"Zhiyo zhiyo"

xiaozhiyo is scratching his head and staring at the front.

"You mean, let me go ahead?"

Xiaozhiyo in addition to occasionally like pranks, most of the time, are very good, but today, it is a little abnormal.

Ye Lingyue doubted, along with the instructions of xiaozhiyo, went to the depth of the white fog.

I do not know how long to walk, ye Lingyue feel the soft swamp soil under the foot disappeared.

In front of the lake appeared like a pearl. In the middle of the blue lake, a towering giant tree appeared in front of Ye Lingyue and xiaozhiyo.

Ye Lingyue has never seen such a tree, its every leaf is like a pearl, shining.

Under that tree, there was no soil. It was not connected to the sky or to the ground.

"You say, you know this kind of tree? It's called undead wood? "

Xiaozhiyo called a few more times.

Xiaozhiyo was born in hongmengtian. He followed the jade hand poison Zun. He saw and heard much higher than ye Lingyue.

Undead wood, also known as Nirvana wood, is said to be the Phoenix after bathing in the fire, leaving tree seeds.

This kind of seed, only a few days, can grow into Phoenix wood, Phoenix wood is the most suitable tree species for Phoenix to inhabit and nest.

"You let me climb the undead wood?" Ye Lingyue according to xiaozhiyo said, jumped into the lake, swam to the tree.

Ye Lingyue used her broken hands to pick flowers. Like a gecko, she produced a suction force and climbed up the tree trunk.

This tree is really tall.

Ye Lingyue climbed for more than an hour to reach the top of the undead wood.

Through the glittering canopy, ye Lingyue sees a large bird's nest.

In the middle of the nest, there are three eggs.

Or any bird that's ever seen an egg on the moon is bigger than any other bird.

The color of the three eggs is different. The one on the left is like the sky blue, and the one on the right is like the most precious ruby, flashing red light, but the middle one is similar to the color of ordinary eggs.

Three eggs lie quietly in the bird's nest, and the colorful light is emitted from those eggs.

There was no sign of other birds in the nest.

Ye Lingyue's heart missed a beat.

Is that the legendary phoenix egg in Yunmeng Marsh?

plump - the leaf Ling moon slobber mouth, she is very unyielding to stretch out the hand, twisted the small Chai yo round belly suddenly.


Xiaozhiyo screamed with tears.

Will it hurt? That's not a dream. We really met phoenix eggs. "

Xiaozhiyo nods wildly and thinks about it. It finds a small piece of cloth from nowhere and covers it on his face. Then he stealthily walks a few steps and compares it with the position of a thief.

"What? You mean let me steal a phoenix egg

Ye Lingyue has an incredible expression.

That's not true. It's hard to meet the old couple of Phoenix family who are not at home. It's very suitable for the master to steal phoenix eggs at this time.

"How can you do this? You can't steal one If you want to steal all three. One for hatching, one for selling, and the other for roasting? " Ye Lingyue's words made xiaozhiyo instantly petrified.

There is no shame.

The master actually wants to roast the bird eggs of Phoenix!

Ye Lingyue said she could do it. Although the three phoenix eggs were quite large, she had hongmengtian in her hand. As long as she was close to the phoenix eggs, she would transfer them into hongmengtian.

After xiaozhiyo's explanation, ye Lingyue probably knows that the fog in Yunmeng marsh was left by the Phoenix couple after they went out to prevent enemies from entering the phoenix nest to steal eggs.

This kind of fog is very confusing to people and animals, but it has no effect on xiaozhiyo.

If you want to steal phoenix eggs, you must act immediately, or the Phoenix couple will die as soon as they come back.

Although phoenix eggs have not been hatched, they can be the Phoenix Ruiguang is very important, ye Lingyue dare not underestimate the enemy.

She crawled carefully and moved forward step by step.

When ye Lingyue was about to approach the phoenix nest, the leaves of Fenghuang wood began to sound.

A trunk on the Phoenix wood suddenly moved.

If you look at it again, what kind of tree trunk is there? It's clearly a golden horn python with colorful black color.

When he saw the Golden Horn python, ye Lingyue used it to look at Yuangong. Under this look, ye Lingyue secretly complained.

The cultivation of this golden horn Python has exceeded the fifth level, and may even be the sixth or seventh level spirit beast.

Golden Horn boa constrictor is a kind of six or seven level spirit animal living in Yunmeng marsh water. It likes to eat bird eggs in reed marsh area most.

Bingfeng and huohuang planted the seeds of undead wood in the deep of Yunmeng marsh. When they built their nests and laid eggs, the Golden Horn boa constrictor had been secretly lurking nearby. It had long coveted the three phoenix eggs.It's a pity that the Phoenix couple are very close to these phoenix eggs, and they are almost inseparable. The Golden Horn Python has never found a chance.

Until tonight, the Phoenix couple slacked off and left the undead wood for a while. The Golden Horn Python swam all the way through the waterway, and secretly disguised as a branch. As long as he waited for the most appropriate time, he would devour the phoenix eggs.

The Golden Horn Python looks like it has been cultivated for five or six hundred years. Its head is triangular, and its snake skin is covered with thick and hard scales. There is a slightly raised point in its printing hall.

As long as it breaks through two more levels, the Golden Horn Python can grow its horns.

The reason why this golden horn Python is risking its life and lurking here is precisely because as long as it swallows the bird's egg of a miraculous animal, Fenghuang, it can be reborn, break through two levels, turn a snake into a Jiao, and become a golden horned Jiao.

you can easily swallow the phoenix egg, but at this time, ye Lingyue suddenly appears.

You can imagine the anger of the Golden Horn python.

It seems to have guessed that ye Lingyue wants to steal eggs, and the Golden Horn Python is coiled into a regiment, which will dominate most of the phoenix nest to death.

"Keke, brother Jinjiao, why don't we have a discussion and see you have a share? How about two, one, three eggs?" Ye Lingyue stood up with a stiff head.

The triangle snake head immediately raised up, full of Ye Lingyue, tall and short.

The mouth of Shekou is open and a cloud of green smoke is pouring out.

Ye Lingyue a roll, to avoid that group of smoke, saw the trunk, issued a Zizi sound, a full bowl of the size of the trunk was immediately corroded.

What a powerful poison, ye Lingyue's breath became heavy.

At this time, ye Lingyue, like a cat, arched her waist and leaped. She had a few more blood tattooed daggers in her hand.

At the same time, ye Lingyue also pours on the phoenix nest.

The Golden Horn Python saw this and hissed angrily. The long tail like a whip swept away the blood striped dagger. Only three "Ding Ding Ding Ding" sounds were heard. The dagger was swept to one side and killed on the tree trunk.

But when the Golden Horn boa is ready to kill ye Lingyue, he finds that the ant like Terran is missing.

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