Miracle Bookstore

Chapter 498 Biography (seeking subscription)

"Yan Chinensia, just do you help?" Xia Hou Jiancai asked.

"You are a dream," Yan Chi Xiaoxi, "If there is that this is, will I hide in this Lan Ruo Temple?"

"That master?" Xia Houjun passengers will believe.

In this Lan Ruo Temple, in addition to them, a book is plus a monk, what is the virtue of the book, is not Yan Chi, just that monk can be.

"Yes," Yan Bixia nodded, "but Xia Yu brother, what did you see?"

"Nothing?" Xia Hou Jianke came back to a word, and immediately reacted. "Are you looking at?"

"Of course, how can it really have to save you?" Yan Chi Xiaoxiao.

"You have been in this Lan Ruo Temple, that is, you have long you have a monster?" Xia Hou Sword passed, "Can you live?"

"Compared to the world, the world of demon ghosts is clear, Xia Hou brother, you don't understand." Yan Chi sighed, "Go, the master is still waiting for us."


When I entered the mountain gate, I heard a soft chanting.

But enter the Daxiong Temple, even if Xia Hou Jianmen does not pass Xuanmen practice, I can feel that the hall is much more comfortable than the outside world.

"Thank you, Master's life, Xia Hou has a great Buddha, forgetting the master for forgiveness." After the first, Xia Hou sword passed away, the attitude changed.

Anyway, because of the strange reminder, he can live under the treasure demon.

Xia Hou Shi was serious, Xiaoyu was just a normal monk. "The stunt stopped the chanting." If the donor does not believe, the little monk is also helpless. "

"But it is indeed that the master saved my life, Xia Hou was grateful." Xia Hou Jianmen insisted on, "How do Master know how to happen?"

Yan Caberoxia looks, it is the beginning of the scene.

"The donor will predict the future." Strange said.

"The rumors of the Buddha have six magics, and the fate can know the life of the people.

Xia Hou swordsman is a shocked: Is there such a legend?

In contrast, a single modal martialo is too inferior!

"You are as this!" Odds shakes his head.

What can he say? I can't say a movie that I have seen in the past!

So far, the world of Qian's ghost and the original plot have not much deviation.

"Worse, master, old monsters failed to succeed, hurt some vitality, will definitely start with the book." Yan Chi suddenly said.

"Of course, this is not, it is coming." With the singing, a bungal sounds sound.

"Yan Shi, I will be troubled to find the people of Ningtan, if it is the tip, save him!" Said Qi Ti.

"Yan is dare to live!" Yan Biai should immediately slam out, looking for Ning Caichen.

Xia Hou Jianke also wanted to follow, but finally pressed the impulse, stayed.


"Dare to ask Xia Hou Shi's name?" Yan Biai left, and asked.

"Some is Xiahou." Xia Hou said.

"The meaning of the donor is, your surname of Xia Hou Hou?" Odd a face.

"Yes, the master called me Xia Hou as it is." Xia Hou Jian said, "For so many years, I have been used to it."

"That's soothe." Odds smiled.

The secret is very despised in this world. There is no name in the film and television drama, you will be so hooded.

"Master, this world is really a demon ghost?" Xia Hou Jianke asked.

"How, go to the current dirty to worry about it?" Asked Qi.


"It's just a military person, I don't know the demon ghost, I don't distinguish it. If I encounter a flow of demon ghosts, what should I be good?" Xia Hou Sword said.

"The war, cultivate the body of the flesh, and the monks, cultivators, and the persons do not have a high part of the person, can you not fight the demon ghost?" Siki smiled, "the donor thinks, because there is no corresponding Fairko. "

"Please teach me." Xia Hou Jianke immediately worshiped immediately, "I thought that the defeat Yanyan is the goal of my life, but today I know, there is still another bizarre world. I hope that the rest of your life is divided. Come to the master of the master. "

"The donor is invited to come up." Qi Tiki helping, staying in Xia Hou, Jian said, "I don't want to pass your method, just Xiaoyu wants to ask, the donor thinks, can there be a good morale in this world?"

"I often listen to the human saying, the demon is humble, I didn't know that it was true, that is, I really know that this is inexplicable, will there be a good demon?" Xia Hou Jianke's great righteousness.

"Declare this, it is consistent with the concept of Yan Shi." I laughed.

"Master, this is a real idea." Xia Hou Sword passed.

"In fact, the world of demon, ghosts, is not different from the human world, there is weakly bullying, there is a bullion, and there is a bullion, and it is often the end of the ghost, which makes people look at the demon ghost. But I can't see the whole picture of the demon world. "

"Xiaosheng taste, there is a big child, you will be a boy's life, and give up into the firing of Chengxian. I thought this demon. "

"Admire." Xia Hou Jianke spit out.

"Yes, admiration. In addition to the demon, the ghost, what is the people?" Qi Ti said, "For the tiger, it is willing to be a heart, forced to stop."

"The donor wants to be demon, and Xiao Yan does not oppose it. It is said that the donor said that the donor will think in the process of demon in the future, do not think about it, do not take advantage of the wicked," .

"Thank you, master point, Xia Hou, you are taught." Xia Hou Jianke is sincere.

"You come up." Strange said.

Xiahou is near, sitting in front of you.

I have a pointer to Xia Hou, and countless information is introduced into the Hou Shujian.

The use of qi and blood, the use of qi, only in this information.

After changing the previous world, I didn't meet the demon ghost, and I didn't know the role of qi.

But this world, the demon is rampant, and the strange and negative body, the law of the law, of course, to pass the method of qi and blood-making demon ghosts.

The human body is a big treasure.

Can practice the gas generation, refining God, have huge killing for the demon ghost.

Similarly, refining is coagled, and it also has a gramwork for the demon ghost.

The demon is a yin, the blood is yang, with Yang Keyin, justified.

More than killing, can also condense, gathering, no huge killing for the demon ghost.

Why is the military camp? Not only because of the masculine soldiers, it is enough to let any demon ghost to retreat.

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