Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 592: anger

Hei Jiu was drinking his soup with a sullen head. Hearing someone called him, his condition reflex looked up. When he saw Ye Qingyi, he immediately stood upright and shouted, "Miss."

Ye Qingyi's face was anxious, so it was so easy to see a person, and he quickly stepped forward and asked, "Where is the dark guard on duty today? Also, where have all the people in the courtyard gone? Is there something wrong? "

Heijiu heard Ye Qingyi's question, his eyes flickered for a moment, and he said, "I don't know."

"I don't know? How could you not know!" Ye Qingyi opened his eyes in surprise, only to feel that everything today is so abnormal.

"Today is not my duty. Of course I have to take a good rest. I don't care what other dark guards do." Hei Jiu whispered.

Ye Qingyi opened his mouth and held it for a moment.

She took a deep breath and said aloud, "They are all your brothers! Listening to what you mean, you want to draw a line with them?"

"The subordinates only need to do the work within the points." Hei Jiu looked unmotivated, "too much control is not good."

"You, you, okay!" Ye Qingyi was really angry now, pointing at Hei Jiu, and even his fingertips were shaking.

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of thought. What about other dark guards? Is it just like you, regardless of where your brother went?"

"What are they thinking, how can I know?" Hei Jiu said slowly.

Ye Qingyi felt a headache, and after talking to Hei Jiu, she was likely to be suffocated, and she simply left her sleeves and twisted away.

Since Heijiu didn't know, she went to find someone by herself!

Hei Jiu didn't keep up, but instead stretched his voice and said, "Miss, be careful when you go out ..."

"You don't need to be kind!" Ye Qingyi said angrily.

When she was out of campus, she looked around blankly, thinking about where she should start. Although the anger of consciousness shouted at Hei Jiu, but there are so many people in Beijing, it is really too much trouble to find a few people.

Suddenly she had a clue, glanced to the left and left, and made a gesture. Soon two men in black appeared in front of her and asked in a low voice, "What did Miss Ye command?"

This was Huang Fuyi's assassin. Huang Fuyi was worried about her safety, so she specially dialed two to come to her and listened to her alone.

"You two listen to your eyes and look at them from all directions, and help me find them. Where have all my men and friends gone?"

The assassin nodded, as the blue smoke disappeared.

Ye Qingyi walked slowly in the alley, anxious and annoyed in his heart.

Soon the two assassins returned, Ye Qingyi greeted him and asked a surprising answer from the assassin's mouth.

"What are you talking about? Where are they all now?"

"Miss Ye, in the restaurant."

Ye Qingyi's fingers clenched his fists, and he trembled, "Take me there!"

The largest restaurant in the capital, Taibaiju, is still in use even during the war.

The so-called Zhumen wine and meat smelly roads have frozen bones. No matter what kind of suffering the people are suffering, there are always some people of fish and meat who just want to have fun, which is extremely disgusting.

She looked at the various gorgeous carriages parked at the entrance of Taibaiju, and felt annoyed before entering the door.

Following the two assassins went up to the second floor, Ye Qingyi had a good look, and at a glance he saw seven or eight familiar figures sitting around the big round table near the window.

She was so angry that she strode over and patted the table with a firm palm. "Some are really Yaxing!"

A few people looked at him in blindfold, apparently they had been drunk for a while.

They did not feel nervous when they saw Ye Qingyi, and they said cheerfully, "Isn't this a lady, the lady is finally willing to go out? Would you like to drink some wine to warm your body? It's really unbearable on this cold day. "

Others echoed, "Yeah, yeah, miss, sit down with us for a few drinks? The wine of Taibailou really deserves its reputation."

Ye Qingyi couldn't believe his eyes. These are the people who usually say they want to follow their own? Why are they so depraved!

"Are you out of nowhere? Is this a critical moment and you still come out to drink?"

She looked at the man sitting on her left hand, her face changed, "Hey, I don't want you to monitor the movements of those people, you actually come here?"

In the large public, Ye Qingyi said vaguely. She actually sent Hei San to monitor the movements of officials and nobles in the capital to see what they thought about the war in private.

Some people fight, and some people do, and these are things Ye Qingyi needs to know. Knowing oneself and knowing the other can fight well, she must know everything to make future actions.

It's just that these days she doesn't think about it. She didn't find the result of investigation by Hei San, and accidentally forgot about it.

But this does not mean that Hei San can leave the post and stay out and drink with other companions!

Sitting here were the people she trusted most, those who had been living in the courtyard and opposed to her day and night. Ye Qingyi never doubted their loyalty and conviction, but what happened in front of her couldn't help but shake her. What happened?

"You guys ... I don't know what it means!" Ye Qingyi waved his hand and knocked all the food jugs on the table to the ground. "Not yet come back with me!"


"Miss don't get angry--"

"Well, this jug of wine is delicious. I'm going to take a jug back to Hei Jiu ..."

It's ridiculous!

Ye Qingyi took the lead to walk to the courtyard, and behind him scattered seventy or eight tall and tall men, with shoulder-to-shoulder rumours and chaos in his eyes.

Could they be evil?

Ye Qingyi didn't eat breakfast, and she only drank a bowl of porridge last night. At this time, the evil flames were rising, her abdomen was tingling and her face was even more ugly.

However, the physical discomfort is still second. Now she just wants to know, what is wrong with the subordinates who have always been cautious and dedicated?

Think of her Ye Qingyi who has cultivated for many years, and she has cultivated such a group of people, she herself feels dull!

Back in the small courtyard, Ye Qingyi closed the door and yelled back at them: "You all stand for me! Don't be crooked! After so many years of martial arts, after drinking a few cups of yellow soup, I forget it ? "

The dark guards quickly stood up and looked at Ye Qingyi tiredly, saying, "Miss, we didn't take a good rest last night. Now we are really sleepy. If the lady has something to say, let's hurry up and we will finish. Going to sleep. "

Ye Qingyi took a deep breath to calm his mood, and then asked: "You leave the house and go out to eat, can you tell them to spend the month?"

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