I have left the meaning. I have always been pressing. If the road is not willing to be an official, you can explore the meaning of Gong Sun Sheng." Song Jiang walked, and the Qi Tao also summoned Qiao Qingqing. "Second Xian Mountain Luo Zhenren is a senior people in the world, not under the Dragon Hill Zhang Tianshi, the long is a wish, and you can hope that the second fairy mountain is."

In the singularity of the singularity, the merits of Qiao Qingqing nature were naturally awarded from the five products.

"Thanks to the leaders." Qiao Dao Qingxi, "Tomorrow's poor pass will visit."

"Ten years accompanying, today, no longer see life, there will be a long to have a long time." Strange said.

"Do you need to be careful, you have a distance from danger." Qiao Daoqing also reminded.

He said that naturally, the crime of sin is a nine-day mysterious.


"Big Brother, pack up, go back to the country tomorrow, see your father." I wish the dragon in the afternoon, I said, "I also bring the big and my nephew. Three things I will notice, my second brother is now where?"

"The second brother has just returned a few days ago, just at home, it should not be left again in the short term." I wish you a long time, our family has not been together for a long time. "

Taibao, right-handed, Longde County Wang Zhu's return to the country, the emperor special purpose, the 100,000 army accompanied the guard, the momentum is very prosperous.

After the few days, I arrived in Baicheng County, Jingdong West Road, Dong Ping, and the officials of Ming County were greeted and wanted to bay.

But Qi Ti is just an official official, let them go back, and there is no one to meet anyone.

The next day, Qi Ti took a wishes and three brothers, and wished to the unlunderstorm to wish Zhuangzhuang.

Here, the singularity of the singularity is dozens of days, and the long-awaited Zhu Jiazhuang, once again.

During the period, the singularity often went out alone, and the boat is swimming in the mountains.

In this day, Li Zi also returned to Lijiazhuang. Come to visit, Qi Ti know, Li Ying said, in addition to this, Song Jiang also resigned with your brother Song Qing, go home to serve Father.

Gong Sun Sheng also resigned, and Qiao Daoqing, Ma Ling, Fan Rui returned to the second fairy mountain, Li Jun, the boating of the sea, Lu Zhi, Wu Song, from Hangzhou Liuhe Temple, Yan Qing wizards and disrespect ......

More is to go to all states, one party.

In addition to a few people, many of them listen to the words of Songjiang, obedience. Anyway, the result of another poor, but it is dead.

It's been robbery, when do you not return to Tiande?

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