Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 485, mount three whip (seeking subscription)

The ridiculous weed, the giant wood of the heavens ... all revealed that this is an unmanned area.

There is no imagination that has already been extended here.

If you want to make sure that the links on both sides, you can only do it yourself.

The battleship is careful about the number of upstream and downstream, find a suitable place anchor, and transporting the martial author with a batch of boats.

Then various resources.

These martial arts of the military will leave a wadna, develop this land, build a settlement. After the scale is initially formed, I want to find a suitable location to build a pontoon, and completely open the links between the branches.

However, this purpose is estimated to be short-lived in a short period of time.

Such a wide bridge is erected, and it is not easy for the previous technologies, let alone still explore the present?

Although the pontoon is simple, it is also under normal circumstances, and now there is no knowing about the water in the water, and the safety of pontoon needs to be discussed.

"Su Wen sister, I want to stay." Looking at the busy army, Shu Yuenan suddenly said.

"Well?" Li Suwen is surprised, this is not the previous plan!

Before the official invitation, just let them board the ship, prevent accidents, they did not stay in the opposite side.

"Why?" Li Suwen asked.

"My family is Hanchang, I want to see if there is any opportunity to go back." Shu Yue Nan Road.

Li Suwen's color is a meal.

When the aura recovery, I know that the inner lovers are happy, and when I think there is a heaven and earth? So after the big change begins, there is a loss of contact.

For a few years, everyone has become accustomed to this place in Yicheng, and the next consciousness ignores the family far in him.

I don't want to remember, but I don't dare to mention, but I still have to bear it, but more worrying is that the distant relatives are still alive.

There are too many people in the heavens and earth, and there is no death. After the city and the northern Zhucheng contact, how many expectations are awesome!

"Moon Nan, I understand your mood, my family is here," Li Suwen, "But you have to know that there is also a kilometer from Hanchang, the army will not advance, only our, short Time can't get Hanchang. "

"Even in the past, there is a wider river in front, how have you passed?"

"Su Wen sister, I know, I know that I chose to go to this side, I thought I could go back soon." Shou Yue Nan Road, "I have already arrived here, if I don't do something, I will crazy."

At this time, Shou Yanyin, the optimistic and cheerful image of the peaceful day is very different, and the eyebrow is brought, full of astonished atmosphere.

"Mr.!" Li Siwen could not help but look forward to the singularity.

"Your question, you solve it yourself." Strange said.

"Captain, or we left?" Lu Yan weak.

He is a local person, and it has completely understood this emotion.

"OK, since the channel has passed, it is convenient, and you can return. Go, call everyone to discuss together." Li Suwen.

As a result of the final negotiation, everyone agreed to leave, and went here.

Li Siwen is from Zhou Yuenan, and it is not necessary.

They have to be responsible for the safety of the players.


I don't care, he is just the stun of the scene, and it doesn't matter if you look at the scenery. This world, what he wants to go, is a moment.

No need to do it so much.

For example, when he is only a long time, he is still in the chaos, and there is no interference.

Li Shuwen left, let the official are very happy, and even affecting many people, some of the wadquarters have taken the initiative.

Open up to the South Bank of Huaihe River, only on the official line, and work together in the city.

After the material is transported, the Yicheng warship is returned, and the remaining people began to heat up the world.

It's all older, the experience is very rich, just changed a place, and I didn't re-familiarize it.

Li Suwen and others were busy with the wild, and the gods were united, and the shape was moved. In the case of unknown, people have reached dozens of miles away.

A huge golden tiger is being in the forest.

Over the body of the body, there is no bird and beast in the surroundings.

The demon tiger of the first heaven, it is not an initial introduction.

Royal wind drops and falls before the tiger.

"It is barely use to be a foot force." Looking at the "Wang" word, the word of the tiger, the word, "The big man came," not all have a mount! "

Tiger still sleeping, it is unknown, its fate has been destined.

The tiger in my dreams is very pleasant, and there is still a sour, but I haven't felt that someone stared at him in front of him.

After a time, wake up and open your eyes, welcome it in the eyes of the eye.

"Still dream?" If you know how to speak, the tiger will say this.

Shake a huge head, it seems to drive away, once again, the opposite people are still there.

This is not a dream.

Send a lunch in the door.

The monster of the first heaven have been gaining. See someone in front of himself, it is very angry, and Zhangkou wants to bite it, I want to swallow it.

"Kitty, wait for you for a long time, do you treat your owner?" This person is odd.

With this, the movement of the tiger will end, and the open blood of the open blood is not enough.

"If you don't blame the pet." The singularity is gently, and a hard force has arrived on the tiger, and he directly reached his turnover.

"Hey!" The tiger did not accept the gas, see the body can act, once again.

Then jump in the half-air body suddenly fell vertically.

"Still not honest." Strange stood up, reach out, a vine whip appeared in his hand.

Before going to the tiger, a whip smashed, the tiger couldn't move, and the painful screams were sent.

This is not an ordinary whip, and the power of the gods can be used directly to pumping into the bone marrow, and the feeling of the tiger is clearer.

The second whip is going down, there is a tear in the eyelids that cannot be moved; the third whip has not yet posing, and the eye of the tiger will expose the color.

"It's still not stupid." The third whip didn't pose, and the strange tricks lifted the limitations of the tiger.

The tiger that recovered the activity capabilities, immediately turned around, it was obviously to see it, but wanted to run.

Dangdang, the tiger hit the transparent air wall, and his head was faint.

It is a strange quarter to play the tiger.

The third whip finally fell, and the tiger once again made a miserable sound, and the tears couldn't live low.

After all, there is still a little gain, immediately endured, go down, low high skull.

"You will be called three whip, Zhang Zhangji." The Qi Ti took a name to the tiger, the body is moving, and it has been in the back of the tiger.

"Walk, let's go to patrol."

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