Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 478, the deep profile (seeking subscription)

A farce, this is the end of the tiger's tail.

Three first-class masters have been folded, and the remaining people don't dare to spun. When you leave, you will leave the wounded, and you will never mention the barracks.

Does anything to say, the key is not dare, and they have been chasing three strongest in the entire team. They have the courage to face this fear!

Wang Yu is complicated. He is self-cultivated. Later, the army is still practicing, and later the aura recovery, he got the opportunity to cultivate internal strength due to excellent performance, quickly in the army, being cultivated. After the rebuilding of the new city, he was promoted by the superior committee and dispatched the captain of the patrol brigade, responsible for the safety of the new city.

There is no army in the New Town, and the patrol team is the only violent institution, and it is sufficient to pay attention to him.

I have also heard that there is no intuitive concept until there is no intuitive concept, but I have played a game in the first day.

It is clear that he is more advanced, and the money is just promoted, and he can't get him. When I saw money today, I didn't have his opponent.

Now, a child of a 167-year-old, even easily defeated the three first-class martial arts, which makes Wang Yu feel deeply unable.

However, the money is frustrated, he is still very happy.

Qian Da was evacuated, Zhao Qian pressed the shock in his heart, invited Li Suwen, and Zhou Yuenan took the dinner, pulled Wang Yu left.

He needs to contact the superior and re-evaluate the strength of this team.


The city, a newly built three-story small building, received the latest news from the new city, and the leaders of several rituals convened emergency meetings.

"In accordance with the situation of Yucheng report, there are at least dozens of first-class martial arts in Yicheng, and now it seems that the situation is not only true, but it is extremely strong." A middle-aged humanity with glasses. , "Perhaps, the number of first-class martial arts is going to the top."

"Money, I have heard that Wang Yu has reacted him more than once, and there is a huttering effort. Therefore, the first-class military person in the first promotion will be able to fight Wang Yu without falling, and that Lu Yan can It is easy to defeat the money, at least one-class neutralization. "A military unloaded youth.

"Is our reception specification not to improve?" Asked a secretary responsible for records.

"No, it is good to maintain the original plan. We are the core leadership of the escape city and even the entire Central Plains. Although now they need their strength, but they can't let this power out of control, become another Shaolin." A 50 year old A majestic open mouth.

"Xu Cheng Lord said, and Shaolin's situation must not be repeated. Since it is all the military, or our army first receive it." A middle-aged general hanging two Venus said, "He Shang school, you will welcome you personally." Take them to meet me. "

"Yes, the general." The military unrestered youth.

Can participate in the Core Core Conference of the City, see where the status of this colonel.


There is a leader of the provincial capital, and Zhao Qian is very enthusiastic with Li Suwen, and introduces the status quo of many provinces, and has not listened to the situation of Yicheng.

For this, Li Su Wen knows that there is no concealment.

They have to open the way, want to get in touch with Shaolin, because I feel that there are Shaolin Wushou, which can better protect the people and restore social order as soon as possible.

However, I heard the current act of Shaolin, and the holy place in my heart collapsed.

Although she is not completely believed to believe in the head of Yucheng, Zhao Qian's speech, but most of them believe, there will be no too much access, otherwise, once they arrive, they will reveal the stuffing.

Li Suwen feels that the leaders of the provincial city will not be so unwise.

The situation she said, was fed back by Zhao Qian and caused a busy chaos of the provincial city.


The next day, Du Peng took more than ten people in the second squadron, escorted Li Suwen and went to the provincial city.

After entering the urban circle, I was taken by a super university called He Szhe.

I didn't want to follow the constraint. Before Du Peng and He Sizhe, they quietly left the team and entered the Municipal City.

If he wants to know what, the gods sweep, all the corners of the ritual city are all hidden.

The city has begun to recover and gradually be angry. Of course, it is clear that the current ritual city is clearly cleared than the big cities that have previously been populated.

Even if someone on the street, it is also in a hurry, everyone is working hard for living. The white-collar workers who have been nine nights, ten fingers who do not stick to Yangchun, have to work on their lives.

There is a soft girl who doesn't dare to kill, but I have to pick up the knife and go to the wilderness of the city and the beasts.

The provinces cleaned up the land is really large enough, and therefore, the power of guards need more, the number of wears, is always insufficient.

Not much to mention that there are many milms that must be involved in the construction, scientific research, and change the living environment.

The Shaolin Warries in the provincial city have really a lot. In each martial art, there is at least one first-class military person. It is only dozens of first-class military people in this industry. It can be seen that the number of senior military quantities of Shaolin is absolutely a lot.

It is not the big camp of Shaolin. The temple at the foot of Shaolin is the core, but because there is a landscape, Shaolin Temple itself is always on the threat, and naturally it is impossible to adjust a large number of advanced military.

Most people who practice in the hall are children, and the rest probably go out to hunt.

The actual combat is also one of the skills of the martial arts, and only the current environment, let them have actual possible possibilities.

All the way, I watched the city, and I went to the opening of the way, and I went to Shaolin Temple to leave.

The more close to Shaolin Temple, the more quantities of the military.

Lushan is not an ordinary mountain, one of the famous mountains of Huaxia, expansion after the aura recovery, stretches hundreds of miles.

There are many wild animals in the mountains, strong strength, often attacking the mountain, even if the strength of Shaolin is also difficult, only defending.

Otherwise, a large number of warrises have poured into the mountain, and the Government may not be able to live.

Shaolin Temple is really deep, there is a large number of martial arts in the temple, even if there is no so-called seventy-two stunt, the internal strength, martial arts is not one or two doors, all in Tibetan Sutra.

And guarded the Basic Pavilion, there is a sweeping place.

The realm of the mid-term, the Shaolin is also the first to none.

The entire Shaolin has three masters of martial arts, while only one is in the middle.

Sure enough, Shaolin's exercises are much better than the popular multi-metrophos, otherwise it is impossible to cultivate into this realm.

Justiance, Shu Yuenan and Li Siwen, many times have passed the book world, but it is also the post-cultural reflection, Lu Yan has not broken through the masters.

From the first-class to the masters, open the legendary eight pulse, it is also a unclear and unclear.

However, in this environment, as long as you work hard, the masters are not a problem, just in the morning and evening.

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