Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 486, Wolf, Village (seeking subscription)

The whistling wind passed over the ear.

Run, the three whip mountaineering, the strange roaming is above the back of the tiger, and there is no shake.

In the alpine jungle, the three whip runs quietly, and the momentum of the body is disconnected, so that the birds and beasts are retired.

Every king has its own territory.

Three whip rushing, there is no second day, there is no one in the second congenial monster.

From the river, the river is coated, and it is a three-whip of the mountain.

Switch three whip as a mount, happened, and it is over.

But the righteous martial artist who is in the wild solves the biggest safety hazard.

Otherwise, the direction and speed of the priest of the city, I am afraid that I can't take a few days in the hunting ground.

Not bad, the Qi Ti has retrieved the feeling of the past.

Maybe there should be more exchanges with the outside world.

Only integrate into it, there is a more in-depth understanding of changes in the world.

"Change the direction." Qi Tiography moved, the three whip of the high-speed run, flexiblely adjusted the direction and continued to run.


Linhe Camp, hundreds of pioneers have already advanced a kilometer.

Suddenly, the wilderness is lively, there is a bird from the sky, countless beast wolves four.

Just another moment, thousands of wild beasts rushed out, rushing to the worsers who were unsatisfactory.

The enemy is approaching, the martial arts are not coming to think, and we will welcome the weapons.

However, in addition to being stopped, the remaining fundamental ignore the blockbus, the worship is going back.

This makes a lot of people in your face - the rear is their temporary camp.

I am unexpected, I can't wait for them to rush, these rushing the beasts are scattered, and some will enter the wilderness of the two sides, some even directly in the water ... directly ignore this hundreds of people.

"What is going on?" The question mark of the brain.

"Fast, concealment, prepare for fighting." Li Siwen suddenly smart.

Within hundreds of meters, hundreds of people listened clear.

"I'm hiding, there is a monster." Some people reacted, and also began to greet.

The people present are not small white, but the elite of countless times, after a short confusion, naturally understand what happened.

It can make the top beasts escaping, nature is a more powerful monster.

Everyone is hidden.

There is no congenial martial arts in them, the monster is unknown, or hide first.

After all, they come here, in order to went, looking for a foothold in the south bank, not just to hunt the monster.

"It seems to have a tiger?" Li Suwen side, Lu Yan suddenly said.

"Well!" Li Suwen nodded.

She also heard, the tiger's voice is low, but it is absolutely more than one person.

"Is it a way, or the king of this place?" Shu Yuenong asked.

"Who knows? But if there is only one, we can pay it completely." Someone said.

"Be careful." Li Suwen said, "there is no one in this side, the strength of the beast is significantly higher than the north bank, I don't know how many first-day monsters!"

"I have to step up practicing, this wild, more dangerous."

"Let's get up, the past, it seems to have passed the congenial monster." Zhou Yue Nan Road.

Her interest is obviously not high, the appearance of the congenial monsters means that she is going home.

When can I promote the innate?

Back to see, but did not find sir's traces.


"Alan, how is it? Is the animal come again?" In a wooden house, an old old man asked a young man.

"Uncle, did not see, but I feel very bad, the animal must be ambush around, waiting for us to go out." It is called "Aliang" youth.

"In this continued, how long is our food?" The old uncle is a face.

"Take another time, it is really no, just fight with the animal." Aliang is also a face.

"The damn beast, how can we be staring at us?" The old man said.

"Perhaps it is too much gray wolf we kill." Alang said.

"Oh, yeah, it is for life, when will this day come here!" The old uncle sighed, "Can we still insist on the arrival of the rescue?"

"Uncle, you can don't be invisible, everyone also counts you!" Alan said, "No matter how hard, we must stick to it."

"If you return to the city early, there is no these troubles." Uncle sighed.

"Uncle, what is not knowing in the city, it is not necessarily that we have this place." Alan said.

At the beginning, he taught in the county martial arts. Later, the aura recovery, the martial arts passed down, he just learned, return to the hometown, ready to pick up his parents to the county.

But it is not expected to catch up with the heaven and earth, it is isolated from home. So the person who leads his hometown self-rescued and has been insisting on today.

He once thought that if he didn't come back, or the parents left early, what is the result of this Shenzhuang?

This is like a nightmare, let him not think.

In the past few years, he taught the people in the village to practice martial arts; with this hundreds of people re-creating a fortified base; bringing people to clear the wilderness around the village, build a safe space; hunting the beast with villages, lacking food in this Survive in the environment ...

After a few years, it has been too difficult, and it seems that I can't stand it.

Their village is stared at hundreds of gray wolves.

After ten days, I started from the first time, and these gray wolf seem to be outside. Once someone left the village 100 meters, it will be attacked.

There are already many people who have hurt.

There is only one village doctor in the village, lacks herbs, in which case, it is hard to think about it, and it is difficult to hurt.

The day before he wanted to go out, it was too far away, and it was ambush, almost didn't come back.


"Bright brother, the wolf appeared, it seems to be able to attack the village." Suddenly, a rushing voice came.

Alang heard his face, grabbed the wood gun in hand, rushed to the village.

The newly built village is very small, the room is round, the outer wood soil is used to create a high-grade wall, and there is a trench excavated, and there is a refusal.

This existence is completely the battle fortress.

On the wall, there are many people wrapped in the beast, holding a wooden weapon, angry looking at the village.

"This is waiting to assist the soldiers." Looking at more than 100 gray wolf, Anghinde.

"Dear elders, brothers and sisters, heavy and unobstructed, let these animals forces." Shen Liang said, "I can't help the village's fate, but we will never let these animals."

Hundreds of gray wolves, every strength is not much lower than him, and the first is above him.

In contrast, although Shenzhuang's people are several times to the gray wolf, the strength is not as gray wolf, and there is a weak woman, even if the land is occupied, it is never the opponent of this wolf.

Especially the wolves of the military will.

"Yes, never yield."

"Fighting with them."

"Temporary also pulls a pad back."


In these sounds, the gray wolf outside the village is constantly close, the more the trenches, destroy the reject horse, and start looking for the flaws of the wall.

Surprised stones, found a flexible gray wolf, more and more gray wolf to the wall.

Then, jumps toward the wall.

Killing will start on this village wall.

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