Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 479 chasing (seeking subscription)

This Shaolin is not the Shaolin, who is in the Great Dragon World, is not his Shaolin in the gods of the gods.

Compared to other martial arts, it may be strong, but it is also limited, there is no so-called easy-thus, washed the marrow, and Jin Jigang is not bad, even if there is, it will not exceed the limits of the master.

If you want to advance, you have to seek new methods.

Each era is not lack of genius. Maybe someone reaches the limits of the masters, will explore the way to open the bridge of the heavens and the earth, and successfully advance.


In the evening, I went back to the station.

With his realm, no one can find it. The Weilin Temple of the Warrior, he went to a circle and no one can find a trace.

Now scientific research power is tilted towards military and agriculture to ensure food and safety, even connecting electricity only covers a small amount, and the monitoring system has not been developed.

Even if there is a monitoring system that covers the whole country, as long as the strange is not willing, no one can see his trace.

Although there is no appearance in the team, Li Suwen has not forgotten to give the grateful preparation room, and it is a room that he himself.

Shortly after I came back, someone knocked on the door, and the gods were braked, the door was automatically opened.

"How do you know that I am back?" Qiki doubts.

He also didn't get static!

"I have been a half hour, if you don't, you will not open the door." Li Wei said.

"How, Is there something?" Asked Qi.

"I want to listen to your thoughts," Li Suwen did not come in, "I went to call them."

The so-called them, naturally Zhou Yuenan and Lu Yan.

Only them, only know that the odd is extraordinary.

Soon, the three came in.

"Say." Strange told.

"Sir, we want to ask, what is going on in the future?" Li Suwen opened.

"What do you mean?" Qi Qi doubt.

"It is what we want to know, is the gentleman who will leave Yicheng in the future?" Zhou Yue Nan Road.

"My home is in Yicheng, my career is in Yicheng, why do you want to leave?" Qi Ziyi righteously asked.

This makes the three people in the heart: I want to be lighted, I am hungry.

But odds this, also make them feel in their hearts.

"In this case, we know how to choose." Li Suwen.

Through Li Ven's story, I know why they will ask.

After receiving the military camp by He Yunzhe, they will be met in one, once again telling the purpose of the provincial city, and roughly introduces the situation of the city, especially the strength of the military.

Seeing that these people did not lose because of the power of personal strength, they took the initiative to help the government to maintain order, build their homes, and the middle will have the meaning of them in the provincial city.

According to the generals, as long as Li Siwen left, at least the rank of the rank, if it is still a new merit, it is not possible.

For those who came together, the general issued an invitation, and the commitment will grant different rankings according to the strength of each person.

And if it is Li Shuwen, they are not willing to stay in the provincial city, as long as they make contributions, they can also grant the rank of the school.

Of course, just the rank, no substantive power.

Some people are aiming, of course, more people are watching their attitude.

Li Suwen excuses take time to consider, about surrounded Week and Lu Yan to find a strategy to seek countermeasures.

If you stay in the provincial city, they will do not hesitate to accept the generals of the general, but if they don't leave, they will migrate as the strange tricks.

After all, they all look forward to another adventure, leaving the strange, where do you find this kind of good thing?

Now I have confirmed the strange attitude, they know how to choose?

Returning to Yicheng is inevitably, as for the contribution of the generals, it is clear to help the provincial cities to solve the trouble of Shaolin Temple.

"Mr., in fact, not all Shaolin martial arts have this kind of thought, only a small number of people, most of them are not related to this matter, can not succeed that it doesn't matter." Li Suwen said.

"I already know this." Said Qi Ti.

When I arrived in Shaolin Temple, I would like to expect this situation, otherwise the government can't control the situation.

"I will reply to the general tomorrow, ending the unrealistic fantasies of Shaolin Wu, we can return to Yicheng." Shu Yue Nan Road.

"So confidence?" Qi Ti asked, "Do you not know how many people here?"

"Of course, we have the support of the army and the government. Can Shaolin Wushou can not be bundled to encircle us?" Lu Yan self-confident.

"There is a saying called 'I have been old." You are so falling to the face of Shaolin Temple. When you come out, you will be able to win the victory. "Qiki asked.

"What is human, I can't see some Shaolin Wushou, I can't see it." Weekyue Nan Road, "there is also a military force of some Shaolin Wu from the army, and the toe is high, it is really disgust."

"Mr., Shaolin Wu wants to say more words, this is nothing wrong, but the problem is that they don't understand management, just think that they have power, you can have greater benefits, more resource allocation, Take someone else's death, not to mention leading the provincial development. "Li Suwen.

"So we want to end this farce, strongly pressing Shaolin, avoid internal consumption, assembling all power, expands larger living space."

"Shaolin Temple has a strong, this situation we have considered, Lu Yan also broke through the masters, I have a confidence. We also want to know that anyone can be more powerful than us."

"You want to do it, just take the consequences." Strange said.

"Sir, the general said, as long as the troubles of Shaolin, they will send people to support Yicheng in the first time, helping the city to carry out various constructions." Weekyue Nan Road, "Everyone has time, Mr.'s bookstore will re-re- Open. "

"Then thank you for you."

The next day, Li Suwen and Zhou Yuenan met the general.

Qi Ti didn't know how they talk about. From this day, Li Suwen took a family to challenge Shaolin Wushu.

Because I greet in advance, there is no martial art.

They know that this is the military's anti-pop, so they are going to go all out, defeat the military, telling everyone to lead the importance of the provincial capital.

As a result, it is a two thirty people to bring about ten people, and they will challenge all Shaolin Warpass in the province.

The largest Shaolong Wushu, the provincial city, is also the leader of Shaolin, named Cui Lu, and the young Liluski disciples, hung in the army.

Under the public, Lu Yan was defeated, and he hit the sharpness of Shaolin.

After the war is over, the original unmanned Shaolin martial arts, suddenly launched the tail. Especially after the municipal mainfate and the commander decided to grant Lu Yan's military rankings, it was found that there were few people to give them a new world without several people.

On the third day, a Shaolin made a door to the door, with Zhou Yuenan, and left.

The result is self-evident.

Those who don't understand the situation have been waiting for a few days, seeing there is no movement, very strange.

Shaolin Temple is not so relucting, this time the reaction is so slow?

Someone went to ask when Cui Zu Shaolin Temple, when I found back to the venue, I was repeated a meal.

Others don't know, he can be very clear about this starter.

The masters of Shaolin Temple will return to horses, and they are returned.

He has seen the power of the master, and the whole Shaolin Temple is not a few masters.

Today, the government finds a master, directly putting the momentum of Shaolin, and let him prepare for two years later.

"I can only find a chance again." Cui Lu secretly thinking.

However, as a message came, Cui Lu has no chance.

The government got a senior internal internal strength.

Yes, it is Xuanyuan.

This Li Weiwen can come all the way to the advanced internal strength of the provincial city.

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