Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 475, the situation in the provincial capital (seeking subscription)

Doing the idea became reality, it is very difficult, especially in this environment.

Along the wreckage of the previous highway, Li Suwen, Zhou Yue Nan, all the way to north, in the rear, is a logistical guarantee from the manpower of Mall.

After all, they have fewer people, only responsible for opening a road, people need to consolidate this road, build roadbed, consolidate road, and prevent plant rebound.

At the same time, it is also responsible for recovering the things that the soldiers hired.

Heavy and reaching two counties, rescued the people of the county, the last thirteenth day, finally opened the channel of the city.

The situation in the city is not very good, but it is better than Ma City. There is more quantity of the martial arts, because there is an internal power cheat, although it is just the most basic cheats, it can make people's strength.

There are also a lot of three-run martial arts. There are also a lot of two rowers, so the city can keep the city, and can develop some wasteland around and plant food.

It is still the dominant position here, so it can stick to it although it is difficult. Of course, there is no confusion, but it is not bad.

Seeing Li Shuwen, the people of the Yucheng are hot, and they are asking for the country to rescue them, so that Li Shu Wen is not a taste.

It is difficult to please the congestion of the citizens, and the principal of Yucheng saw it. After his purpose, Li Suwen asked the city to help maintain their way, and spread Xuanyuan in Yucheng.

There is at least no confusion.

Then I will be north north.

Similar processes, similar experiences, all the way to Yucheng.

The compatriots in the south are rushing to come, and the person in charge of Yucheng immediately interviewed, and even a welcome meeting.

I learned that Li Suwen came from the Yicheng, very surprised. They thought it was the wandering team of Yucheng, but it was not as far as the city. It is only three hundred kilometers away from Yucheng, but now is at least six hundred kilometers.

In the wild, the beast, plants are dangerous, and all the way through more than 600 kilometers is here, it is certainly not easy.

Similarly, the strength of this team is also shown.

Li Suwen inquired a lot of Yucheng to the person in charge.


Every city is self-rescued, and Yucheng is no exception.

Similarly, the situation here is better than that of the city, after all, is closer to the Shengdi Shaolin Temple in the world. Shaolin has already lay out here, open the martial arts, when the traffic has not been completely broken, it will send the internal strength. law.

There are several people in the first-class, thousands of people in the second, are already a huge power, enough to support them to live.

When the city spreads Xuanyuan function, it has been a period of time, and the start is in the evening, but Xuanyuan works as long as they insist on practicing, but now it can be directly to first-class.

In contrast, although the city, Yucheng also has internal strength, the level is low, and if you want to achieve a first-class, you need great efforts.

The stability of Yucheng, on the one hand, from self-help, on the other hand, and the channel between the provincial city sacrifice (zhà) city is related.

It is because there is a support of the provincial city, and the social order of Yucheng is relatively good.

The channel between the two cities has already opened it, and the strength of the city is naturally insufficient. However, the second year after the heavens and the earth, the pioneers in the provincial city have opened the channel between the and the city, with powerful strength, recovery. The normal order of the city.

Of course, it is inevitable at the normal order under normal order.

The road is open, but the exchange between the second cities is not much, because the road to this new work is not so safe.

The provincial capital regularly has a warrior, before the lack of self-capacity, it is necessary to build, there is no longer to send a mesenger, and the exchange between the provincial cities mainly rely on these wanders.

Until in recent months, the martial arts of Yucheng showed a first-class military, and he organized the team to go to the province, and learned a lot of news.

According to the person in charge of the city, before the heavens and earth, the country has already expected this situation, and the development of the martial arts is one of the response measures.

As one of the provincial cities, one of the large people, many people are many, and the land of all sent martial arts, the road to the provincial city is far from the rest of the city. So even if the heavens and earth changes have become unfained, the provincial city has also reacted from the initial panic early and began to build a new home.

Some of the military, the number of police officers, still able to force all the forces after the martial arts, but not how mess, the giant change is ended, and it has begun to organize the construction.

In contrast, the provincial capital is more scientific and has a deeper research on the new world.

Although there is still no electricity, the new energy has been found and developed, the new car has been used, but the number is extremely rare, the whole city has only seen it once, like the previous armored vehicle, very deterrent.

The gunpowder was successfully developed, and the new firearms were already in use, and the power was more favorable. Although it is also unique to large-scale equipment, it is also a deterrent.

Machinery, light industry, food, genes ... all areas in research, want to better serve the people in a new environment.

Under the story of the person in charge of Yucheng, I knew the news of many provincial cities.

Of course, he will not see the person in charge of this, and the gods will be launched, and it is easy to know the content.

The township of the provincial capital is good, and has already opened the channels in the surrounding cities.

But there is also a restriction provincial city again to advance, rescue factors in other cities.

This factor is Shaolin.

Martial Arts Shengdi Shaolin Temple, at the foot of the Lushan next to the provincial city.

Therefore, the provincial city can be said to be the basic plate of Shaolin Temple. After the aura recovery, Shaolin Temple opened a lot of martial arts in the provincial city, contributing the internal strength.

Some people in the military cultivated internal strength, some are from Shaolin Temple.

The channel between Shaolin Temple and the provincial city is the Shaolin Temple.

As the holy place of martial arts, Shaolin Temple has opened a martial school. After the aura recovery, these people have become the popular disciples of Shaolin Temple, and they have expanded their enrollment scale.

As the heavens and the earth have changed, the aura recovery is intensified, the traffic is disconnected, it is the long-term Shaolin Temple, organizes people to clean up around, and then send people to the road between the province. It is then contributed to the provincial city to maintain the initial order.

The martial arts of Shaolin Temple, the level of level, far exception, so the quantity of the warrior, high realm, so many people have some subtlety, seemed this world, can be dominated by them.

Because this is the era of war.

Under the premise of thermal weapons that cannot guarantee human safety, they should be guided by their martial arts, especially top military.

This point of view, got a lot of support, leading to a very smooth provincial city that was originally discussed, has to stop.

One is not good, will cause a moment.

The provincial high school has several consecutive rejoin, but it is not possible to change the views of those people.

So the provincial city has to leave most of the strength to ensure that the internal stability is slow, and it will slow down.

That is, at this time, the new vehicle is put into military use, and the new gun is produced, and the sound of the stupid movement will maintain the existing peace situation.

But as those people are getting stronger and stronger, this balance will be broken sooner or later.

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