Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 472 Reality (Subscription)

Xuanhe, six years, so that Tai Middle Dafu Song Jiang violently transmitted Songjiazhuang, Yucheng County.

Its younger brother, Wutai Lang, Song Qing, Ningyuan General, Yunzhou Defense made Lu Junyi, Runzhou, all the tables, etc., asked the court to thoroughly investigate the Song Jiang violent

However, it is like a stone seashon, and it will not be seen that the court is moving.

Lu Junyi was appreciated by the political affordation.

Declaring and June, Yunzhou Defense made Lu Junyi to escaper, secretly returned to Jingdong, contact the old brothers, and practiced things.

In July, when the imperial court found Ni, when I prepared to transfer the troops, Lu Junyi, Li Wei, Song Qing, announced the troops, playing the banner of Songjiang, and again in Liangshan, dozens of brothers responded, and glave Li Ying Returned again.

In August, Lu Junyi sent people to the Erlong Mountain to find Gong Sunsisheng, Hangzhou Liuhe Temple, Lu Zhijing, the wutch closed.

Similarly, many people rejected Lu Junyi's suggestion and have not been involved.

In October, the imperial court contacted the big army to the Liangshan, and the three old agents were constantly being sent, and the army was surrounded by the army. In the same month, Lizhou was commissioned to take the initiative to ask Liang Mountain.

The peers in the past, finally lit up the butcher knife to the other side.

This time Liangshan army did not take advantage, two months, was forced to go to Liangshan.

Because the weather is cold, the imperial court is surrounded by Liang Mountain.

In February in 2010, the big Song accepted the Golden League of the Golden League, and the children won the army of the Liao, with the golden country to launch the encirclement of the Liaodang Wolf Lord.

In order to prevent contact with Liangshan, the children have not raised the leader of Lu Junyi, Li Wei's chaos, and dozens of singularity.

In March, the Liaodu Wolf was siegered by Song Jin, and was captured after defeating.

This battle, Liang Shan Tou has a dead injury.

Temporary, then because of the meritorious work, it was sealed as the King of Guangyang, and finally realized the dream.

In July, the Golden Guo saw that the big Song is weak, and the soldiers will seize the land of Yan Yun, the Song Jun defeated, and the clouds are constantly eaten by Golden Guo.

In October, after winning the land of the cloud, the Jinjun has driven straight, attacking the Hebei, Hebei, and the troops in the 19th month.

Song Huizong hurriedly passed the Prince, the king of the gods and jade, the king, the king, returned.

Jingkang's first month, Song Qinzong took Li Gang as the right-handed, defended the Beijing, ordering all the soldiers and horses to returning to the martial arts, and laid to Liangshan's a year of long-term evacuation.

The golden troops will not be closed, with the big concatenation, withdraw and return. In charge of the power of Song Qinzong, continuously reminding, he has left Cai Jing and Tong Guan and other six thieves, and the high-rise and other people are completely lost, and they will die.

After the agreement, Song Qinzong sent a big army to grooming Liangshan, and taught Jinling Water Army to help. After three months of hard work, he attacked Liangshan, and Lu Junyi and Li Wei, Lu Junyi, etc., Liangshan burned a coke.

Due to the rescue, the Kijing, attracting Liangshan Yong, Han Shizhong, Liu Guangshi, Wu Wei, Zhang Wei, etc., to all the states in the state.

Jing Kang's October in October, Jin Bing once again siege, because Li Gang and other main battlemen were dismissed, Jin Bing broke into Beijing, took the second emperor and in the Zone of Jingjing.

Soon Kang Wang Zhao, escaping, Nandu Yangtze River, under the support of the general, established a new DPRK in Hangzhou, Shi Premaining Southern Song.

The post-human research historical materials found that the Southern Song Dynasty can initially guarantee the offense of Golden Ken, dependent "Zhongxing Four" blocked the gold tape south. In these four people, there are three people who are too Taibao, Wang Zhu, Wang Zhu, Longde County. In addition to Yue Fei, the rest of Yue Fei is also born.


After leaving, the development of the things, and Qi Ti is not aware.

At this point, he is already in the book space.

The first thing, nature is the harvest of the task.

"You have taken a middle-level world, complete the main line task, get a reward 1 time."

"You are currently over 2 intermediate-level worlds, all over the intermediate-level world, and complete the main line task, open all permission of the intermediate world."

"You can return to the original world at any time, and the strength is 30%, the source can not be used in the real world."

"Enter the world next time, you can continue to use the source point."

"Special Tip: Your strength has exceeded the primary world limit and cannot enter the primary world again."

"Warning: When entering the book world, there may be an outside world in the field, and the host should be prepared."

Then select the reward of the main line task.

"Congratulations to host the main line task, get 400 points of the source, get the Magic Secret Script (Successful), got the Shenbian Songs and the ancient swords, and got Zhang Ji Xian's intelligence knowledge."

Have a surprise, but there is no expectation.

The source of rewards is enough to improve the level of the unpredigatory power, it is good; the pineurizing the sword is the props when Gong Sunseins Schole, which has improved the way to the law; The gauge level has reached the masters.

After receiving rewards, after the transfer, the property panel has a good practice.

The Magic Secret Supreme is the main practice of Qiao Daoqing.

For him, the Secretary of the Magical Magic Devils has not been too great. He used to fantasy. It is not the practice of Luo Zhenren or Lin Linger cultivation. Unfortunately.

Host: odd

Occupation: Physician (Master +), Dan Shi (Intermediate +), Farm (Master +), Master (Master +)

Realm: ferry (19)

Method: Avenue has no extreme (small +), Dragon Elephant is hurt (successfully), Zhengqi Haoran (successfully), Long Zhen (disabled, not entry), Magic Secret Script (Successfully) ...

Martial Arts: Break the sword (successful), picking the star hand (successful), stepping back (successfully), easy to for for forging the bones (successfully), the soul Dafa (successfully), the moon bow (successful), the wind knife (successful) ) ...

Scheme: Drug Rat (Successful), Spring Surprising Rain (Successfully), Lightning (Successful) ......

Source point: 883.2

Main line task: Kill the Evil (1010), reward unknown, no return before the task is completed. (completed)

Branch Task 1: After Liangshan agglomerate, set the liang mountain, reward 100 source points. (completed)

Branch Mission 2: Pingding Tian Tiger, Wang Qing, Fang La Song, reward 150 source. (completed)

Branch mission 3: Beat the Liao Qi, seize Jingyun 16th, reward 100 source points. (completed)


There is a lot of energy accumulation, but I didn't think about the realm of upgrading the skills.

Because he is uncertain, the current avenue is no longer allowed him to achieve the point of nine turn.

If it is not enough, it will be white-speaking.

So he intends to continue collecting the practice, all through the system integration, and create a practice that can accumulate him to accumulate nine thunder.

Time is also early, he is not anxious.

There is nothing to see in book space, and the mind is always moving.

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