Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 480 for two years (seeking subscription)

Today, Xuanyuan is no longer secret, and the cultivation of the people of Yicheng will not have to say it, and I will come all the way north. I don't know how many people have passed.

Compared to the public, Xuanyuan is undoubtedly high-end, so many first-class military people today are proven, but also the universality of this practice.

When I originally created such a practice, I was already the martial arts, after several worlds, the accumulation of hundreds of years, so that the simple advanced exercise of this entry can be created.

Replace it into others, I am afraid that I have to work hard. And a quicker, only spent a few days.

Xuanyuan is not a secret, army, the government is not a person without Shaolin, although the leadership of the provincial city strengthened confidentiality, but as long as I think about the way, I can easily get this practice.

The leaders of the provincial city are not to be ourselves. This kind of work that has been circulated is unclean. What they want to do is to occupy a charm, as long as you can lead to the government, the strength of the army will never fear other forces challenges.

Shaolin does not have a senior internal strength, but it has only a few hundred-day warfare, and the senior internal strength is on the one hand, there is no major scale of communication.

Do not spread, naturally, it is worried that the temple has lost the advantage, and it is surpassed and lost the original position of Shaolin.

But the city will dare, and the whole people cultivate this high-level practice, and they are not worried at all.

In the view of the provincial and city leaders, this is Li Shuwen's confidence, self-confidence is enough to suppress everything, to deal with all possible problems.

They will never know, Li Suwen, Zhou Yue Nan, the reason for spreading Xuan Yuan, is a strange request. More I don't know, their own practice is not this practice, but a more advanced internal strength.


Shaolin Zongshi's master is defeated, leaving the gray, the leadership pressure of the provincial government is reduced. Plus the army to practice Xuanyuan merits in advance, caught up sooner or later, Li Siwen decided to return.

It has been half a year from the initial leave of the city.

Lu Yan was chasing Shaolin Wuta, defeating Cui Record, and entered the masters in a grandmaster, and became the third master of Yicheng.

When I came, I have opened up a road, even if I have repeatedly repeatedly, thousands of kilometers away, I will also work for ten days and a half months.

Provincial City has built a thousand support teams, all kinds of research talents have, and also carrying this machinery and equipment, preparing to take rooted city to assist the city to build a new city.

This is the provincial capital leader.

If these people have delayed the formation, only Li Suwen's lowest second-class military, more than a thousand kilometers of itinerary, can be reached.

Du Peng took a trip to the team with a trip to defend.

It is said to be defending, in fact, it is to fight, lest these researchers first arrive, and they are accepted in Yicheng.

Although the opportunity is not big, it is preparative for all.

Not only that, the leaders of the provincial capital also sent a political union of more than ten people, responsible for the ideological work along the city along the way, encouraging them to meet the temper, the rise in suffering, build a new home as soon as possible, and promise the provincial city support very fast It will be reached.

Yucheng, Yucheng, Mall, all the way through counties, city, half a month, Li Suwen is finally returned to Yicheng.

Yisheng leaders who have already received the news held a grand welcome.

The arrival of the provincial city support team means that they are no longer a fight against the arms, but have a core leadership, and it is also full of hope.

Before this, although they took self-help measures, they were very difficult because of the restrictions on real conditions, although the number of warners was increasing, but they were full of worrying in the future.

Without enough researchers, builders, managers, and all kinds of practitioners, only the martial artists, far from the martial arts.

Now, I hope that I am in front of you.


The researchers of the provincial city arrived, and the city immediately entered the development model.

All kinds of mechanical manufacturing are investing in the construction, and the number of military dors is enough. It is strong enough. No matter what researchers need anything, it can be delivered in time, greatly promoted the intensity of scientific research.

In particular, the current researchers are not like the power of the chicken in the past, and the strength is enhanced, so that they can easier experiments, and find the best way faster.

It is not too much to describe the development of Yicheng for a thousand miles away.

Because the large road between the provincial city is open, the exchange between the provincial capital is established, and the county and the city are affected, and the recovery is very fast.

After the momentum of Shaolin is pressed, the provincial city will start, start to advance to the far, and establish more urban contacts.

In the past two years, I have opened the traffic in the Central Plains, even most of the county traffic transport.

Of course, just open a road, I want to expand the results, there is a very small number in the county in the mountains, and I have not contacted it.

The strength of the war is progressing, the strength of the beast is also progressing, with time, more difficult to deal with it.

Even if the new guns have been launched a lot of army, it is difficult to reverse this situation.

With the promotion of Xuanyuan, there are more and more strong people in the army. Although Shaolin Wu also has Xuanyuan Gong, after all, the number is far less than the government, the army is more controlled, and then you want to provoke it before, it is already power Do not catch.

Even if their masters are far from the government and the army.

Solved the problems in the province, and the leaders of the provincial city are ready to develop, open the links to the prohibition.

The final purpose is to contact the capital.

As the highest leader of the Central Plains, Xu Cheng Lord knows that before the heavens and earth, the state has established emergency measures to arrange for major cities.

And the city, because there is no more arrangements because there are Shaolin's existence, I feel that there are Shaolin Wushou, and the Central Plains is not a problem.

But I didn't expect it because Shaolin, almost destroyed a good situation in, if it is not the original support of Yicheng, what is the Central Plains will be, it is really impossible.

In the planning of the provincial city, Yicheng is the existence of the fortress as a charge trap. Throughout the Central Plains, even though all cultivate Xuanyuan Gong, the number and quality of the first-class military personnel, all the city, this, Even the provincial city is not more than.

So after the establishment of the city, the martial arts are very incadmatled by the city. I feel that this is a martial arts, and even beyond Shaolin's position in their minds.

Xuanyuan's work is spread from Yicheng, and this practice method is that most of the martial arts in the Central Plains are cultivating the practice. At this point, Shaolin shoots horse can't catch up.

Although Shaolin has a lot of intensiveness, since there is a better Xuanyuan merit, why should I practice low-level exercises?

Xuanyuan work is not a defect, almost everyone knows, it is difficult to advance.

But if you can't even reach the first-class, what is the master?

Due to big, after the first-class, consider other things.

I haven't learned to run, isn't it to eat?

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