Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 487 Tiger Wolf (Subscription)

The wolf is originally a kind of fragrant animal, especially good at group combat.

The so-called tiger is difficult to enemies, the wolf is said to be this truth.

Since the strength of the efforts, the wisdom of the beast is long, let the wolf become one of the most difficult beasts of the militors.

Some time ago, Li Siwen was even more direct in the golf group of the first heaven, it was the most direct performance.

Shen Liang's blood, there are many shawl claws, but he doesn't have time to deal with the wound, but continue to fight.

This is a hillivore, and there is not much cultural in the people, and the material is especially short.

Even, they didn't even have a weapon of iron, and the stone weapon is wood weapon, and the killing is relatively limited.

Sinking, give him a sharp hole, he can do better.

But unfortunately, there is no.

He has seen too many deaths.

There were more than eight hundreds of Shenzhuang, a few years, less than 500, mortality rate. And there are more people who die, mostly in the young years, most of them are fighting outside the hunting.

Can't wait for the village, you can only starve, no choice.

Seeing the young people to pay for a life, the old man in the village is very hunting, that is, in order not to drag their own children.

At a dangerous moment, some people see people's nature.

More than 400 people, in addition to no action, all the uncle's uncle has been helping to attack the gray wolf.

At this moment, Shenzhuang people work together, regardless of men and women.

This is a war and is the dispute of survival, and it is also a racial dispute.


In just half an hour, there are dozens of people who are killed.

Shen Liang stepped, he was besieged by three gray wolves, and he had already supported it.

At this time, the headless wolf did not have a sound to the vicinity of the light, and the heavy wolf was entangled, from the back.

The goal is a bright calf.

Suddenly, the head wolf is still afraid, and the steady attack is selected, not the key.

As long as the attack is successful, this person can't run again.

"Bright brother is careful." Some people saw the sneak attack of the head. In the speech, I made a gods, let the gray wolf with them boots in front of it.

Shen Liang is too tired, it has been unable to dodge.

It is preparing to fight to die, and the wolf is coming. Suddenly there is a tiger.

"..." A tiger, let everyone and the gray wolf move, horror and look at the sound.

With a huge moment, a golden colorful tiger is in the middle of the jungle. When you go to Shenzhuang District, you bite a gray wolf, turn your head, and don't fell to dozens of meters directly. In addition, there is no movement.

"..." It's a tiger, and you will take a liang that he took the villain, heard the provocation of the provocation in the whistling.

The headless wolf also can't go to the sneak attack. It is also a long whistle, dozens of gray wolves gathered behind it, just before this.

The head wolf is low, it seems to be questioned with the striking of the tiger, and the tiger is a look that dismisses, and the snoring is full of attacks.

On the wall, the rest of the Shenzhuang people after the robbery did not dare to come out, and he was afraid to bother these two parties.

Whoever is not they can provoke.

Finally, the wolves could not stand the provocation of the tiger. Under the leadership of the head, I launched an attack to the tiger.

Dozens of gray wolves have copied and rushed to the tiger.

The tiger's figure is far superhoyer, the front palm is settled, directly put a gray wolf, move forward, and put the two gray wolves on the ground, long-tail sweep, put the rear sneak attack .

It's like a wolf to enter the colony, and the tiger is in the wolves, as entered the unmanned environment, and the rushing.

Different, the gray wolf is not a sheep, with the strength of counterattack. Bulling by a tiger, but also inspiring their fierce, but not afraid of death, rushing to rushing.

Rao is a tiger is a congenial monster, and it can't win for a while.

But the beast is still a beast, even if it is good at hunting, it is not as good as the use of tools, and the tiger is not a general innate, but to the innate medium tiger.

In just a few minutes, the gray wolf was killed for twenty or thirty.

However, the remaining gray wolf is still retreating.

In this way, it will be quickly killed by the tiger.

"Hey ..." The head wolf fails to send out a long hack.

After a while, the tiger bite a few gray wolves, and suddenly, he smashed a giant wolf from the forest.

Green wolf!

The green wolf of the first day.

"Hey!" Tiger immediately gave up the wolf, and he rushed over the past.

"Boom", in the half-air, hit it, clearly reminders a larger tiger occupied advantage.

The green wolf urgently looked down, the fierce light, the land of the tiger invaded it, was very dissatisfied with him.

But the tiger is not concerned, it is to find it.

Before the first day, it had lost their losses in this wolf group, and later, although he fought in the future, it still can't find a game.

It is not afraid of singles, it is not afraid of the singing group, but it is still not the opponent of the wolves leading the same day.

This time, I finally found a mountain, naturally, I would like to find a venue.


That's right, this is a tiger that is still named three whip.

After lending with a strange patrol, it was asked to turn around, it said that he could not casually break into the territory of other kings, but strangely appease it, let it rest assured.

The peak of Yuan Dynasty is very simple to communicate with a first heavenly monster.

So this has a three whip into the battlefield to provoke the wolves, and it is also a strange order, which will save this unpredictable person.

At this moment, the Qi Ti is in half of the air and watching the tiger war.

The green wolf is obviously not the opponent of the tiger, so soon, it is in the wind, and hurriedly calls the fight.

Unfortunately, no one is moving.

The wolves were restricted by the singularity, and it was normal, but it could not take a step.

The green wolf is anxious, can only be desperate, and the Qi Ti also saw the wind blade emitted from the sorghum port.

However, since the three whip has made a hand in the hand, he knows the roots, and it has been evaded in advance, so that the wind blade is empty. Even from time to time, the tiger is sent, and the process of breaking the green wolf hair blade.

"The tiger will affect the soul, this three whip is really a bit." Odds.

Half a child, the exhausted green wolf was thrown into the ground, biting the throat of the green wolf, until the green wolf can no longer move.


"Okay, it is not too dirty." Qi Ti suddenly appeared next to three whip, waving a clustered water flow, cleaning the blood on the three whip.

"Hey!" The voice of the three whip is full of joining the color, and it is like a cat.

"Eat it!" The Qi Ti took out a slight medicine to pop into the mouth of the three whip.

Two consecutive battles, although victory, but the three whip is not injured, the most serious is to avoid a blade in time, break the tiger skin, deeply clicking.

Eat under the medicine, three whip immediately felt that the body was improved, and it was rushing in the blood of the wound, and the energy quickly recovered.

"Let's go." The Qi Ti has once again got a tiger north, and went to Shenzhuang.

When passing through the wolves, I called a song, and the wolves immediately resumed the action.

But I don't dare to see, three whip, put the tail, escape to the mountains.

Although they are restricted, but they see the whole process, they don't dare to provoke three whip at this time.

And the three whip, there is a pride of congenial monsters, the same disdain, chasing this group of "wolves"!

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