It's the first step of Anxia Cobra.

In Yunmeng marsh, most of them are third-order spirit beasts, and only a few of them are fourth-order ghost spiders. If they meet each other on weekdays, an Minxia will be very happy.

Because the ghost female marsh spider king body, out of the nuclear probability is very large.

But now, all around is fog, and her guards are not around, an Minxia also has no bottom.

Fog, so that the first out of the ghost marsh spider king also lost direction.

Smelling the smell of prey, it's stomach ghost female animal pattern issued a piece of light, the mouth puffed out a sticky and thick spider web.

Although an Minxia is arrogant, she is not a mediocre. She is also a master and a daughter of the Marquis of an state. She has a profound family background.

Just because of fright, temporarily disordered proper measure, but after a while, recovered.

"The white tiger was killed in anger." An Minxia is in a hurry and uses her unique family skills.

She only heard her chide, and on her palms, she burst out two Yuan Li, which were like machetes, to chop and shoot out.

Yuan Li turned into a knife, and cut the net of the ghost female marsh spider king into pieces.

Seeing that the ghost female marsh spider king is temporarily repulsed, an Minxia takes the opportunity to kill two more.

One of the white blades cut off a spider leg of the king.

"GA --" the ghost female marsh spider king was cut and hurt, very angry.

The ghost female animal pattern on its belly gives out a red light. The marsh spider often takes a few steps back, and it suddenly sends out a sharp rattle.

In the swamp, many small marsh spiders crawled out.

"The ghost thing that never disperses." An Minxia saw that the ghost female marsh spider king actually called out a companion, and was angry.

I can't see that an Minxia still has two sons.

Her martial arts should be eight or even seven. Only because an Minxia's accomplishments and proficiency were not enough, she did not give full play to this set of skills.

She is worthy of being the Marquis of an state. She is an ordinary common girl. She studies Qiliu martial arts. If Hong Mingyue of Hongfu I'm afraid

On the other side, an Minxia and the ghost female marsh spider king are fighting each other. On this side, ye Lingyue is sitting on the tree leisurely, watching the scuffle not far away.

Just when she was ambushed by an Minxia, ye Lingyue felt a certain direction behind her, and felt a wave of animal forces. She guessed that there should be a small stream of ghost female marsh spiders nearby, so she rushed to that direction.

But ye Lingyue didn't expect that the fluctuation of Yuan force would be the fourth-order ghost female marsh spider king.

Ye Lingyue's eyes shrunk, staring at the king of marsh spider. In the belly of the king, there is a strong fluctuation of the yuan force of water attribute, which must be the Yuanhe.

Ye Lingyue secretly calculated when to take the most appropriate move.

however, an Minxia was out of breath. After the ghost woman marsh spider king was injured, she kept summoning up the small marsh spider. She was completely devoid of skills. If she went on like this, she would not be able to kill the evil animal until dawn tomorrow.

An Minxia cut off the legs of the marsh Spider Queen. The latter hated her very much and directed those small marsh spiders to rush to an Minxia.

An Minxia's heart gives birth to retreat idea, but at this time, there are two figures coming from behind her direction.

"Is the county Lord ahead?" Hearing the sound of two bodyguards of Anguo mansion, an Minxia was very happy and the Savior came.

"Come on, there's a fourth order marsh spider king here. This county is mainly its nucleus."

As long as she got the core of the marsh spider king, this time she won.

An Minxia was happy for only a moment. She only heard a flash of Yuan Li. In front of her, a big tree jumped down.

In the white fog, an Minxia did not see what was going on. The figure had already arrived in front of the marsh spider king.

The king of the marsh spider is undoubtedly the most unguarded when calling his companions. He is even more unaware that there is a man hiding in the tree beside him.

Ye Lingyue, who has been watching for a long time, has already seen the life gate of the queen of the marsh spider, and three cold rays have been shot into the heart of the queen.

The moment the ambergris needle enters the body, the marsh Spider Queen can't move.

Ye Lingyue takes up her knife and stabs a bloody dagger into the body of the marsh Spider Queen. With a twist of the dagger, a blue crystal is dug out.

"Thank you, county Lord an. If you hadn't helped to consume the yuan power of the Spider Queen, I couldn't have done it. We'll see you later. "

Ye Lingyue said, with both hands sucked, the ghost female marsh spider king was caught by her, and then threw it to an Minxia and others.

While the three were in a hurry, she slipped away with a touch of smoke.

An Minxia already understood, she once again on ye Lingyue that country bumpkin when.

She deliberately led herself to fight against the ghost female marsh spider, and deliberately let herself fight with the marsh spider king. When both sides were exhausted, she would take advantage of the fish.

"What are you doing? Don't worry about those damned marsh spiders. Get that bitch! Damned ye Lingyue, this county is mainly to catch you, and will surely tear you to pieces. "An Minxia has never been so angry with a person, with guards, regardless of direction, rushed forward.

But at this time, sudden changes.

On the top of Yunmeng marsh, there was a melodious song, which was melodious from ancient times, as if it came from nine days away, and it seemed that it could penetrate human soul in an instant.

After the sound of the song came, there was a change in the Yunmeng marsh. Countless animals poured out of the lake as if they were running for their lives.

In the chaos, animals are trampled to death, or hit the tree trunk head, death looks terrible.

However, in half an hour, Yunmeng marsh was silent, as if it had become a dead land all at once.

The dark night sky suddenly lit up.

It was An Minxia and her two bodyguards can't help but look at the sky at the same time.

A colorful light, from the depths of Yunmeng marsh, shot out.

"Phoenix Ruiguang..." Before entering Yunmeng marsh, an Minxia also made an in-depth investigation and naturally heard the legend of Phoenix.

But she didn't expect that she would be lucky to meet Phoenix.

"The Phoenix must have laid eggs in the depths of Yunmeng marsh. Go and find the phoenix eggs. We must win a phoenix egg before two phoenix homing. " An Minxia turns her anger into joy, and her eyes flash with greedy light.

The Phoenix, the god beast, is a rare beast.

As long as you can get one of its phoenix eggs, after hatching, you will be equal to having a beast pet.

At that time, even the princess of Daxia can't compare with her an Minxia.

In order to get phoenix eggs, an Minxia can't catch up with ye Lingyue any more. She orders two bodyguards to run to Ruiguang.

But what an Minxia didn't think of was that the place where Phoenix laid eggs could be approached by anyone at will.

An Minxia walked in the white fog for a while, and found that no matter which direction she went, she would eventually return to her original place. The body of the ghost female marsh spider king was lying there all the time.

Ye Lingyue was also aware of the changes in Yunmeng marsh.

"Zhiyo ~"

after ye Lingyue has captured the core of the Yuan Dynasty, he is ready to look for blue color. At this time, the changes in the sky make ye Lingyue not help looking at it.

She also walked around in the white fog and found that there was no way to find the exit.

At this time, the small squeak on her shoulder agitated. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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