Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 481 Treatment (seeking subscription)

Two years, in this environment, it is sufficient to make the strength of the martial arts change.

The martial arts of Yicheng has been many, Li Suwen, Zhou Yuenan, Lu Yan three people have already been pressed by a masculain that emerged because of low-key.

Due to the large growth of the military, the army's combat power continues to enhance, and they have no need to be a deterrent. The order of Yicheng is initially stable, gradually has a big change, so they reject the good treatment of Yicheng, and join hands to build a wandering team of ten people.

Yicheng will be more mountains, although there are not many mountains, but the hills have become a big mountain after the heavens and the earth, and the beasts in the mountains are always clear.

In this environment, if the growth of non-martial arts is extremely rapid, it is afraid that it is more busy than the original Shaolin.


At the site of the Normal University, a school, the students, the students, no longer a college student, but a child of 12 to sixteen years old.

As for young people over sixteen years old, it has been required to join various institutions to contribute to the construction of the new home.

The main professor of the school is martial arts, after all, only strong force can better defend the home, survive.

Of course, cultural knowledge is indispensable, but the main teaching is history. In any time, the inheritance of history is extremely important. History can never be forgotten, otherwise it will forget the way.

Basic knowledge has been completed in six to 12 years old, and further professional knowledge, such as physics, chemistry, geometry, biology, etc., because of the heaven and earth, the knowledge is no longer applicable, research workers still In exploring new knowledge, only small parts have received high education, and there is still a long way to go through the large-scale higher talents.

With the voice of the broadcast, the odd leisurely sitting behind the counter, reading an argument.

After the location of the bookstore is not big, after the school is re-established, it is re-planned by Yicheng, and the odd bookstore has been raised once, the small building of the brick and soil structure, like the original pattern, the name of the bookstore is still eye-catching.

Next to the bookstore, the doctor who has never forgotten is also built, there is a counter, there are also various medicinal materials, the door is open, but cold and clear, alone.

This is the only requirement of Li Shuwen, although the leadership of Yicheng is very unexpected, but because of their contribution, it still agrees. Otherwise, don't think about such a big place here.

Yicheng has also observed. If you want to know why you will pay attention to them by Li Suwen, it is always necessary, in addition to knowing the team doctor who once in Li Suwen's crash team, there is no special.

Otherwise, it is difficult to see several books because of their bookstore?

Although the doctor is driving, there are very few patients who have seen. After the aura recovery, many urinary disorders are not more than, more are trauma.

Training is injured, the field is injured, and poisoning is the normal state of the patient.

The war is basically understanding some medical skills. If you are slightly injured, you will have serious injuries, and you will not believe in this simple medical center.

So the hospitality and bookstore, basically became a display, open this, and the singularity will also treat two people, all the team members of Li Suwen.

One is a martython toxic, one is that Dantian injury is almost civil abuse.

I didn't do it, I didn't do it, one person, a medicinal medicine, plus a medicinal medicine, not for three days.

The biggest achievements in these two years are to raise the level of Danshi to the advanced, and the injuries of Dan Medicine, the injury, and the two first-class military doctors?

Two people who have been treated, after the martial arts, so soon, they will become a masters, so that the rest is extremely envious, and even hate should not take the initiative to receive treatment.

Fortunately, Li Shu Wen persuaded, he didn't want this little things affected the grateful look.


In the past two years, the book world suffered a seven attacks, and the singularity is still sent by Li Suwen to perform the task and kill the reincarnation.

Three people have already advanced the peak of the master, and bring all kinds of martial arts from the world, and the strength is far from the general people.

In fact, in their speed, you can advance the innate, in the current environment, even if there is no congenital practice, you can also open the bridge of the World.

The first to meet the peaks of the master of Master, once asked the masters, Qi Ti is just a little "less than enough", and the three are kept in mind, never ending the desire of breakthrough, and continue to accumulate.

Sure enough, each person has experienced two or three worlds, I can feel the remaining efforts to continue to improve, they will never want to work.


"Mr., help!" The urgent voice came, Zhou Yuenan's wings into the bookstore.

"What happened?" Qi Tian said not to ask.

"Mr., our team met the congenial monster in the mountains, almost all the whole army, Wu Tong lost a arm." Weekyu Nan suddenly, "they have entered the hospitality, let's take a look."

"What is the urgency, the broken arm can't die." Qi Ti did not panic, "fell by you, the inside is not light!"

"We are the main force, can you not be injured?" Zhou Yue Nan Road, "Or, how to fight the wolf!"

"Hey, there is still this ability!" The Qi Tiki sweeped, and he saw a dozen wolves in the hospitality and a wolf body. "It's really not small."

Gray wolf, long, only look at the body, saying that the tiger has a letter.

Of course, in the current environment, the tiger is not only so big.

For the strange skills, Shouyue Nan has more insights, not unexpected, and urged a strange to hurry.

"Mr.." Seeing Qiqi, everyone is in the same way.

They all have the extraordinary quotient, maintain enough respect. Under the requirements of Li Suwen, it has always been secret.

"Xiao Wu, are you ready to be a goddess?" The Qi Ti smiled and came to Wu Tong.

"Mr., please also save it." Wu Tong bites his teeth.

"You see people, Yang, no right hand, still listed in the five-day, fans countless." You can juice, "You can learn from him," the name of the king king is very good. "

Wu Tong's weapon is a knife.

"Mr., I am willing to have two hands." Wu Tong did not have a joke, "I will save my life."

"Yes, I want to clearly, the arm is connected, you have no harvest this time." Strange tied to gradually lost the active arm.

"Mr. is shot." Li Suwen.

The singularity will not take the price, each time you have to pay, Li Suwen has long prepared.

I have some heads, and I will hold a clustered water flow, clean the wounds of Wu Tong, put it in the original position, the knowledge is explored, and the operation is forcibly put each place. Each sewing is maintained in power, no needle lines.

Then applied the configured ointment and remove the bandage.

"Ok, change the medicine three days, it is almost the same half a month."

Wu Tong hurts the past, but the remaining onlookers are all stunned.

They all know that they are not ordinary people, but they can't think of this means, completely exceed their cognition.

Even Li Suwen three people, although I know the extraordinary quotient, I also see this scene for the first time.

"Ok, talk about it, what is this?"

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