Miracle Doctor Princess

Chapter 593: Figured out

Ye Qingyi has a lot of things to do in her hands. She trusts Huayue and Yueying. She and she have been with Ye Qingyi since she was a child.

Therefore, the distribution of the guards in the dark guard and the small courtyard is mostly directly managed by Huayue, and Ye Qingyi rarely asks questions.

Today's guard is good at leaving office, and she is also surprised. Don't the two people know? Why didn't she report her in advance?

When she wondered whether the guards ran secretly, one of them said: "We are under the hands of Huayue and Yueying. Our actions, the two girls naturally know that the lady need not worry."

Don't worry? Thanks to them, they can say that!

Ye Qingyi's anger and anxiety quickly broke, and she did not expect that Huayue and Yueying would help these people to deceive her!

"Where are the two of them now?"


Several people looked at each other.

"Why, don't you even listen to my words?" Ye Qingyi's eyebrows were upright, and the fierceness was revealed.

Only then was someone stunned and said, "The two girls probably went to the street. In the early morning, I saw them go out the side door ..."

"Going on the street? Sure enough, I have a sense of leisure!" Ye Qingyi sneered, "Go, get them back for me!"

After a quarter of an hour, Huayueyueying, carrying a large bag in his hand, walked in. When he saw Ye Qingyi, he bowed his head in guilty conscience, came quickly, and whispered, "Miss."

"Good guys you taught!" Ye Qingyi said. "Now it's an eventful autumn. You are so degenerate. You don't even want to do the work in your job?"

"This ..." Huayue and Yueying looked at each other, and finally Hualiue, who was more courageous, said, "Miss, the guards are also busy all day. There has been no change in the capital these days, so the two slaves felt that it would be better to promise them Ask, let them relax ... "

"Relax? Are you really confused?" Ye Qingyi reprimanded, "not to mention that the border war is fierce, just in this capital city, I don't know how many forces are in the dark tide." At this time, the more we should stabilize ourselves and plan well, but you say we can relax them? "

"I'm not a man of blame. I usually don't talk about you seriously, but you should also prioritize. Can you not tell how urgent the situation is with me for so long?"

"... Miss, we are wrong. Only in the last few days, people are heartbroken, and everyone has no intention to do anything because of border wars. We just feel that it is better to relax temporarily and not to be too tight. This combination of work and rest can only become more motivated later. work."

"It's ridiculous!" Ye Qingyi said coldly. "You are my confidante. If everyone throws away the mess in their hands, what will happen to the various things in this capital? Do I have three heads and six arms? And we All kinds of shops and businesses that make money to support this yard, do not have to do it or not? The border war is turbulent, and we guard the capital, and we should achieve our goals step by step. How can we take it lightly? "

Ye Qingyi was disappointed and sad. "We have known each other for years. Although we are called masters and servants, in my heart you are my best friends and companions. I have always believed that you will fight for our common ideals, but, But how could you be so depraved? "

As she was talking, she felt chest tightness, and her eyes darkened for a while. "What's wrong with it? How did it become like this?"

When Huayue and Yueying saw that her face was not good, she hurried forward to support both arms, but Ye Qingyi worked hard to break away.

"You don't have to please me at this time!" Ye Qingyi looked coldly. "I made my point clear today. I don't support idlers, especially idlers who don't support themselves and degenerate and lose their ideals! If you think Tired and tired, don't want to do anything for me, then get out of here! The whole day of saving is shaking in front of my eyes, which makes me see upset! "

After speaking, she turned around and went to her room. Huayue and Yueying stopped her and said, "Miss, please stay!"

"What else? Do you have to quibble again?" Ye Qingyi asked in a bad mood.

How could I know that Huayue and Yueying were scolded, and instead of looking upset and shameless on their faces, they were full of joy.

"What are you happy about?" Ye Qingyi asked suspiciously, was his brain really broken?

"Miss, you can finally cheer up!" Huayue was the most lively, and now she couldn't help crying, letting Ye Qingyi stay in place.

She turned to look at the people who had not stood still before, and looked at her with excited anticipation.

"You ... what the **** are you doing?" Ye Qingyi was completely confused.

Huayue broke his tears and laughed, "Miss, I told you the truth, don't call us any more."

"Not yet." Ye Qingyi glared at her.

Huayue wiped her tears and started talking slowly.

"We saw the lady being depressed all day long, and my heart was really anxious. But we didn't read a lot, and our mouths were clumsy. We didn't want His Royal Highness Yi to be able to say good words to comfort you. Just a few people came together and thought of a way.

"Miss always wants to be strong, but these days, I don't pay much attention to many things, then we will follow the path, and deliberately make a decadent look to the lady."

"If the lady still has anger, she will be anxious to see us doing this, and she will finally get up!"

"You are really--" Ye Qingyi couldn't help crying, pointing at Huayue and not knowing what to say, and finally poked her forehead fiercely, "Bad stomach!"

"Hey, ma'am, you looked so wicked, but you scared us." After she said, she poked, "I was trembling at the time, I was really afraid that the lady was really anxious and really kicked us out. We will be homeless then. "

"Yes, Miss, this idea came from the girl Huayue. It has nothing to do with us. We are the most convicted. She is the mastermind. If there is a debtor and a debtor, the lady will punish and not the wrong person." Guards Said one after another.

"Fuckers who don't recognize anyone!" Huayue screamed fists at the guards, and his face turned into a bun.

"Miss, are you still angry?" Gentle Moon Shadow asked carefully.

Ye Qingyi only felt sour in her heart. Where would she be angry? She really felt the kindness of these people. If it wasn't for the extreme, why should it take her so much thought to cheer her up?

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