Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 477 Boxing Shaolin (Subscribe)

There are more than 20 people, the first person of the words, around the age of forty, a face of the meat, and the tone is extremely arrogant.

"Wang Dadao," Callover, although the captain called Wang Yu's position, but there was no respected meaning in the tone. "I understand my duties, our three squadrons, you can not be so waste like a squadron, even if I am not, it is enough ensure safety."

"I just want to ask, how do you drive out my ministry out of your home, let people who are unidentified?" The money team grew up asking.

"Qian Captain, this is the decision made by the New Town Command, you must take it." Wang Yu's attitude towards the money captain.

"Of course, you are leaders, what do you want to do, we dare to refute." Qian Da is a mistake. "Poor my team member, I have been born for the new city for so long, even fell this What is the horror? "

"Qian Captain, what is your attitude?" Wang Yu is already anger, and he is strong.

"Nothing is, it is emotional, I don't know if you come to a few people. If everyone has to sleep." The Queen Captain, "It doesn't matter to Wang Dafa, you don't need you. "

"Do you want to find it?" Wang Yu was calm down, cold and cold.

"Don't think, but just find it, do you see it?"


"What is this guy? Is it so horizontal? Do you can't manage your big captain?" Li Weiwen asked Du Peng.

"Qian Da, Xincheng Patrol Brigade," Du Peng explained, "He is behind Shaolin, which is the instructor of Shaolin Wu School, and then practiced internal strength, and later sent to the new city, always disadvantaged Our team leader, want to get greater power. "

"Right, do you know that Shaolin is currently in the current situation?"

"I have a little understanding in Yucheng, I haven't feeling yet, now I have seen it, is it so arrogant?" Shu Yue Nan Road.

"It's so arrogant." Du Peng said, "Because the material is not abundant, it is all equipped, but Shaolin's warrior has always wanted to improve quota, I feel that they have a lot, and I will take advantage of it, according to labor Our firearms, cars, so the situation in the provincial city is very nervous. "

"Qian Da came to the New City, just want to get the control of the new city. Fortunately, the battle between the battle team and Zhao Chengli have been blocked and did not let him succeed."

"I see this money is almost the strength and your big captain. Why is it so tolerance to him?" Li Suwen asked.

"What can I have, I can't get it." Du Peng said, "When Qian Da came, I was in thinking with the king team, only playing a flat hand, so long, maybe be surpassing the king, after all Shaolin's internal strength in Qian Da is stronger than the king. "

"And when he came, he brought one or two hundred young forest disciples, and there were two first-class military, so the three squadrons were established, but the strength is the strongest."

"He is so provocative, just wants to kick again, in front of the people, fight the prestige of the king team, prepare for himself."

"He is here, but there is no hidden. Under normal circumstances, the queue and Zhao Chengli will not provoke him, lest him to take the opportunity."

"This kind of ballast is honest, and it is honest." Li Suwen said.

Du Peng laughed.

They also want to pack up money, but the strength is not allowed.

The new city patrol brigade three squadrons, a squadron Wang Yu personally served as the captain, the three squadrons have money, and Du Peng is only a second-class weapon, so the strength of the second squadron is the most weak, and there is a small low.

Money reached a few times asked to remove Du Peng's squadron's position, and he was brought by the first-class martial arts, but he was jointly rejected by Wang Yu and Zhao Qian.

"Look, your captain does not show up, he will come to us." Shu Yue Nan Road.


Wang Yu still responded to anger, did not shoot, there is no victory, he does not want to lose his face in Li Suwen.

The money is very sighful, and it is regrettable to let Wang Yu's eyes straight.

Turning around, Chaota will come to Li Suwen.

"Qian Captain, what do you want to do?" Zhao Qian took the initiative to stop the money.

"Zhao Chengli, what I can do, your order, even if you are unfair, I am absolutely obedient." Qian Da said, "This is not a new friend, I will say hello."

After finishing, ignorance of Zhao Qian's face, directly to Li Suwen and Zhou Yuezan.

" , there are two beautiful women, Du Peng, not introduced." Qian Da has long seen children, of course, is intentional, and there is no distinctive respect to Du Peng.

"These two are Li captain, Zhou Captain." Du Peng bite the brief introduction.

"Where did the two come, Yucheng?" Qian Da asked, "You are really rest assured, actually let the two hands come to the provincial city, what do you do to the provincial city? Still Lucky men protect. "

Qian Da can not see the strength of Li Suwen and Zhou Yuenan, not only they are two people, repairing Xuanyuan merits to the first-class Yicheng martial arts, as long as they don't actively show the breath, will not be noticed.

Li Suwen can not be interested in the money, and the money will come to the queue before the queue will stop before Lu Yan.

"I found out what I found, there is still no adult? Are you a dead enough?" Qian Da was laid.

Shaolin Temple also has a minor, but the money does not feel that people can cultivate strong minors like Shaolin Temple. They did not think about Lu Yan to the military. It is also to come to the provincial city to seek protection.

Such a person, although in the provincial city, it is not more common, but it is not a two.

"The strength is strong and will not die." Lu Yan smiled, "said that the captain of the money is dead, after all, you are so big."

The young boy is arrogant, and it is called a weak chicken by the money to map, the book is not cool, and it is more accomplished, and it can't help but refute.

Especially when I see Li Si Wen and Zhou Yanyan have not refuted, and the heart is more peaceful.

"Yes?" Qian Da smiled, holding the boxed fist in the sandbags swaying in front of Lu Yan, "You will be a weak chicken, I can be big."

"Lu Yan, was bullied to the head, change it, I can't bear it." Zhou Yuenan arch.

"Zhou Captain, I am afraid that I accidentally kill him." Lu Yan joke, "When Zhao City, Zhao City, the leader, thought that we were challenged, don't affect the view of our provincial leaders."

"Kid, you come, if you can kill me, guarantee that no one will find you trouble." Zhao Qian and Wang Yu have not spoken, Qian Da said.

Many people in the queue secretly shook their heads, this silly, it is really looking for death. The two captains did not see him with him, but Lu Yan would not.

He is the strong who is second only to the two captains. The young people are a good old age, the firepower is strong, and the captain's acquiescence, how can I keep it.

"OK, if you can kill me, no one will retaliate." Lu Yan came out.

"Two captains, this ..." Zhao Qian knows the strength of Qian Da, and the next consciousness wants to stop.

"Zhao Chenglian, don't move." Li Suwen said, "We can come here, but it is not lucky."

Everyone automatically dispels and leaves sufficient space.

"I am still afraid that they are weak." Qian Da directly born to Lu Yan.

He didn't put the people of Yicheng in the eyes. In his eyes, these people did not have secondary strength.

"Qian Da's Luohan Boxing has been refined." Wang Yu face changed. According to this, he is not the opponent of the money.

Boxing, there is a big momentum, to take Lu Yanyi directly on the spot.

"That's this." In the case of everyone who didn't see clear, the money of the money was taken by Lu Yan, and no more.

The face of money has changed, but he knows the weight of his fist, and now it is taken by a young man.

Looking at it, this kid is playing pigs.

I don't want to think more, and it is a foot kick. Lu Yan hands on the hand, the attack of Qian Da is deviated from the direction, then the same feet out, kick the small legs in the money.

"" fracture sound, accompanied by the scream of money.

"This is the matter, come to find it?"

Lu Yanyi bombarded that Qian Da fell to three feet.

"Kid, you dare to hurt people." An angered drunk, two stones, and jointly attacked Lu Yan.

It is two first-class warrants under Qianda.

Eat the lesson of the money, this two people go all out, internal force, and strive to attack Lu Yan.

"" two, two have faster speed faster.

"Shaolin Kung Fu, but this." Lu Yanbo said.

His tone is very owe, but no one dares to say question.

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