Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 474 New Target (Subscribe)

The next day, Zhou Yuenan continued to take people to open the road.

The Qi Ti has not appeared, so that Zhou Moonan has been tricking, and I am afraid that I will meet the wild pig king.

However, until the mountain in front of it, no longer meets the frightening wild boar king, it is a lot of wild boars to kill a lot. Zhou Yuenan understood that the original hidden danger has already been resolved.

Qi Ti returned to the 18th day, Lu Yan returned to the county, and he knew that the singularity appeared. He also came to Yicheng. It took two days in the bookstore, there was no harvest, depressed.

He now takes a small team to land, or is very busy, not who is like singing like this.

Two months later, Li Suwen, Zhou Yuenan broke through the first-class. In a month, the second batch of second-class martial arts began to appear, the efficiency of the land reclamation is getting faster, Luo County has opened up the channels of the two counties. After maintaining the order, it began to promote Xuanyuan work.

Zhou Yuenan has encountered it again.

It is not because of the beast that is blocked, but a river blocks the way.

The mother river used to raise countless children along the coast, but it became the Tiancheng and Hanchang.

I have disappeared in the bridge, and the river width increased more than double, vast stir, and I can't see the boundary.

The previously encountered small rivers, try to cut a few giant wood, can be connected to a wooden bridge, but this situation is really difficult.

The Iron and steel boats were unable to use. Yisheng did not name the ship, and there were no shipyards, and now survival is a problem, and no one wants to build a ship.

More critical is that no one knows this river, there is no sailing hidden.

Zhou Yuenan can only regret the way of the way of the wilderness, order to others.


At the same time, the researchers also use only equipment to explore technology applications in the new environment.

First, the new iron mine is found to create a weapon. Later, it gradually gradually developed new machines, and has developed new machines and began mass manufacturing equipment, daily necessities.

The new seed after the variation is also found, rice, wheat, soybean, etc., although there is not much, but it has been confirmed, it can grow in a new environment, and the production is not low.

With food, there is hope, I have burst endless motivation, and a lot of citizens began out of the city. After the security of the war, the farmland opened the farmland, and the hopes were prepared for the next year.

During this time, there was only one book world being invaded, and Qi Zhou Yue Nan, completed the task.

Also doing in the bookstore.

In the second year, the food harvest in the whole city was happy.

Once the cost of deposits, the food is exhausted. Most of the diet of this year is wild vegetables, as well as the wild beast hired when the martial author is in the air, and the food is inverted into rare people.

Leave the seeds in the next season, each person is separated, but this also makes them like.

In such a huge change, they finally ushered in new students under the leadership of the organization.

Li Siwen, Zhou Yuenan opened the Qijing eight veins, which is already the master of the masters, Lu Yan followed, the first-class peak, born only in the evening.

The first-class warrior is endless, the second stream, the three-flow martial arts are all everywhere, you can say that in addition to a few people, as long as I adhered to the practice from the beginning, there is at least three-standing strength.

This is the welfare brought by aura recovery.

Compared with the world's giant change, in addition to no electricity, there is no high-rise building, it seems that there is nothing different.

Different is the status of people, the more forceful people, the higher the status.

Of course, the high status does not represent what you want, and the government has always grasped the development overall situation.

The number of troops is enough, and they all practice the military, and the ideas are high, and there is Li Shuwen, and the cards of the two major cities of Shengyue, there is not much difference before Yingcheng and before.

Moreover, the status of researchers is higher, and their research can make everyone live better in the new era.

For example, the new firearms, gunpowder research, the manufacture of new machine equipment, requires researchers' efforts.

A researchers often have several warrants to serve them.

The strength is improved, and Zhou Yunnan and Li Suwen are not willing to stand in Yicheng, and they are blocked by the big river in the south, and they will expand in north.

Everyone is busy, no one will read the book at this time, most of them, the strange status is nothing. Only when Sai Yanyin, Li Suwen or Lu Yan will say a few words, the rest of the time, just hug.

Buddhist scriptures, scorpion, Confucian art ... all within the singular reading.

Time is long, the stunned, and the strange is the north of the two.

Hundreds of people's wanders, everyone is busy, just do a few people in their own, nothing, and the rest is lying on the car.

The car is no longer a truck, but a carriage.

The old car consumes very fast, then there is no supplement, although the new car is imitated, but because there is no suitable energy, it has become a view.

As for the tram, it is even rare.

The carriage that was eliminated, the oxcar became a rare thing.

The strength of Yicheng Wuguo, today's non-comparison, a month of Kung Fu, I have opened two counties and arrived in Mall.

Different in the county said that it is worse than the previous Luo County. At the beginning, the channel of Tongli County was originally not too long. Nowadays, many counties have lost their hopes, and human nature is stimulated, leading to law and order.

Li Suwen directly cleaned the evils and adjusted the military to maintain public security.

Although the situation in Mall is better, the government is constrained. No one is willing to go out, the resources are as much as one day, and the number of people who are 100,000 are dead, but it still does not have the current situation.

When a row arrived, seeing this situation, strongly bounced the two sides of confrontation.

In the case where the hot weapon has been exposed, there are two masters here, and hundreds of two rushing people are enough to force a city.

Mall also had a martial art, but it lacked internal strength, it was not bad to achieve three-flow, only a very small number of second-class combat power, and the internal strength was not traced here.

If the Yicheng is not a strange plan, it has passed the mysterious yuan, and there will be no potential.

I also adjusted a batch of officials from Yusheng to manage Mall, Li Suwen, and Shu Yuenan. I feel that I don't have a way, so I decided to directly open the channel to Lushan.

Shaoshan has Shaolin, according to their knowledge, there must be an internal strength method, enough to make a large number of people increase strength, maybe there will be better.

With the strength of Yicheng, it is now able to open a transportation in various cities, but it is only a road, and the city is so many people, but also to develop, there is no more than a million people to manage new places.

With the goal, the dark emotions in the mind are lighted, and they will be pushed up again and think about the direction of the target.

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