Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 473 New Order (Subscribe)

Similar wooden buildings, singing open eyes.

It is separated from the world.

Memory is so profound, every experience in the world is an unforgettable experience, and even transcending plain reality, more realistic.

If it is not a huge change in the real world, he will really ignore this world.

The heavens and the earth are changed, the world is isolated, the communication is interrupted, and the familiar people have become unfamiliar, and he will not integrate reality.

I don't know when I start, I will become like an outsiders, treat people around them with an extra attitude.

The more enthusiasm is more enthusiastic, and the heart is more and more.

This is probably the result of different life levels.

In a lot of world, the triflers are selfish, indifferent, visiting the lives into anti antity, can be arbitrarily trample.

It is like people who will never consider the thoughts of the ant ants, can be born, and inadvertently, it is the end of the life of countless antices.

Although I can't reach the level of the immortal, I returned to the reality of only the cultivation of the gods, but the people in the real world, he is the stream of the high-rise god.

With these people, there is no common topic.

He strives to avoid becoming that kind of person, putting a low gesture and playing around people, but the effect seems to be getting worse.

If there is still a book world needs someone to enter, if you still want to see the secret of aura recovery, if you do your best to adjust your mentality, he has become a kind of person.

Contradictory aggregate.


After reading a whole night, the Buddhist scriptures, and the singularity will adjust the attitude, open the door, turn off the big array.

However, three days, the real world does not change much.

The gods are unfolded, instantly covered the number of squares, countless information comics in the mind.

There is not much change, but the military is more and more, in just three days, we have added dozens of three-way martial arts.

The aura recovery is getting faster and faster, the martial artificial blowout era arrived, before the past two years, it is only for half-year, and it is afraid to have been used for half a year, from zero to the beginning.

After all, this world is already a middle-level world. The high-end combat is already in the peak of Yuanshen, and the foundation is too low.

Li Suwen and Zhou Yuenan are still the road to the city to go to another city.

With more and more military people, more and more people involved in the wadquore, the Yisheng did not open up new roads, but started from Luo County, and organized two teams and went to other citys.

Li Shu Wen didn't need to go to horses in person, but to take the town Luoxian command. Once there is a beast that can't be paying, take someone to support.

As for Zhou Yunnan, the road to Hanchang is still unable to open, still in tireless efforts.

This road, it is much more than the road to the route than the city, and there is also a mountain barrier, the strength of the beast is stronger. After the number of the militors of Yicheng, several three-flow warrants were sent to support, but they still changed slowly.

I didn't look for them, open the door of the bookstore, take the previous brand, and start "business".

This main business cannot be changed regardless of the world.


The bookstore opened the door, and after three days later, Li Suwen came to the bookstore and he asked Qi.

In just a few days, Li Suwen has progress, and seventh context has been turned on. With this speed, the promotion will not take long.

"Mr. Qi, I can't see it for a few days, are you nothing?" Li Siwen asked.

Although I know that the blind date in front of him is deeply unspeakable, Li Siwen still asks someone.

"Nothing, what can be?" Odd smiled, "it is you, the progress is not small."

"Mr. Mr. Li." Li Suwen.

Despite nothing to say, the two know what it is.

The strength of the god god peak is enough to let the singularity no longer fear anyone, even if a super big country is, it will become more and more.

"At any time, strength is all fundamental, don't waste. If you are fine, you will be your own!"

"Sir, I am in practice, I have encountered a few questions, I want to ask Mr." Li Suwen.

"Let's talk!" Odd a pair.

I will give a few words of Li Suwen, send her own practice, and the singular will be salted again.

The network is not available, and you can only see the book sent time, such as this "Water Margin".

The world he has experienced, there will be something difference after leaving.


Shou Yuenan has only arrived for a day, and he has a few words and makes requests.

They went to the second mountain and met a huge wild boar king, hurt a few people. Zhou Yue, Nanban, I want to invite Li Su Wen to surround the wild pig king, listen to the odds and reappear, returning to here for help.

"Don't you open it?" This little thing, Qi Qi really can't afford to be interested.

"No, Mr. Qi," Shu Yue Nan Road, "No one knows where the wild pig king is, if you encounter it around? That is not in a bad time."

"Li Suwen has already opened Luo County, and went to other counties. If I have been can't engage in Hanchang's road, that more beautiful face. Qi Si, you will help me." Shu Yue Nan plead.

"Ok, let's go first, then meet the wild pig king, I will shoot." Strange.

"Mr. Xie, wait for this matter, I will thank Mr., by reading and reading, and improve the mood." Shu Yuenao.

I can't think about it. I don't think it is the end of the world. I still avoid the minds of competition.

At night, he rushed to the end of Zhou Yuenan, and the gods were scanned, and they found that Shouyue Nan stood in the culprit, one feng long talented wild boar, heavy tons, this body It is a second-run master, it is difficult to break.

The mana has poured, condensed into a big hand, quietly won the wild boar king, received a space ring.

These are the next ingredients, enough for him to eat. Several little wild boars around, left to Zhou Yuenan to clean up.

That is, the space ring is too small, otherwise it must grasp the wild flavor of the mountains.

Since it is here, I don't plan to waste, I turn around, and I have passed some rare herbs, which returned.

The process of drug medication is near Hanchang City. The Qi Ti is far away. Hanchang City seems to be lively, but the order is worse, and the power is strong and bullying weak, and the odd countdown is not found. One or two.

This is the normal phenomenon of the heavens and earth, like the city, because there is a strange question, two of the top priests know that the government maintains the order of the city, which allows the city to maintain the past.

Qi Ti did not intervene Hanchang, the birth of the new order, the important accompanying pain, the people who lived to learn to adapt this change, otherwise it will be eliminated.

After all, there is only one existence like him.

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