Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 483 Warship (Subscribe)

The god of the gods is a latter man who has a strong knowledge of the cultivation of Li Xunhuan.

Because of this, Li Xun Huan can make a cross-level battle, fight for a person who is a realm of him.

But the defect is also very obvious. If there is not enough skill support, it will consume the source when used, which causes huge damage to the body. It is difficult to make up.

Because this is a direct congenital gods practice method.

The strength of Xiao Li Fei knife, because the environment is limited, Li Xunhuan can't practice the gods, so he shows the flying knife skills must be considered at the expense of the body's damage.

However, this world is different, the upper limit of strength has arrived in the metacharities, even a ferry period, and what is the problem of cultivation.

Even because of your own strength, you can't play all the unable to play, at least, you can make them faster, more comfortable, and more foreseeable.

Even in a critical juncture, as a killing, you can do the anti-killing enemy, and you can also hurt the enemy and escape.

It is said that it is not the power of life.

After practicing, it will not be inferior to the congenital warrior.

Three people are naturally a big joy. After passing, they will leave, and the rice is not eaten, and they will hurry to study the skills.


The emergence of Xuanyuan Power Masters, let the city boil again, Li Siwen, who have no sense of low-key, once again received, and have been propagated over again.

Don't say anything else, just say that spread Xuan Yuan's work, let the city and even the Zhongyuan all have a powerful opportunity, which is never to abuse me.

Not they do, can Yicheng have today's situation?

Not to mention dangerous, hundreds of people will lead to the road to the provincial city.

How many people in the public are in the public, but the first-class situation is not to promote it? Now, there is a masterpiece of the masters. These people have the front road. It is conceivable that the next time, the martial arts of Yicheng ushered in the blowout.

With a large number of martial arts, even if there is a first-day monster, it is not so fierce that it should be in the past.

Not a saying that Li Suwen is self-, has a martial artist's constipation, but only emphasizes its own strength, completely does not care about the overall situation, otherwise the skills of the public, the situation of the city and even the Central Plains will be better.

You don't have to refute a few people. This kind of voice is pressed by official, and even the official is also solemn to apologize to Li Wei.

At any time, there is no lack of this large-scale word. I can't help myself, I can't help it, I don't help others, how can I help others?

It's not aware of the benefits. If you are so unselfish, Shaolin Temple has more advanced internal strength, how can you see them to make Shaolin open?

It's nothing more than bullying, it's hard, seeing people's strength, but there is such a high prestige, and it is not awkward.

Public dissemination of Xuanyuan Merchants will be grateful to Li Shu Wen, and therefore makes them feel cold, and how can I help?

Although the skills of the masters are precious, they are not necessarily instead. If there is a good time in the first day, what should I do if I don't want to spread?

There is an official shot, and things are so fast that the Ying City is again calm, it is not as good as the spring of the military.


"Chief of staff, have confirmed that Li Suwen, Zhou Yuenan, Lu Yan three colonies, the next day, the next day went to the miracle bookstore, waiting for a morning, happy to speak on the table, go to Li Suwen home, until late night Scattered. Since the next day, the Xuanyuan's heart is beginning to circulate. "In the broad conference room, an officer is reporting to the middle-aged military.

"That is to say, the Xuanyuan merits of this teacher is related to the owner of this bookstore?" Asked the middle-aged staff.

"It should be," said the young officer said, "We count, Li Shang, three people, will go back to the city. Sometimes a morning, sometimes go every day until you leave again."

"Our people have also entered, they are really reading, and the rest did nothing."

"What book is it?" Asked the staff.

"Confucian classics, Buddhist scriptures, classical books, martial arts novels, etc., there is no special discovery." Youth Military officials.

"Is there anything else to find?" Asked the staff.

"Yes, and unbelievable." The young officer said, "The equipment office received the order of Li Shangcai, processing a few pieces of leaps. The material is provided by Li Shang, a long wolf skin, congenital "

"Li Shangcai is the earliest master master, although I don't know if there is any promotion, but they join hands to kill a first heavenly wolf, not surprising.

"It is not surprising, but some people have seen that Wu Tong in their teams in Lee, the arm is handwed. The first time they came back in Lee, not going to the hospital, but directly arrived next to the bookstore. "Youth Military Officer Road.

"I remember the Medical Pavilion is also the owner of the owner.

"Yes, chief of staff." Youth Military official road, "With the current medicine, after the break, it is difficult to return to normal. But some people saw that Wu Tong just played for ten days, it fully recovered Normal, and there is no trace at the broken arm. "

"Is this so? Explored?" The chief of the chief lit.

The strength of the beast is getting stronger, and the army has increased in the battle. Most of them are such serious trauma. If there is such a technology, it is bound to increase the recovery of the wounded, and the combat power of the army is Extremely role.

"It is definitely true, but we can't explore the doctor." The young officer is embarrassed.

"Oh, this is why?" Asked the staff.

"Because we can't enter, look at it in front of you, but it is not going. We found a lot of people test, the result is the same, maybe in addition to Li Shang, the owner refuses strangers to enter the medical center."

"What does this mean, array? Is there this thing?" Asked the staff.

"Maybe, but we all don't know. And it is said that the owner has been to the provincial city with Li Shang, and there is also this person's information, but we have not found his existence, no one has an impression. "

"Shut ..." Middle-aged staff comforted a sigh of relief, "The owner of this bookstore, although not going out on weekdays, but the more observation, the more I feel a big secret. This matter, you have to do confidential work. I We must report to the provincial city leaders, maybe talk to Li Shang School. "

He is the military officer of the provincial city to Yicheng. It was just responsible for the army. Later, Li Shuwen was often going to the miracle bookstore, and he entered their sight and started investigation.

Then I found a lot of abnormalities, I have a report today.

"Yes!" The young officer left.


Some people are observing themselves, and they will certainly not know, but he doesn't work.

There will always be one day, and Qi Ti is ready to prepare, with his current strength, no one, no one can barely do what he does.

It is this day, Li Suwen came to the bookstore, asked him if he would like to cross the river.

Under the support of the provincial city, the two years of Kung Fu, the first practical battleship of Yicheng sailed today, and sent the invitation to Li Weiwen.

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