Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 482, Memory (Subscribe)

"Mr., you are ..." I heard the voice, returning the gods of Lu Yan called.

He just had just adulthood, even if there is a cultivation of the peak peak, sometimes it is inevitable that children's minds.

"A little tactics, it is not worth mentioning." Qi Ti said with the mouth, "insisted on practicing, one day you can do it."

"Yes? No ... can't ... Can you?" Listening to the words, Lu Yan surprised him, and stunned.

If it is said that the martial arts is the opening of the monument, such as a probe, he has already used his experience, which has exceeded his cognition, almost cactus.

I didn't care about him again. I took out a porcelain bottle to throw Zhou Yuenan: "One person is one." More than a dozen players, all the cultivation of the masters, one injured.

"Thank you Mr.." After Shu Yuenan, he began to send a Dan medicine to the teammate.

Treatment of the injured pills, odds all kinds of tonic medicines refined Dan Pills, a most basic Dan medicine, have different effects on restoring various injuries.

"Mr., half a month ago, we went to Lingshan Hunting, starting a few days, hunted a lot of high-grade beasts until returned, suddenly encountered the attack of the wolves."

"Wolf group? No wonder!" The first way.

"Yes, the wolves, and the wolves in our way, if it is not a timely discovery, it is really being ambushed by the wolves." Li Wei said.

"Dozens of gray wolves are all advanced, top beasts, strength is not at all."

"With the sharpness of the weapon, we block the attack of the wolves, but kill the big half. However, so, the wolves still did not evacuate, but continued to fight the shock."

"This makes me a vigilance, according to the experience, when I got this, the wolves will break. So I believe that the wolf king is hidden around, so let everyone be careful."

"But reminding or late, the words are not exported, the wolf king jumped out, and Wu Tong lost his arm."

"Even if this is only hitting Wu Tong," I watched the corpse of the wolf, "I can't do this, I see that his arm is like a knife, it is very unique."

"This is what I am looking forward to." Li Suwen screamed deeply, "this continued," this wolf will spend. "

"Spell?" Odd, recalling Wu Tong's broken arm, seems to have a wind residue.

"Yes, spells, like some novels, this wolf will blade, '', we have never reacted, Wu Tong's arm is directly dropped."

"Well, interesting."

Qi Ti suddenly laughed, this world is more interesting, he remembers in the three worlds, the horses in the innate realm do not have this ability, and the monsters of the various first heavenly monsters are just strong.

Can the world's monsters can show spells?

It seems that I have to enter the fairy season.

"Although it is surprised, after all, we have spent these years, the battle is very strong, and the moon is immediately stopped this wolf demon, but it will not be supported."

"So I and Lu Yan also began to be siege this wolf demon, and the rest of the people made a breakfast, killing the rest of our wolves, and jointly killing this wolf."

"But we are all never hurt. Plus the encounter of Lu Yan, this is immediately returned, please treat it."

Li Siwen said that the process said.

"How do you confirm that the wind blade?" Asked Qi.

"When I attacked Wu Tong, we didn't pay attention, after which this wolf has shown a few times, we all saw it, the half-month wind blade was cyan, the speed was extremely fast, we almost tried. Good in the wolf There is a pause when she is Shi Shi wind blade, so that we have prepared in advance, hiding the past. "Li Suwen.

"How many skills have been displayed?" Asked Qi.

"Plus the sneak attack Wu Tong, a total of four times." Li Suwen thought about it.

"It's just that the monsters in the first day of the world are not familiar, otherwise you will really have a whole army." Strange.

"Sir, I have heard that there is a first-day monsters attack Yicheng was killed, and many people met the congenial monsters on the mountain and did not have a whole army. I didn't believe it. Now it seems really true."

"It's been so long, there is a wild animal order to become a monster. But there should be not much, otherwise I have had a heart." Strange said, "the wisdom of the first heaven is not low, so will be carried out Ambush, you want to wait for you to die, then kill you again. Unfortunately, this wolf demon has estimated his ability. "

The monsters are the title of the Central Plains on this congenital beast.

"Why will they attack us?" Shu Yuenan asked.

"Then why do you want to hunt the beast?" Qi Tiki asked.

"Eat, experts don't say, now in the wild beasts rich in aura, eat a strong body." Weekyue Nan said.

"The Meaning of the Wolf is the same as you." Strange said.

"That kind of this, human beings are dangerous, can we hold it?" Li Suwen asked.

"Such a big Central Plains, tens of millions of people, don't you enter the day?"

"You said this, I think it is, it seems that the previous time, the rumors of the Shaolin have been promoted, I thought it was a rumor." Li Suwen.

"I have been confident, thinking that others can't surpass you?" Strange said, "this world, never lacks the talented."

"Mr., what should we do?" Li Suwen asked, the rest of the people looked forward to him.

"There are high tops in the sky. What are you afraid?" Qi Ti said, "Wolf is left to you, remember, you owe me eight hundred and twenty-six medicinal materials."

The wolf can change money, and the wolf of this context is even more expensive.

Wolver meat is very good for the body, it is difficult to eat. Wolf skin can be made into skin A and the defensive power is extremely strong.

The money is new, the whole Central Plains circulate, because there is no currency to object, it is too cumbersome.


The next day, Li Suwen has never been independent of the bookstore.

In the silent reading voice, it has passed the quiet morning.

Just when they want to leave, the strange is open.

"I have a lot of things, you have no use."

He threw a booklet.

Li Shu Wen opened, found that the follow-up method of Xuanyuan's work, can directly reach the internal strength of the peak.

"Mr. Xie." Li Suwen suddenly understood the meaning of the singularity.

The monsters have emerged frequently, so that Mr. has reunited the minds of human strength again.

The practice of the masters, although it will not let people go straight into the innate, but only if the peak peak is reached?

Before this, because Xuanyuan work can only be practiced to the first-class, it can only explore himself, although there are many people's master, but the follow-up cultivation is also more and more difficult.

With this practice, the situation will be great, and the strength of Yicheng will also usher in the development of sharp flying.

Three people thanked, they left.

"Wait a minute, this thing is given to you." The Qi Ti threw a booklet.

"Mr., this is?" Li Suwen asked.

"I will know, I will destroy it." Qi Ti said, "If you can practice it, you will be able to win, you can walk around, you can ushered."

Li Siwen three people set up, on the cover of the brochure, Hedd three words.


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