Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 497 retreat (seeking subscription)

"Master, this is ok." Yuan, look at Xia Hou Jianji, Yan Chixia asked.

He said that he had a way to show Xiahou in the distance, and then Xia Hou seems to sleep nor sleep, and it will be awakened, and there is no happening.

"This is the skill of Xiaogui learned from a high-door high person. You should be able to help Xia Shi's death." Strange said.

In the Magic Secret Suism, there are many illusions, and the Qi Ti is to take the things that Xia Hou Jianmen will experience him in advance. With this alert, I will have encountered Nie Xiaoqian's lure, Xia Hou must be heart Stave a vigilance, will not be hit by the tree demon.

As long as the delay is delayed, Yan Bixia has a chance to shoot.

Yan Bixia didn't know how the grateful thinking, but since it came, he patted it.


The pain affects the heart, and the turning should be seen, and the wounds in Yan Chi Shen began to bleed again.

Xia Houjian frowned, came to the Tanfang, looking at it, did not have a beautiful girl.

As a war, the injury is something, Xia Hou Jianke cleans the wound, wash a light yarn, come to the bonfire to bake, ready to dress.

Just then, he heard the sound in the water chamber, looking back, I saw a long-haired white woman in the pool of water. Double eyeliner, like innocent deer, giving people cool feeling, if the skin's skin is reversed, the skin is penetrated.

Nie Xiaoqian.

Xia Hou sword passengers instantly, I was going to front, I suddenly thought about the dream, and a hot heart cooled.

As a military person, as a sword, he has a defect, but there is a tough will.

If the "dream" just is true, then this beauty is directly motivation of him to the ghost door.

It involves life and death issues, even if people in front of them are beautiful, they can't let his heart rise.

Think carefully, there is still a silence, you can get a silence, you can get into the water pool, Xiahou, Swordsman, do not believe that someone can do, especially such a beautiful little girl.

Not a person, then it is a demon or a ghost.

Lenovo has just been dreaming, and Xia Hou has a bottom gas.

Although I don't know what is the last thing, I need to send a woman to consume my own strength and then initiate a sudden attack, and it is not so powerful.

I used to listen to people to say that there is a demon, but he has never seen it. Since the self-evident, he has always challenged all walks of life. In recent years, it has been chasing Yan Biansia, but has not seen it.

Come to Guo North County, he also listened to the rumor of the Lan Ruo Temple, because Yan Bianshi is in love here, but only is a strange talk. Suddenly encountered today, I am actually exciting.

The wounds were tied, put on clothes, sitting in the bonfire, and hooked at Nie Xiaoqian performance.

And Nie Xiaoqian washed in the water for a long time. He didn't see Xia Hou Jianke.

"This guy will not be fine!" Nie Xiaoqian said.

People have been on the shore, naked, come to the bonfire, a pair of crystal eyes stare at Xia Hou Jianji, want to pay back.

But Xia Hou swordsman got up and down, it would not speak.

"Uncle, the little woman is cold, can you borrow the fire?" Nie Xiaoqian finally couldn't help but open, no more talking.

"If you don't talk, you will do it all." Xia Hou Jianke has added a few wood, and it is strong, "the girl is self-satisfied."

Nie Xiaoqian urgently, take off the skirt, leaving only a light yarn: "The little woman has a girl, and the uncle will not help the slave."

"Uncle looked better." Xia Hou Jamuan said nothing.

He didn't even dare to lick.

"Master, Non-evil." Yuan, Yan Chi Xianshi looked at the odd road.

"In the eyes of Xiaoxiao, it is a red powder." Qi Ti said that he didn't think of it.

He just wanted to see Nie Xiaoqian's style, but it was not at all.

As for the fate of Nie Xiaoqian, he is still considering, how to change Nie Xiaoqian's fate.

Have him from your hands in advance? Or prevent it from marrying to Montenegro? Or changed her back to the world?

Strange is still considering.

On the other side, Nie Xiaoqian is incomplete, and it is a born, "" fell to the ground.

"Grandpa, slave's feet tumored, can the uncle ?" Nie Xiaoqiano said.

"Hey, you are doing these little girls, don't worry, there is a lesson." Xia Hou swordsman deliberately sighed, "But this way, I have a good feeling."

He still does not move.

"Uncle, are you still a man?" Nie Xiaoqian angry.

"Is it a man, not your little ghost, call it out!" Xia Hou swordsman got up and standing.

"Uncle, you ..." Nie Xiaoqian knew that he was stuffed.

"Remote, the grandfather killed you first." Xia Hou sword wanted.

Nie Xiaoqian swayed the bell, the sound of the Bell is spread, causing the chimes in the Lan Ruo Temple, and I have already prepared a "dining" when I have been ready.

But she didn't expect that this time I met hard .

Listening to the sound behind, Xia Houjian passenger long sword sweeps back, directly cutting off a branch, and there is a pain.

I also saw the swordsmanship of Xia Hou Jianmen, knowing that it is not good to deal with, this is sent to Nie Xiaoqian to lure. At this time, I saw the failure, in order to huge blood in the summer, I decided to attack.

Countless rattans from the eight directions of Xia Hou Sword, and Nie Xiaoqian took the opportunity to leave.

"Is this the stream of demon ghosts?" Xia Houjun passengers smiled, swords and horizontal, cut off the rattans.

is the millennium demon, these rattles are just the flow of branches, which is equivalent to the human hair sweat, no overall situation, even if the summer Hou Jocuti is cut off, it is no good.

"Master, how long can you see Xia Hao brother?" Yuan, Yan Chi asked.

"I haven't used it for a long time. I only have a blood of the blood. If he can't cause damage to the tree demon, if you can't find the true body of the tree demon, you will be dying sooner or later." Strange said.

"Yan Show, is this not your great opportunity."

"Just this," Yan Chinensnet said, "Master, I will go first."

"The old monsters, harm my friends, clearly not give me a face." Angry, Yan Chi-Qianshi sword out of the sheath, with a gas sword, straight a small tree.

"Bang", the fire starts, a screaming sound, attacking the rattans of Xia Houjun guests also retract.

"Yan Chixia, our well is not committed to river water, do you have a pair?" Yin and Yang alternately sounded around.

"You hurt bad people, I don't care, the Xia Hou brother is my friend, and you can move. Old Mun, believe I don't believe me, my old nest!"

"Yan Chinensia, you are waiting, you have to look at it in the morning and evening." Yin and Yang gradually went away, but he knew Yan Biansia, but he did not leave.


"Yan Chi, when did you have this kung fu?" Xia Hou Jiancai asked in his face.

With the gas sword, he can't do it. Even if you can control the long sword of your strength, you can't recover.

If Yan Bianshi makes this effort when he is more than his sword, he doesn't have to defeat.

"I have always been." Yan Chi Xiaodia, "no need to say."

"Also, I am also worthy of this kung fu." Xia Hou swordsman was embarrassed.

I always thought that God is the first sword in the world. Who knows that people have no heart, but also hide strength.

How does this not be frustrated?

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