Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 496 Xiahou Swordsman (Subscribe)

I heard the voice of the people, Yan Biai did not speak, responded is the sound of the long sword.

Old acquaintances, hiding for so many years, I can't hide, and I will fight first.

Soon, the sound of swords crossed in the ear, and after a while, the two brought it to the square before the Daxiong Temple.

When I watched TV, I didn't feel more intense when I was fighting, but it seems that it is extraordinary. The battle between the two, there is no retreat, and the trick is a kill who wants to live.

This is more desperate than the sword.

The sword is angry.

Yan Biansia is a cultivation of Yuanyuan's peak, and Xia Hou Jianke is the martial arts road, the law is late, although there is a disparity in the realm, but Yan Chixia has not shown the law, only the escape of swordsmanship, fell.

The day is already, the demon ghost is not. When two people fight, a tree on the side of the square quietly opened a pair.

"So the power of such a strong blood, if it can be absorbed, the robbery is more sure." The tree demon stared at Xia Hou Sword.

As for Yan Bixia, it is directly ignored. So long, it has long been taught by Yan Chi's power. It doesn't want to take the thunderous robbery.

This tree demon, it is a branch of.

The Qi Ti is obsessed with the Temple, and the odd looks at the tree demon and continue to close the eye.

Also fighting for a moment, two people jumped, fighting with the air. Yan Biansia is a high-level technology, stabbed the arm of Xia Hou.

When you fall, you have come to Lanui.

The singularity got up, and the mountain gate was slow, he was heard that Yan Chung sqia was the voice of Xiahou.

"... for the false name of the first sword, the sharp name is too revea, the heart is not right, use the recruitment God, the heat is too big, the move is unable ... You still have a problem, the sword is fast, not allowed ..."

The two are relatively, the long sword is finger, but the sword is mixed with a head.

It is the Treating of the war.

The Xia Hou Jianke who was originally lost than the sword was already a belly, and now he was fell by Yan Chixia. After the number of swims, it was more hot, and there was no waiting for Yan Bianshi, and the Xia Hou Jianke will open the mouth: "Yan Chixia, I am Come with you, not to listen to you, you ... you ... "

Then, the Ning Caichen is inserted, and two people must be used to generate each other.

"Amitabha, Xiaoyu also felt that Ning Tido was reasonable." At this time, the strange is open.

"Master!" Yan Bixia hit the sword, and gave a gift against the Qi Sheng.

Xia Hou swordsman turned to see, and there was no reason to take a scholar, the same quota, glanced at the singularity, turned to leave.

"This donor, the meeting is there, why not leave the Buddha?" Odd speech.

Throughout the scene of Xiahou, it is not a good person, but it has no big evil.

The appearance is a gangster who steals his money, and it is not comfortable. However, this world is like this, it doesn't matter.

And he is eating a hoe.

Eating steamed bread is certainly nothing, but at least means that Xia Hou Jiancai is not a person who is ambiguous, otherwise he has a lot of money, why do you want to fight hunny? Do you not see a big fish?

Seeing the hungry of the rain, he also specially divided a steamed bun to give Ning Caichen, let Ning Caichen eaten, and he also explained that he is a disgusting person.

Disadvantages are certain, greed, tireless, and Yan Bianshi, compelling the first sword of the world; good color, wilderness, seeing the girl who is bathe, the color is confused, there is no doubt Being a chance to seize the opportunity, absorbed with the corpse, and no power.

Under normal circumstances, he can resist such a long-term strength with Yan Bianshi, even if you don't win the tree demon, you can't send it.

So Xia Hou swordsman is not to die, and the strange is retained. It is natural to think about saving him.

"Free, the uncle I never believed." Xiahou swordsman refused, then left.

"Master, he is such a personality, not for the master." Yan Biai explained a sentence for Xia Hou Sword.

"Nothing." Qi Ti said, looking over the Ning Caichen, "Ning Tida, we really have the edge."

"The Master of the Fayuan, it is you." The sky is black, Ning Caichen is approaching, and it is very happy to recognize the singularity.

"Master, you live in this Lan Ruoyu? There may be a master, and Xiao Sheng also wants to borrow a stay." Ningchen asked.

"No." Qi Ti did not speak, Yan Chi Shen refused.

Just joke, the Lan Ruo Temple has a demon, a book that has a long-term chicken, isn't a sheep entering the tiger?

"Why?" Ningchen asked.

Yan Chixia is full of face, and he fierce, he looked very scared.

"Which has so many reasons, can't do it." Yan Chi Xiaodia Road.

"Master?" Ning Caichen turned to the singularity.

"Since Ning Tatthon has arrived, if it is not too distant, it is nothing to do with it for a night." Strange said.

"Master!" Yan Chi Qiao said.

"Yan Shi, and relax the heart." Strange said, looking to the Ning Caichen, "Hoodie is going to choose convenience."

"Thank you, master." Ning Caichen, thank you.

"Why do the master have left this book, but there is ..."

"Is there a demon, is there a ghost?" I haven't waited for Yan Chi, and I have interrupted him.

"Since the master knows, why should he still leave him?" Yan Chi Qixia asked.

"The Lan Ruo Temple is biased, and the forest in the forest is out of the woods. He is a book. It is not a self-founding road now." Strange said, "it is better to stay."

"But ..." Yan Chung Sixi hesitated.

"Nothing, Xiaobang gains to Nanyi Tan Yue is a hierarchical person, there is a good righteousness in the chest, as long as it will not be detained by the demon." Strange said, "I want to swallow the power to make their own life."

"Borrow Master Ji Yan, hope so." Yan Chi Xiaoxi, "The master still doesn't go back?"

"The little monk looks that the Hou Shi's vanglean is black, there must be a robbery, the heart is unbearable, and it is intended to help it to ferry." Said Qi Ti.

"Yes," Yan Chi is suddenly, "I can't accept my hand, I can't hurt, Xiahou huge blood, and the demon ghost is a big supplement, they will inevitably not let go."

"However, it is estimated that Xiahou's heart, it is estimated that he has not experienced the demon." Yan Chi Xiaoxiao said.

"Wonderful, Xiaogu" has a good way. "The Qi Ti has been stronger forward.

Yan Bixia is a glimpse, but also quietly.


Lan Ruoyi Ningchenchen found a place to stay, Lanui Temple outside the waterfall deep pool, Xia Hou Jianke passenger ignited a bonfire, cleans the wound, and started to dress.

Suddenly heard that there was a movement in the deep pool, turning back, saw a beautiful girl was bathed in Tan.

Xia Hou sword passed the heart, immediately before, then chasing the girl passed. The girl did not refuse, and half-pushed by Xia Hou Jianke guest to the bonfire, fading clothes, Wushan Yun Yu line a good thing.

At the beginning, the girl suddenly opened him, Xia Hou Jianke's heard, looking back, a black long strike is a squirming, and there is a rapidly attacked him.

Xia Hou swordsman was shocked, and quickly went to catch the long sword, but it was too late. After being close to the things, he was in a hurry. After it was in the throat, it became a dry corpse in an instant, and he didn't move quiet.

"Ah!" A exclamation sounded, Xia Hou Jianke opened his eyes and sweating DC.

"Is it a dream? But so true." Xia Hou Jian said.

Look at yourself, just have a bonfire, sitting on a while.

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