Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 471 Leaves (seeking subscription)

"Are you ready to work here?" I wish you all the best in Zhuangzhuang.

"The little person was originally forced to be helpless. Only, Liangshan followed the Song brother. He was so good to return to the court." Li Ying said, "Just Chengping today, in the next natural return, Yusheng."

"In this world, many things are not selfless," Qi Qi sighed, "Your idea is good, but may not be able to wish."

Song Jiang originally in the court to the court, and understanding his self-proclaimed emmittee and put everything.

But Lu Junyi can not put down, now there is alert, but it is not a pleasure of a cup of poisonous alcohol.

There is Li Wei, knowing that he is originally the Song River who is in the Song River, will you be willing?

There is also Lin Chong, and the high-tech hardship, will it be a good break?

Once the court started with these people, I am afraid that I will once again set off a chaos. As the Liang Mountain, Li Ying, the two sides will not let go.

Li Ying said that he was so good that he gave up all the official position. He thought it would be separated from the sea, and he did not know that he was also forced to Liangshan.

"Since you go back to the country, the land on this Dragon Council is all sent to you, and it is also my return to you."

Standard said this, did not avoid the gods and three brothers, and heard their faces a mistake.

"The king, how made this make it!" Li Zong picked.

When he was fighting in these years, he didn't have a trick, and he did not take care of his career before and Zhu Jiazhuang. He didn't dare to bear.

"Receive, don't be a little land, if you have a heart, you will take a look at the native neighbors." Qi Ti said, "said that the most sorry is it, when he cast me, I used to him. Commitment, will be revenge him for him in the future. However, today, I have a false message. In the past few years, I will fight together, it is also difficult for him. "

"Now, I will go to his state. I will not come back. I wish my family will also move to Jiangnan. This Dragon Gang only has to pay for your hand. If you can accept it, you will accept it."

"Small people follow the king to teach." Li Ying finally agreed.


"Leopard, what do you think?" Give Li Ying left and I would like to ask.

"Father, the third brother is now the official Huskawa defense, I am going to let my father move to Hongzhou Anjia." Qi Ti said, "Big Brother, the second brother is only invested," also go to Hongzhou development. "

"Four brothers, big brothers in the Yangjing Operation for so many years, it is hard to get to you, the moment is inert, why do you let me leave at this time?" I wish you a dissatisfaction in the voice.

He thought that the younger brother was over the river and didn't want him to enjoy Ronghua in the world.

"Big Brother, you only see the dominant position of me today, but I don't know if I have had a sin, I have been cautious, it is full of money, and the family is not impossible." Qi Ti said, " I have decided that the emojun is hidden. So the big brother is in the Kujing, I am afraid there will not be anything to end. "

"Less brother, why are you ..." I wish you a horror.

The whole family is this expression, and I have never thought of this decision.

"Survival, unchanging truth, so I decided to have a hurry." Strange is lightly.

"That is not to move to Hongzhou so far!" I wish you all the best.

"Father, I have said that in the same year, the country is not long, maybe for a few years, it is not the land of the big concierge." Qi Ti did not hit a few brothers.

"Four brothers, do you seriously?" Zhu Wei Shen said.

"This is a big potential, it is also a sense of God." No one is going to violate. "Qi Ti knows what I want to say," I can't reverse the situation, I can only leave, so I don't have to persuade. Jiangnan is able to preserve, the third brother is still It can be. "

"If you don't believe it, you will look at Hongzhou, and there is a matter of about a few years. Of course, this kind of thing can't say." Strange.

I have a heart-owned wish, I finally agreed, so I wish Hui to stop the business in my hand, helping to make a move.

I wish the dragon returned to the Beijing, move the family of Zhujing to Hongzhou.

I wish you first go to Hongzhou to go to Hongzhou, waiting for his father's arrival.

After returning to the Beijing, the first time, I handed over the author's rights, and resigned from all the positions in the army.

Because the heart owes the owner, when I go to Lizhou, I apologize specifically.

In the past few years, the hatred in the heart did not let go, this point from him never asked to the three maiden.

I know that I'm trying to reuse the people of Liangshan. The more this, he is more avenner, and the heart is depressed. Although I can't resent, I am also quite a throat.

Can you apologize to the king, what you can say, it is ready to give up the revenge. But after the odd apology, he let him wait, practice the soldiers, maybe there will be a wish to achieve a wish.

With a strange question, I was happy to go to Lizhou.

Two months later, Qi Qi resigned to the right-handed position; the last three days, resigned from the Taibao.

At this point, only a false title of Longde County King.

"Teacher, you still don't go to you? If you are too late, you will be more than the time limit. It is not good to be replaced by people." Empty Longde County Wangfu, Qi Ting Yucao.

"It's so late, it is not these three days." Yan Ting Yucao.

If you want to go, you have not hit Yantingyu. I know that I have to go, I feel that Yanyi, and Yan Tingyu has never went to any.

"Although the Chaozhou is far away, it is a good place." Qi Ti smiled, "the blessing is dependent, or there will be many people in the future."

On the last day of the three months, the Qi Ti resigned to the court of Longde County.

This time, the emperor finally refused, and the next big Song Dynasty, and he was permanently retaining the title of Zhu Lund County.

The emperor knew that the Qi Ti is to leave.

In these months, Cai Jing and others have always wanted to figure out what to do, until the Qi Qi Dynasty, the title of Lundious King must resign, and it is true that everything is really hidden.

This makes them feel awkward, everything they have done before, is so ridiculous in the eyes of others.


"Teachers, you will be separated here." Outside the city, Qi Ting Yucao said.

"The king is treasure, but I hope there will be a good day." Yan Tingyu did not have a child's childhood, with a wish one and Zhuping, and Zhama went to the south.

Qi scattered the official service, with a green robot, not stopped, floating into a hill, boarding the peak, waiting for the last time.

Going back to Beijing, killing the last reincarnant Gao An, the last residence time in the Water Margin is three months.

Today, finally arrives.

The countdown is zero, a white light flashing, leaving the legend of the fairy.

The singular quarter left this world.

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