Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 476, provocation (seeking subscription)

Each era has a different system, from slave society to feudal society, from feudal society to capitalist society, each economic system, along with huge social changes, breaking the original political system.

This era is not only the changes in the economic system, but the social lifestyle has undergone changes in the sky, and some people want to change the current social system.

I believe that there is such an idea, there is no more than Shaolin Temple. There are so many martial arts in Huaxia, perhaps their number of people do not sit in Shaolin Temple, but their thoughts will change due to the differences. If the government does not have enough power to force, it may be out of control.

This place is absolutely existent, and more than one place.

Not everywhere, the country has enough power to suppress everything.

The person in charge of Yucheng can say that there is no reason to tell Li Suwen, not because he is a guest, straight-up person, this kind of people who don't have a city do not live in the era, in this era Never manage a good place.

It is said that it is hoped to give provincial-city support by the help of Li Suwen.

It is possible to kill from Yicheng, and the strength is self-evident.

Although he is not very bright, there is also a first-class martial author under his hand, and the hand of the Fer, informs that at least dozens of people don't think of their own existence, so that he is shocked.

This is just the lower limit, the upper limit is not good, if this hundreds have half a first-class martial art, it is enough to compete with Shaolin. Shaolin's leadership military dozens of thousands of people have hundreds of first-class martial arts?

As for it, it will be biased to Shaolin, then don't worry, understand the current situation of Yicheng, or the status quo of the righteous city learned from different people, he is very confident in these people, they will assure the government.


After three days in Yucheng, Li Suwen put forward a farewell, and the person in charge of Yucheng was very enthusiastic to send a team to Li Suwen, with them to the provincial city.

"Mr., to the provincial capital, what should we do?" In a carriage, Li Suwen met.

"I am just an unemployed tourist, follow you mixed food, see the world, how to do it?" Strangely stared at the book in his hand, said that it is not moving, "I don't see the team." Said, you both raised a small face! "

Also, with the strength of everyone, the team is no longer doctors, and the singular is unemployed. In everyone's view, it is not a waste that reads all around the carriage every day. It is indeed a waste.

Everyone has their own things to be busy, only he doesn't do, but the two captains have not let me say.

Some people have complained in front of them, they are covered by Li Suwen.

They never know that there is today, the source is in the singularity. If the odd quote has passed Xuanyuan Gong, the situation of Yicheng may not have Mall.

"That is what they are ignorant, and Mr. must have been seen." Shu Yuenan said.

Strange laughing and not speak.


"This world, there is always a few geniuses, and there are always some lucky people." Qi Xi wants to think, "Time is too short, it is not weak, but it is not weaker than your absolute existence."

"So, no matter what, or ca ca ca ca cafe."

"Mr., will you help us?" Zhou Yue Nan Road.

"I am a scholar that I don't end the chicken, I can help you." Said Qi Ti.


The road to the provincial city is approximately two feet, and the middle is still a hundred-tenth river, but it has been raised, which is very stable.

If it is unstable, the car can't get the city.

In the past, I met a patrol team in a provincial city.

From here, it is already the scope of the activities of the provincial or city, and the city is near, and the danger is getting smaller and smaller.

After the wizard shows the situation, someone immediately left before leaving the situation, and the remaining people took a line slowly moved toward the urban area.

Around the road, planting, wheat, corn, etc. .

When entering the first satellite city, traces of the city have passed the traces of the city can also see, on the basis of the ruins, people work hard to build a new city.

The ear can be seen as a virtual eye, and the situation in the province is much better than elsewhere.

Entering a guardian home, a full-deputy armed youth welcomes.

"Welcome everyone to the new city, I am Du Peng, the second squadron leader of the new city patrol brigade, ordered the Yicheng." It seems that Du Peng, who is more than 30, said.

"Du Captain, I am Li Siwen, this is Zhou Yue Nan, we bring everyone to the provincial city, find organizations." Li Suwen on the front.

"Li captain is good, the week is good, I received the superior command, please take a break in the new city, go to the provincial city tomorrow, leaders will meet you." Du Peng said.

"That's Thank you," Li Suwen, "So short time, you will contact the provincial city."

"Yes, the experts of the provincial city study out radio and can contact short distances." Du Peng proudly.

"It is also deep in the provincial capital, unlike us, can only walk in a thousand miles away." Zhou Yuezan praised.

Du Peng is speechless: What is your speaking, or is it in his own strength?

But seeing a girl's share, Du Peng decided to forgive her.

"Du Captain, I don't know who is responsible here, do we want to visit?" Li Suwen asked.

"The city owner and the captain are dealing with affairs. You will settle first. After they are busy, come back to see you." Du Peng said.

Under the guidance of Du Peng, hundreds of people came down in a military camp.

In the afternoon, Du Peng attacked two people.

Because I have already greeted in advance, Li Suwen has been waiting for the team.

"This is the new city city, Zhao Qian, this is Wang Yu, the captain of the patrol brigade," Du Peng's introduction, "two leaders, these two are Ms. Li Suwen, who leads the Yi City, and Ms. Zhou Yanyin."


"Hello there!"

After the cold, Li Suwen they knew that the city owner Zhao Qian is this responsible to manage the new city, and Wang Yu is responsible for the safety of the new city.

"In this case, the public will come to the provincial city, and I admire your courage. I went very much. I went to the provincial city tomorrow. The leaders will receive you. What needs, what suggestions, can you have to lead Propose, at this time, only the same boat is in the same boat, can we share difficulties ... "Zhao Qian said.

", Zhao Cheng, Wang Captain, you don't want to let me make half a military camp, just for these weak chickens, do you do this, is it fair to people who have been born in the new city?" At this time, one is not Harmonious voice interrupted Zhao Qian's speech.

"Qian Da, if I haven't remembering the wrong, now I haven't arrived back?" Zhao Qian didn't speak, Wang Yu is cold, "Now, you should patrol in the west, prevent accidents."

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